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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. Doesn’t help he recently said in a press conference along the lines of ‘what have fans ever done working in football?’ When it came to questions about results/performances
  2. Lrrr

    Liam Pre PNE

    Think Manning is just looking at it from a development perspective, what’s better for a player 10/15 mins in the champ here and there or 90 mins week in week out in a different side whether it be down in the 21’s/18’s or out on loan. At that age players need to be playing and training something they miss out on if they’re travelling and just on the bench
  3. Anyone else seriously doubt Graves offer was actually the best offer…?
  4. Can anyone explain Zouma’s thought process dropping deeper than the rest of the defensive line…
  5. Add that to the things I didn’t need to be reminded of today
  6. I’d be interested as to whether Knight has enough physically to still be involved regularly playing as one of the two deeper ones and seems to really be able to go box to box
  7. Wouldn’t play Twine wide personally, always looks better centrally
  8. The point was the other club had no knowledge of who the player was so there was no interest before the phone call, Hockaday essentially went out of his way so the player didn't sign for City.
  9. That's up there with LJ's Europe in 5 years
  10. Yeah not claiming its good, just claiming its how they operate.
  11. Hard to say that for sure without knowing what their business model is, Norwich for example just want to be one of the 26 best teams in the country, so if they get relegated they're fine with it if they're in the play offs next season. Equally if Burnley did want money £2.5m - £4m in the prem is a drop in the ocean for what they'd need to spend.
  12. Usually I would agree yes, but its another thing making the call after City had already agreed to offer a scholarship to the player, if SGS wanted the partnership to improve it didn't help it.
  13. Death, taxes, New Road being underwater
  14. You're acting like SGS has always been generous towards City, Hockaday certainly did little to help City including inviting a friend of his who was head of academy at a Cat 1 side to come watch a player City had agreed to offer a deal to. SGS made a tidy sum off City for doing very little on the basis they couldn't really go anywhere else.
  15. Anything like this he’ll probably just roll with what others say, why wouldn’t you if there’s a small chance they develop, won’t impact the business he’s allowed to do at first team level
  16. 21’s having a great transfer window
  17. I actually felt sorry for Towler having to be on the pitch for that, no way he should have been put up against Sarr, just wasn’t ready for it.
  18. He has clipped him in fairness
  19. That was a really bad choice of job at a really bad time, too far out from a transfer window with too little there to work with. May be able to get himself a decent sized League 2 job, still some fairly well financed teams there. Or as another idea of what could be next, as Carsley gets linked to numerous jobs now perhaps England U21 or U20 (if they promote from within first) could be an option.
  20. Pretty much as near enough all teams do. Players usually get about 6 shirts before they have to start paying for replacements if they want to give more away.
  21. The guys who came on had been told to warm up a little before their sub, I think he just waited 5 minutes to see how their sub changed them with Delap moving up top.
  22. I'd agree, sounds like the sort of off hand comment you can make as a joke after a heavy defeat. But equally wouldn't be surprised if Manning was already on a list our end (even if no contact made) pretty sure a decision had already been made that Nige wasn't going to be getting a new contract bar something like promotion so we'd have already been starting to plan ahead.
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