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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. When football returns behind closed doors clubs will start to get some income through tv money if Sky can show a lot more games and ifollow viewings, it won't be as near as normal but there will be some income and as said just before no cost of stewards etc. I can see an element of Darragh McAnthony's plan being used, clubs receive all of the money from year 5 of the sky deal now and pay it back over the next 3 seasons increasing in amount as fans return to the stadiums.
  2. I mean, Chelsea have already announced Ziyech months ago, not much difference. This just reeks of self interest though, probably a case of if the season restarts but has to stop again and they find themselves in the drop zone at that point.
  3. 10 point deduction, league doesn't recommence and teams vote to finish league as table stands like Scotland
  4. Think I saw tentative date for champions league final in last week of august which is the season finisher, obviously up for change but shows where uefa’s thinking is, so contracts/loans will need to find a solution
  5. Frankly it’s staggering how many times people come into the thread stating that when absolutely no one is advocating it
  6. Not sure was just a potential Idea, Munich are training while distancing atm, no player touches a ball with their hands, I would assume boots put on with gloves etc, just about getting some sort of sharpness back rather than physical contact
  7. Could just do a temperature check like was at airports, on arrival at training ground/stadium youre checked if above whatever the level you’re sent home till you’re back under/consulted with club doctor about symptoms etc
  8. UEFA seemingly allowing the season to continue till the end of August under current plans, for the stories been coming out about June 30th cut offs
  9. Football will be played behind closed doors well before crowds are allowed in, fans may not like the idea of football where they can't attend but it will bring a greater mental well being for many to be able to watch any form of live sport
  10. My hunch was player from a relegated club with no wage reduction clause in his contract. No idea how good this website is but I stuck in Mitrovic wage in google being my hunch and came up with this https://www.spotrac.com/epl/fulham-f.c/aleksandar-mitrovic-22937/
  11. We don't know if there will be a second wave, if that comes around July/August this year then no way will we see crowds in the tens of thousands allowed to congregate, probably until the virus is all but eradicated. Personal opinion is that football itself won't start again until at least August and you won't see crowds for at least another 6 months.
  12. Imagine if it comes to a vote for the championship, Charlton would be relegated over Milddlesbrough because Boro won their previous game..... against Charlton, if Charlton had known a draw would have seen them stay in the division you can bet they'd have played differently
  13. 2021? Because that's closer to when it will actually be
  14. Could all clubs be given the prize money equivalent to the last place in their league to help them? If the season finishes or is cancelled at a later date then clubs receive relevant extra money according to their position Perhaps but its not the decision to end its how it ending up resting on one clubs decision when they know it hinges on them, no club should have been allowed that power
  15. WOW the vote in Scottish football whether to end the league early, Dundee originally voted no, a copy of their vote slip was posted online, claimed their vote hadn't been received (how would they know? Scottish source says clubs votes were anonymous and not revealed, just the total) by which time news of a 7-2 total in favour of finishing early had leaked/been announced, Dundee then take another couple of days while 'considering' aka negotiating (they want a league restructure) and then vote yes to end the season. So Partick Thistle apparently will be relegated 2 points behind the team ahead but with a game in hand.... This could get messy given how Dundee have handled it!
  16. Waiting for a robbored can’t hear it coming from the dolman speakers anyway comment
  17. Just jumping on your post in case they say same divisions What happens to Bolton? Another points deduction, they were nailed on for relegation because of it so do they get a reprieve or forced to start a second season with a deduction? Promotion for Coventry is massive given they have no permanent home, being made to stay in league 1 would be devastating, no Walsh next season and probably losing a couple of players to championship teams if they stay down Does league 1 play with 23 teams again? Bury still not allowed back? Could be slightly ironic if a couple of league 1 teams go bust after Bury's expulsion. Stevenage dead and buried at the bottom of league 2
  18. And if its not safe to start until January? You can fit a full league season in, would be easier to complete a 19/20/21 season, its why no decision will be made until we know when we can get a green light. Multiple scenarios will be drawn up and clubs informed of what restart date will mean for each scenario etc.
  19. Perhaps but was more to do with the certainty that Jack would get picked over him, emphasising that he's #2 and as he said in his chat with Trego he's in his last season. Perhaps it was reading a tad too much but could easily be a dig as well.
  20. I don't think you can say one way or the other until football is given the green light to start again, if that weren't until March next year then essentially the season could pick up where it left off and be a 19/20/21 season. If its August you could play out the remaining games of this season and manipulate next season eg no domestic or european cups (frankly won't be safe to travel across europe anyway) which would free up enough game weeks to fit a season in. Its difficult because UEFA have already set the date again for Euro 2021 so that restricts when you have to finish by. There's no guarantee a new season could be played out and you'd be in exactly the same situation again. Potential scenario of season null and voided (for the sake of argument) new season starts on time in August, a second wave hits and season postponed again, with Euros you can't finish in the summer and in that situation it may have been easier to continue a delayed 19/20 season with only 9 games to play. It all comes down to when you can restart, but thats exactly the reason why a decision shouldn't be made until this is known, plan contingencies sure, but an actual decision doesn't need to be made. As for when it does restart, it will be behind closed doors for a while, whether resuming this season or a new season, crowds of 20,000-30,000 aren't going to be allowed to congregate for a long time, so with games being shown on ifollow as said £10 to watch as a minimum but I feel you should be able to donate more up to a full match ticket if you can afford it and want to support your club (making sure the money does go to your club) I wouldn't mind chucking in say £15-£20 per game I watch to help support City but not everyone would be able to afford it hence £10 minimum. Match days will be able to take place behind closed doors as has been said it will be when deemed safe, so when there are devices to test staff/players (after plenty have been supplied for the NHS etc before anyone says anything) or even testing style like at airports etc high temp and you can't play and get put under observation. This will be when the strain on the NHS is low so there should be emergency medical staff able to attend fixtures. I think away teams should be able to request to the EFL to start games later in the day to allow same day travel to prevent a need to stay overnight where possible, we would fly to places like Blackburn/Boro who we've still got but league 1 and 2 probably wouldn't so allow negotiation over kick off time with EFL stepping in to set a time if it can't be agreed.
  21. Placing them on furlough allows Sheffield Utd to claim back at a later date should they have to not because they want to. The club said that the decision affected those members of staff "who are unable to perform their regular duties". These are predominantly casual employees but include a small number of permanent staff, the Blades said. "The club confirms that permanent and casual staff will continue to be paid in full," a statement said. "Sheffield United Football Club has informed its staff of the decision to furlough some employees." Furloughed staff members "have been given the green light to sign up for the NHS volunteering scheme or similar initiatives in lieu of regular employment at Bramall Lane or other club sites," the club added.
  22. Sheffield Utd have furloughed casual staff and some full time staff, however they're still paying them the full amount and not using the government scheme, its furlough by definition 'a period of leave'
  23. Pretty sure it already will, I can't see a pre-season for a 20/21 season starting in July even if 19/20 is scrapped. It honestly could just end up being a 19/20/21 season if we're potentially going to get a second wave as well
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