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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. Seen nothing to indicate BCFC non-playing staff have been furloughed? AG staff have been but they're a separate company that is based on hospitality/match day concessions etc which there is none of atm so impossible for them, many hospitality companies will be in exactly the same position.
  2. From your article (which explains everything), sounds like either Delaware either unaware or spreading misinformation, so nothing to do with Derby Employees on any type of contract are eligible for the scheme, including those on zero-hour and temporary, casual contracts. Mr Pickering said that Delaware North bosses have told casual employees that they are not eligible for the scheme. In an email shared with Derbyshire Live, bosses at Delaware North said they would not be utilising the scheme at this time. They said the reason was that Mr Pickering and his colleagues are casual workers, and therefore ineligible for the scheme.
  3. I have some sympathy with Derby there, they only hire a company, Delaware are a billion pound business but have told people on 0 hours contracts they won't be utilising the furlough scheme and that's the reason they can't get 80%, little Derby have done wrong here, it would be a nice gesture to help out when when the company they actually work for make many times the amount Derby do its not them in the wrong here.
  4. It was interesting news to even hear that an animal had been given a test for it given the seeming shortage everywhere This has probably been discussed earlier today but having read BBC sport's extract of Rooney's column I have to agree with him, Matt Hancock has seemingly moved on from PL/all footballers taking a cut so that clubs don't have to furlough staff to talking about donating to charitable causes (the NHS..), this now is a case of why footballers then before being about the clubs. Rooney makes a few points including the premier league's contribution has been £20m, the 30% proposed cut would lead to £200m less in tax, which is better? Other sports stars who have moved abroad to avoid tax Lewis Hamilton would jump out as one, he's taken a reduction on his salary (£40m a year) but thats to help Mercedes rather than anything else seemingly. Rooney said footballers have been put into a corner now by the league also publicly stating they've made a proposal of a 30% cut and will be pictured as selfish villains if they say no even if it were because it would financially ruin them. When you apply it to all PL players does that include those in the u23's who may not be on big contracts having to take a 30% cut? As what amount per week does that then put them below a london wage for the clubs in those areas? He also said players would probably have been open to having individual discussions with their clubs about what they could do, some could probably afford and may have wanted to contribute more than 30% but some may only be able to afford 10% this would have worked for everyone to what they could afford to contribute, but 30% has now been bandied publicly.
  5. Impossible, you could have a team with nothing to play for due to play similar teams for 3 weeks in a row then a fixture against someone who does, all fixtures will need to be fulfilled
  6. Ah, I still reckon Wood wouldn't be in the test team, as said I think he'll be prolonging a white ball career now. Buttler I think could be left out he's massively under pressure and excels in white ball, Archer I'd question throwing straight back into red ball after injury when there are white ball matches instead. Stokes would probably be in test team in that situation. Admittedly I was just trying to make the best possible 22
  7. Stokes/Buttler would be younger than Morgan was last year, Archer would still be in his 20's...... and Wood will only be playing limited overs cricket you'd think so hopefully can extend his career
  8. So apparently Morgan's idea of potentially playing white ball/red ball games on the same days wasn't an April fools? Who would you pick if you had to pick separate squads? Test: ODI: Burns Roy Sibley Banton Crawley Ali Root Morgan Bairstow (wk) Stokes Pope Buttler Woakes Gregory Bess Tom Curran Leach/S.Curran Archer Broad Wood/Pat Brown Anderson Rashid
  9. Does that include clubs who are 1 point off the play offs..... You can't decide the fate of this season until you know when football is allowed to restart, if things take a turn for the worse we may not even see any football until the new year at which point there isn't really any point in starting a new season and you may as well make it a 19/20/21 season. Flip side if cases rapidly decreased in say 4 weeks or so for whatever miraculous reason then you'd have time to finish this season and adjust next season to perhaps just having no domestic cups which creates several more mid week slots. Most of society is waiting indefinitely for life to recommence so can football, no decisions need to be taken soon.
  10. Wake up tomorrow for world leaders to all say April fools ?
  11. ECB £61m interim support package for county clubs https://www.somersetcountycc.co.uk/news/club-news/ecb-unveils-61m-interim-support-package/?fbclid=IwAR3Nd26r87nJUIgFL64dfWljHFta1XZCnWiEsOSToe6QXrYBEmKUiUTxQUU
  12. If government advice is for anyone furloughed to not work then you'd assume not ? I'd presume if you're working from home while furloughed you're not entitled to the 80% as you're employer should be paying you because you're working. Obviously same may claim it and still work but I can't imagine the govt taking kindly to it if they found out.
  13. The Bristol Live article says the stadium staff were at risk because of no events at the stadium, does AG as a company take the money from concessions? Lack of that and summer gigs could mean the cash flow issue for them whereas the football side is unaffected if as said everything had been budgeted for the year. As for all being under BC Holdings not sure how diverting payments would affect each section.
  14. Would AG staff not be separate to Bristol City staff and City players reducing/deferring wages not have an effect on the AG staff being able to be paid?
  15. Bit of fun anyone, what Test, ODI, T20 team would you have likely picked for West Indies based on performances up to the postponement of the Sri Lanka tour? Any county players you'd have liked to have seen given a chance in a particular format?
  16. Thought I read Juve players were foregoing wages for 4 months saving the club 89m
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52049672 Huddersfield now need to repay £35m in loans to former owner now as well
  18. Something worrying, the political editor for news night saying the govt are changing the way they are releasing death figures and may not be deaths in the last 24 hours, which he claims is due to needing family consent, however you don't need consent to be a part of annonymised data as that's the point of it. Feels like the govt are manipulating figures.
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/52040579?at_medium=custom7&at_campaign=64&at_custom3=Match+of+the+Day&at_custom1=[post+type]&at_custom2=facebook_page&at_custom4=BA079994-6ED3-11EA-9D58-E3393A982C1E&fbclid=IwAR0Bh_lDT_6dH6mXSYapvfwnQk61q4O9tw46SEbbTVzGcZiVAvo1zR8q-p0
  20. A 21 year old with no underlying health concerns has died after contracting the virus
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