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Posts posted by Lrrr

  1. 2 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    I was thinking more of those cynical fouls from behind where a player brings down someone that is breaking on the counter-attack.

    I've long thought a yellow card isn't sufficient punishment for some of those fouls as they are cynical, intentional, and often prevent the attacking team from creating a very good opportunity. 

    Personally think sin-bins are a good idea & will make players think twice about making those types of professional fouls. 

    I’ve wondered what if a referee has discretion to bring the foul forwards 10/20 yards for cynical fouls on counters, players may not want to give one away if it brings it within easy distance for a dangerous set piece 

  2. 3 hours ago, petehinton said:

    They were asked, bumbled along a bit about giving the department more resource hence splitting Rennie’s old role into two, and just said it was based on numerous data points that will now also be used in recruitment moving forward - maybe partly the role of Krause?


    3 hours ago, Davefevs said:

    Krause is gonna be focused on game plan / opposition analysis, not recruitment or injuries per se…and translating that onto the grass and back again.  That’s a good concept imho.

    FWIW they already have tonnes of “performance” / medical data, the players get it each day / match.  It’s probably why we’ve seen less soft tissue / fatigue injuries over time.  Players themselves taking ownership for understanding their own data.

    Physical data already used in Recruitment.  I was trying to get Gilhespy to give me access to it and Statsbomb when we were doing the Scouting stuff, but he said there were license issues.  Would’vehelped us filter the players @Harry etc were looking at.  So that’s been embedded in recruitment for best part of two years (if not longer).

    My guess is its really just referring to the club gets so much data from physical testing now and if you want to increase the levels of the squad we need players who hit x in specific tests or in match day physical data and players who hit below that won't improve us so the physical now becomes more important then the technical in a lot of cases. You can almost predict the winner of a football match 80% of the time based off the games physical data as English football (particularly the PL) and swung way towards physical over technical, if you can outrun your opponent in many different areas you standard a better chance of winning. Not to be confused by how many old school coaches will just look at the data and say 'we need everyone to hit 10k to win games'. Its more you need players who are capable of hitting a threshold so they can do it when they need to, obviously if you're sat in a block defending a lead your numbers won't be high. So many people were shocked by the price of Gordon's move to Newcastle and said 'he's not even that good', well the reason he was worth that much to Newcastle (and Everton) is because the level of his physical data is freakish even compared to PL standard. Its where the money is now players who can combine the physical with the technical, if you have one or the other you'll get so far but really now only those with both make it to the very top. 

    • Like 1
  3. 12 hours ago, DCT10 said:

    Don't they film the games for analysis reasons? More often than not we see goal highlights. For u21 on Robins TV I'd be more than happy with a single camera set up, but you'd expect they already have a better set up than that for the analysis team. I guess the expense comes in needing some kind of "director" for what gets televised.


    The way you film for broadcast and the way you film for analysis is different, you want to keep different things in picture/level of zoom etc. Its also likely difficult as the output from the video footage from the camera is fed into the laptop for the live analysis. I don't know much about broadcast feeds etc but its probably then difficult to separate it for a stream as well. The analysis team will more than likely just be a single camera set up (albeit an extremely nice camera by analysis standards), there's no IP camera system around the training ground, that idea was chucked out not long before it opened up properly. There wouldn't really be an 'expense' for someone to lead the broadcast stuff as you'd just use the people who do Robins TV as I expect they're salaried anyway. 

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  4. Amazon have been told their pundits can't criticise referees because the PL is worried they'll lose their referees to foreign leagues because the referees don't like the amount of criticism they get. Sky/BT have been told the same but just carry on because of how large their investment in English football is they know the PL can't really do anything about it, Amazon however who only have a small TV deal are easy to replace. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 3 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

    Is there a reason why the games aren't streamed any more?
    With no parking at the HPC and games being rare at the Gate I don't get to watch the U21's at all now.

    Laziness of the media department, they don't want to 'waste' someones time needed to film the game.

    Parking for U21's fixtures is usually either in QEH car park or the cricket/hockey club car park just over the road so should be able to park within a couple of minutes walk. Usually evening games are QEH and day time games are the sports club but its usually said which car park is available.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Pretty sure the Job Description of Kitman always states - must have an affinity with the club.🤣🤣🤣

    It is just that kind of job.

    Not much worse than a kitman whose not the life and soul of the environment

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Port Said Red said:

    I don't believe so, he played in the behind closed doors internal game I think, so maybe they think that's enough for a place on the bench?

    Perhaps training session viewed as more valuable then a run out to start understanding what Manning wants 

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, TonyTonyTony said:

    Its like wanting the gas to win. Jesus

    Hardly, outside playing Australia I couldn't really care how they get on in the rest of their matches. But very much agree with the reasons for not wanting India to win. Particularly given everything India did to try and bias the tournament in their favour. 

    • Like 7
  9. 45 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

    By nature of an under 19's tickets - it's for under 19's.

    Get her one by all means, but if you want to get the right category for a 19 year old, then get an under 21/22 year old (not sure which it is) ticket. 

    But if you're playing in an u19's football team you play when you're 19 🤔


  10. 6 minutes ago, italian dave said:

    I think it’s rather splitting hairs to distinguish between a “gold price band” and a price increase.

    Seems to me that a “gold price band” is simply a way of telling everyone in advance that the club is going to raise prices for any big game that comes along. 

    Which is what every club does, the Accrington owner said the increase in price was partly due to the increase in policing costs for the game 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    Can someone tell me what this wet wipe is on about? 

    As far as I'm aware no Premier league clubs were ever going to leave the Premier league to join the super league. They would have been leaving UEFA competitions to join the super league as the super league is a rival competition for Uefa competitions. The clubs joining would remain in their domestic leagues. 

    So whys someone like him lying? Makes the rest of his argument invalid.


    Makes it even worse that they were working with the PL and couldn't bring themselves under the limit, ultimately they could have not signed players or sold players to ensure they were under and didn't, they could have borrowed from a bank to be allowed to put the interest and loans under stadium/infrastructure but they didn't. This shouldn't come back to 'but we could have done this but we didn't because we thought it benefitted us at the time'. 

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, pillred said:

    This could get very messy, I mean how many clubs might feel they have a case against Everton, a can of worms has well and truly been opened.

    I would guess each of those relegated in the 3 year period 

    • Like 2
  13. The points deduction means nothing as they’ll climb out soon again, what will be more interesting is if the effected clubs who lost out on PL survival as a result will try and take them to court over lost earnings suffered from relegation. The PL has effectively found them guilty. 

    • Like 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    If so it would be a record fee but not quite £25m.

    Assume 5 instalments of £4.5m is what it meant..we'll find out for sure in the next accounts if it shows on Post Balance Sheet events or 2023-24 so sometime in 2024 or 2025.

    Another 4 would be 5, we'd have one at the initial transfer time, so 5x4.5m = 22.5 + 2m for survival and 1m for appearances make a potential fee of 25.5 add the 25% of profit.

    • Like 2
  15. 6 hours ago, Shuffle said:

    I hope I’ve caught him on bad days but not been over impressed with JKL when I’ve seen him & certainly see Araoye ahead of him.  

    JKL is definitely clear of Raph, he’s too ponderous on the ball, will turn back to goal too easily if he can’t decide. JKL will usually seemingly have a clearer picture of what he wants to do with the ball and takes a lot less time on it, Raph anywhere near first team football atm would be easy to press. 

    • Like 1
  16. 16 minutes ago, spudski said:

    Nobody is being quick to determine a players future. 

    Just pointing out playing 17 yos, who aren't at the level required, whilst giving them minutes to develop is admirable, it isn't the recipe to compete in the top 6 as is being expected by the club. 

    Hand very much forced into the situation though has to be taken into account, he probably would have had nothing more than the odd token minute if that if we hadn't had the amount of injuries to our front line that we have. 

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