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Everything posted by Lrrr

  1. Guessing he'll just be sitting back just trying to keep things tight given Vyner was beaten a lot. Wonder how close LJ was to moving Smith to RB.
  2. 297/8, 350 would be very good, and well done Davies on the ton
  3. Warwickshire all out for 201, losing out on potential bonus points and hopefully Essex can take advantage and all but relegate them.
  4. Just read the fact of us having not won away on a Tuesday since Bradford in league 1, coincidentally the last Tuesday away game I attended...
  5. If needed I expect Bairstow could bat 3 (depending how long he's been in the field) and Stokes could easily bat 5, however England like their solid lower order.
  6. Jimmy won't like that damage to his 500th wicket ball He'll have to have that as the back when its mounted.
  7. Good effort that from the tail, now the clouds can start circling again
  8. Warwickshire have Essex, could see them sip further adrift hopefully.
  9. Overall good day for England overall, could be a wash out tomorrow but Saturday looks decent weather, given Windies low score this could easily now be a 4 day game so the rain may not be such a big factor. Stokes, Malan, Bairstow and Ali could easily add a decent amount and build a bit of a lead in the sun on Saturday.
  10. Doesn't look fun out there by any stretch, especially with some of the windies bowlers up around the 90mph mark.
  11. 400 lead, declaration and added bonus for Abell that he got another 50
  12. Perhaps the pitch is getting better then, just under 5 sessions left and on a good pitch you'd expect a team to go around 100 runs a session, expect when we're a bit over 400 lead a declaration will come.
  13. Given the table Somerset need to start being brave so I'd agree, maybe at most a quickish 125 to push it to 400 but a declaration can't be far off, before tea for sure. Yorkshire looks like they're heading for a draw so we need to start bettering their results.
  14. Wonder if there will be questions asked about using an old pitch after the low scores involved.
  15. Same strip that was used for finals day so roughly 60 overs already played on it, turning a lot on day 1, potentially promising with Leach and Bess with us batting first.
  16. Had the deal with Edgbaston changed? I thought they got finals day every year (for a few years) as they gave up getting certain international games. Noticed they've got 2 next year as well as finals day.
  17. Last limited overs game is on the 29th, will be having home games in October soon!
  18. 2 young lads keeping them in this as well
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