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Everything posted by glynriley

  1. Hope his legs hold up for a year or two yet. Different class.
  2. Enjoy the fact that he probably won’t be on here for 3 weeks. Then he’ll come back with a reference to “sticks” Ritchie, which probably shows when he last set foot in Ashton Gate.
  3. Even if you are solely going on the years SL was chairman, it’s more than 4 years in level 3. Throughout his involvement with the club it’s well into double figures.
  4. Indeed. We had a period of austerity after his first dalliance with Mark Ashton (the McInnes era). Lo and behold, he not only re-employed him, but gave him the keys to the safe. And here we are again...
  5. We're on the same page mate. I'm only reading this thread to see if I can get excited, but nah..! Once it starts it might change my mind. Too worried about us at the moment..!
  6. Before everyone goes overboard at the thought of Liverpool's assistant manager jumping on his white steed, and heading south to the rescue, there is the small matter of an outgoing CEO to be factored in. Unless any prospective new manager know's who it is, that could be quite the sticking point.
  7. This is spades. My gas mates think I'm nuts when I criticise SL's ownership. Yep, thanks for all the shiny things you can sell on Steve, but the on field stuff, and lurching from one financial crisis to another every 4 or 5 years...nah.
  8. 'Bloated squad with no identity' FT: Hibernian 0-2 Ross County The squad at Easter Road is too big, it doesn't have a great deal of soul or identity and that is a major issue. They've brought in a cast of thousands and you can rattle off a long list of players who offer very little Quote from the BBC, rings a bell…
  9. That’ll learn ‘em, betting on us.
  10. Unless he means Micky? About as realistic as that video.
  11. The polarisation with LJ is with the money spent. For a self confessed ‘coach’ LJ was quick to discard a player and buy / loan a replacement. See the likes of Walsh, Moore, Szmodics, Eisa etc.. NP is not a coach, he’s a manager, yet is getting more from young players and fringe players than LJ could. Ironically, the best we looked under LJ was when he had a smaller squad to play with and had to actually do some coaching. His problem came when when he had multiple choices, and he was then to quick to discard players rather than working with them. NP would give his eye teeth to have half of the funds available to LJ (68 players signed was it?). Instead he’s inherited a problem 5 years in the making, but is expected to sort it all out in 20 months.
  12. Say's above he don't drink, don't smoke..what does he do? Maybe not Goody Two Shoes after all...
  13. Not long to go now. They're up over 40K in an attendance of 47K. Another year or 2 and it will be over 50K but the turnstles weren't counting them in properly...
  14. Yeah, that’s what I said.!! Perhaps you should let Toby manage your account. He must be the brains of the outfit.
  15. Not stalking you, no. Just trying to educate pork.
  16. You can’t see that Naismith improves the team? We’ll never agree on on anything will we. Decent ref ?
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