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Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

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Everything posted by Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan

  1. I've only ever set foot inside the Lamb once and that was also on a Sunday lunchtime after playing against them in the morning. I was only 17 and had never heard of Banjo Island.....as it happened I was wearing a City shirt. One of my older teammates (a fellow City fan) did say "that's the worst possible shirt you could wear around here"....I didn't get any grief, not to my face anyway.
  2. It's ok. Not ok enough to make me want to move back. City fans do live around there which is handy as it's at the opposite end of the 24 bus route (or at least it was...dont know if it is now?)
  3. Apparently we're the ones with delusions of grandeur....
  4. Exactly. They constantly slag off our away support and claim that they travel everywhere in huge numbers when clearly they don't. Any other L1 club taking 500 away on a Tuesday night I'd say fair play but they can't have it both ways. Either they've got amazing Leeds style away support that sell out every away allocation or they've just got average away support like most other clubs...including ourselves. They aren't no better than us away from home.
  5. Now that is impressive. Don't know if Plymouth fans constantly bore everyone to death about how amazing their away support is though?
  6. We don't claim our away support is something special though. If they're going to talk the talk they should walk the walk far more often than they actually do.
  7. Their fans talk like they're the Leeds Utd of L1 when it comes to away support. On that basis it's shit.
  8. For a club whose fans constantly claim to have amazing away support that's ******* shit.
  9. Celebrations in Nottingham tonight. County fans know that financially they are going to be fine for decades after the visit of Rovers and their massive away following. Must be a relief. Thank God for those deluded, bubble head ****ts keeping clubs afloat.
  10. Yeah but they travel everywhere in huge numbers..."it's just what they do" Shame they don't give their own club a 'decent payday' by actually turning up in good numbers for a home match for once.
  11. Ha, I dunno why I got the idea into my head that we were the game that was televised last night?
  12. Why would that drastically affect the attendance? Ok, it'll stop a few people who only know last minute if they can attend but it doesn't knock thousands off the crowd. Big game at home, a week after spanking someone 6 nil away and they still only manage 8k home fans. We were on TV last night against a team that brought about 50 fans and we had over 18,000. Mind the Gap.
  13. Yeah but they would've taken thousands more to Valley Parade than us cos they're like the Leeds Utd of L1 when it comes to away support. That's really what matters at the end of the day....
  14. Yeah, just checked that myself You could be right, they probably did at some point in those 2 years so this could be the longest we've been above them since they joined the Football League. I'll drink to that. tick tock "cumin fer you shitheads"
  15. Yes. 20 years at one point from the 60s through to the early 80s and obviously the 22 years we were in the football league before their circus arrived.
  16. Presumably that's today's belter from Slagchat? "a huge following of true blue fans who get behind the team every week"....ha ha, Bollocks. "we've been infiltrated by pesky shitheads blah blah blah, we're coming up on the rails, they're running scared" etc... ******* dipstick.
  17. I dunno? Ive just seen a load of them at the Mem on the Points West 8pm bulletin shovelling pies down their grids. If they start winning prizes for their pies again we might as well just ******* give up.
  18. They didn't take 45k against Shrewsbury either. I had a listen, great memories....proper laughed out loud at some of the callers. I tried skipping through a lot of the tweets and interviews with people like the Dopemaster, GJ etc. I don't know if my memory is failing me but didn't a City fan phone in and pretend to be a Gashead. I'm sure I remember him and his mates cracking up half way through his fake rant? I dunno if I skipped through it by accident or if I dreamt it? Either way, what a great show. Can't pick my favourite call but it's between the bloke who listened to the wrong game all afternoon and the cretin who thought there were City fans in the away end.
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