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Everything posted by bucksred

  1. bucksred

    Lee T

    I've just been told Lee T don't appear to be on the team coach which just arrived at QpRse. Is he injured? Leaves a us bit stretched if Dele, or Darren gets injured
  2. Becks? Nah. Gotta be looking at the current crew, not the past. David James, THERES an interesting name! Should Fabio, perhaps, be looking at the U21's en masse, as they aint tarred with the underacheiver tag so many of the current crew are?
  3. As all the speculation about ferdinand taking over from Terry is in the rags, thought I'd ask the question: Who do you think should be skipper of England. If it were me, it would be Gerrard, because the other twos off pitch behaviour should prevent them from doing it, specially as the England skipper is a role model Terrys dancing round a pole with his allegedly dodgy knee afore the Croatia game, and Ferdinands convenient missing of his drug test, plus organizing the infamous party, where the girl was allegedly raped, aint really what you expectfrom the team skipper is it? Or do you think someone else should have the honour? Over to you lot.............. :noexpression:
  4. Thats the one, I leave screaming everytime it comes on, or I'd have anger management problems with the TV.............
  5. Pop fkn Idol, Sharon Osboune is sooooo Goddamn false its untrue. and don't start me on Cowell :ranting:
  6. That he is. And less gobbing off to refs too. Just think Marvin has made our midfield just that bit stronger in this league. Tips it for me As for those who mention Fonts, hes just back to what he did do for a while last season. I think Boom Boom is now the one fighting to get back in
  7. Interesting names coming up, I must admit. Basso, for championship team goal keeper? Gotta be in with a shout?
  8. Who has been your player of the season so far........ Mine Marvin Elliott, best midfielder we have had since Tinman in his pomp.
  9. ah so that was what that was about. did hear it. Peoplel that that are an utter waste of skin. Your'e so right about Africa Dolls, I lost two school mates in the bush war in Rhodesia, one was just 17. He must just have been out of recruit training, and died before he could live. Make that America, China, and Russia, none of them give a toss, in their great game. The armed forces of any country just do their duty, and its good to see their sacrifice recognized, cos in the end its always the troops that pay the price of war. I went to our local service this avo, and sadly apart from one other (WW2)vet, I was the only ex serviceman there, despite the very good turnout by local civilians. Sadly few of of us feel remotely valued for the efforts we put in. Especially those who've seen active service, and have seen a way different side of life as a result. I'm lucky, I don't carry any scars. Those guys do.
  10. Me, Dolls, I was just part of a team, I was lucky, and didnt see active service. THOSE guys are the stars. Chris Dunsmore, and all the others who fell, and the others who've been on operations like steve P38
  11. Just a thought for all of us. On this day when we pay tribute to those who gave their lives in the Service of their Country, our Country, and those who were seriously injured, or crippled, or had their minds damaged, please take the time to thank those veterans, for the sacrifice they made so that we can carry on doing the things we can. for all those that served, thank you for making those sacrifices. And shake a veterans hand, or buy him a beer. without them, we wouldnt be here.
  12. Happy birfday Em, enjoy the day even more now.
  13. As I cant be arsed to look on the new look official site, will someone tell me whos in, whos out, whos rumoued coming, who've we missed out on. Who Ashtonyate is against this week. and the 64,000 dollar question is Brooker actually going to be fit again??????????? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. I've been asked to put this on our forum by one of the Lu'on fans I work with. He will be registering on here to come on and explain properly, but the gist is that there is a petition opened Lu'on fans would like as many fans to sign. Its alkl to do with a board member who has now resigned, taking some liberties with the rules of the League, with the result that Lu'on are about to get hit with punishment by the league. This petition is about saying that its not fair to the club and fans that the behaviour of a dodgy board member, now gone. http://www.petitiononline.com/luton/petition.html Now at the very least, please read it. I know some of you will go so what, who cares? Bear in mind we're lucky for all our grumbles about Lansdown, hes never ripped the club off. Lu'on have had a series of dumb fk boards and chairmen. every time they look like recovering they get fkd over again. As I say the guy will be registering himself, and can explain better than I can. Just read what he says and sign the petition, if ya would. Tom, can you help him get registered as quickly as you can please. I have worked wi Lu'on fans for years now, and I know how they've been right royally shafted over the years. Despair, & hope, Joy and resignation. Just thank God we aint been in their boat for many many years any other fans who may read this Swindon, Yeovil, Forest, Gas, Barnsley, Wednesday, Cheltenham- please do the same. cheers.
  15. Nope I think Yeovil are a decent bunch meself..........also think your lot are a tad cocky about Yeovil too........ and I'd rather have Yeovil than Plymuff in our league too.
  16. Ah you'll be in the Dullmoan then.. Next stop the knackers yard then... God, I am nearly as old as you and I couldn't wait to get on the pitch. Pipe and slippers DEFINITELY for you . I'll be damned if I grow old respectably-If I wanted that I could be a Manure, Chellllski, or Arsenal fan. City runs though my blood Typical otib. ALWAYS complainin on here, even when we get promoted. Crazy inni? SCT, Respect to you. The only way I wouldn't have been on there is if I was like yourself, but yer mind and yer spirit were with the rest of us!! You like me have been here before a lot of the young uns aint..tis fkn grand though, no matter how old/knackered yer are!! WE ARE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. and we didnt need the brick in the bag either Dolls!" Wasnt it great? little rebels all of us! :clapping: :clapping: Still, back on topic: anyone NOT on the pitch then?
  18. Well? Was there ANYONE not on the pitch then...........
  19. spot on there........they think Oldham and Blackpool will be harder...its all about bleedin luck the pray offs......... PS Ive more Yeovil fans up here than Plymuff, Torquay, and Exeter put together... Actually more than the sags too come to think of it and Swinetown too
  20. Yeah, the forest are happier to have you lot........still don't reckon it'll be as easy as they say. They gotta be favorites, but so were we against Brighton, and we know what happened then don't we lads n lasses....
  21. Dunno bout Exiles flyin in, tonight, how about the locals flying high round brizz, any place where cider Reds live..........*hic*
  22. We "deserved" to go up the year Brighton beat us.....its got sod all to do with deserving.its all about luck.........
  23. C'mon Yeovil, Getcha arses up into the championship with us now. Good luck Friday......be nice to have a decent West country team up wi us...not just bloody Plymuff!
  24. Likewise Aylesbury, even if it does feel like it on the dirt tracks which pass for a road.......Sparky, you n yer mates, yer doin a grand job. get home safe for the championship next season
  25. Yeah, all I can afford living in this corner of England.............
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