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Everything posted by bucksred

  1. Fork ME!! You don't get it either.......................read my first post re the good Dr and Rich "the Closet City fan"................exactly my post. Rich, Doc, sorry bout this~!!
  2. sprout, sprout, sprout, you missed it as well......you were one of those I welcomed. Some of your lot are like some of ours bloody brain dead...could do wi out them, not the likes of yerself, Dr, Hodges, Bluebeard et al.... The Vilitites, Swampys etc, and the pond life Swindlers is who I was referring to....as I said your turn is nigh
  3. See what I mean, Boozers losers Vileants, Swampys etc etc......... Banter and wit- summat you pillocks cant quite grasp.
  4. Spud, reckon Reading will be be all Britpop- Artic monkies, Kasiabian, Razorlight, gorillaz...don't reckon there will be any metal there. Tool MAY play Download, aint they toured wi Metallica in the USA?
  5. coming on here for a cheap crow in most cases. Rich, Dr F, and a select band of Gas, most of the Wendies, Ibby, the Brentford fan, and that just about exausts the list of intelligent, witty providers of repartee and banter on here. If you cant be @rsed to add something to a particular debate, please fork off, and pester your own boards (In the case of Port Vale, and Swampsea muppets, thats the board(s) marked official, and unofficial Port Vale, and Swamp...sorry Swansea boards. You can then converse with your own kind of neanderthal. I thank you. To the select band of witty barstewards, goat fiddlers, associated Sags, the closet City fan from Swine Town, and the missed Brentford spokesman, please continue to win...sorry go angl...oops bring your wit to this board.
  6. Like the East End, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind...................... don't think much of the cds- they may be better live. Go on you old "mod" you may just enjoy yerself instead of all that depressing Jam stuff
  7. Lets hope youre right, mate. Things do not look good at this moment.
  8. Gazareth, till the Mad Stad fiasco, I agreed with you, but now, following all the cock ups last season, and this, I really don't think the current board do. Too much money has ben wasted, and far too many PR cock ups, and the growing patronising of long suffering fans suggest otherwise. We are at best treading water, and at worst relegation to the basement division for the first time since City went bust- things are not rosy at all. Too many people are going to realise too late things aint what they appear. Particularly the two clubs- the Gate, and the playing side. You'll forgive me if I disagree. AS for managers, we let too many good names go, too many times, and players have been underwhelming in the main too. The jury is still out on Mr Johnson. So far its swings and roundabouts.
  9. Metallica, My Chemical Romance, Trivium, and the Prodigy Trivium look good. The rest...................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. We are a well supported time like the North Briz pikeys. Some of the poorest players Ive ever seen in a City side: to whit hasbeen striker, one never will be one, an untried one, and thats to back one of the few decent players we have in Brooker. Akinbiyi, Cole, Taylor, Allison, d'Agostino, even people like Peacock, Roberts and Miller are better than the current "crew" An Aussie international, whos never been consistently played, under THREE managers- if hes crap why werent he sold?? A journeyman from Torquay Two players who couldnt hack it away from City A player the genius called Tinnion signed, and he aint played since Johnson came on board WE are just so like Oxford, and its frightening..........ck all ambition appears to be the watch word one small ray of sunshine: Should Andrew be any good, we've a good chance of keeping him, as he's unlikely to get a game under Newell...on the other hand, if hes not..... But hey the club listens regularly don't it..........
  11. don't count on it. Does it make money? Does it attract prawn sandwiches? Is it important enough for our illustrious board?
  12. Mate dress it up how you like, but City's PR is yet again bloody awful. The feeling is that the fans are in the way of making money....all ads on the offish site, gettin rid of the forum, and the badge, shirt, Williams fan..... Basically we aint important anymore.......... I hope the derby will be at the Gate............
  13. Yeeeeeeeeeeees, so it would, but hey our comments are noted eh in the wind my friend
  14. Interesting on Central South TV tonight about Oxford, and Mr Kassam. It would appear that despite spending a lot of money, and gettin a nice new stadium (Are you ashamed Brizzle City Council- didnt think so!) Oxford are stagnating right now, are they near the drop zone? It appears the fans have had enough, theyre revolting in fact. Kassam had the bottle to face his critics, and they seemingly have three consortiums ready to buy in, but only if Kassam thinks its "in Oxfords best interests" hmmmmmmmmmmm. Now this makes me think.................they are in much the same boat as us, only a league lower, prolific underperformers, wasted money. series of high profile failures, selling our good players, and gettin in donkies One difference though, Mr Kassam was ready to face his critics, unlike Mr Lansdown who is seemingly withdrawing. Oh and Oxford are not as far as I know split into two clubs.... Also if Oxford have THREE consortiums, how many could we attract?? Oh yeah the Lansdown sugar daddy bit is wearing thin now as we face a pretty poor season ahead, with quite possibly our worst team for ten years or so. Discuss, and do try not to resort to cheap insults if thats in the slightest possible out of some of you?
  15. Slight change of tune from yerself there? Question stands how the hell do City manage so many PRcockups? The comments are noted.
  16. Pitch being re layed poor excuse, its an important event, and it shows City up in poor light again. PR cockups are becoming awfully common and predictable aint they? One day for the forum derby. If Rovers can put the effort in, why not City??? And why did the thread disappear? Oh, I know- your comments have been noted (And forgotten)
  17. You had the wrong agent. allegedly. Sweet enough for ya?
  18. It aint looking good, is it Gary....City cant have THAT bad a reputation cant they?????? If anyone is unsigned, the Team will have a look at ya.........
  19. Fair comment I guess about Phillips. Wilkshire is one of the few decent footballers we have (At Home) It would be advantantageous to hang on to him (if poss)and Cotts will get better, although, with this squad, you'd have to doubt it as you think. Aint lookin good. Some people thought we were better than Lu'on last year (and this) I still trying not to cry at delusions of grandeur by many on here. Yeovil, Boston, and Boredmuff players, christ how ferkin far have fallen?? Wheres the next Taylor (Shaun, or Bob), Allison, Goodridge, Newman, in fact anyone decent!
  20. Its not far off closing, and we don't appear to be doing anything here. am I alone in being worried about that fact. We're several players short of a good squad, and should we lose any of five players, IMHO are vital for us at the last minute (Brooks, Phillips, Cotts, Wilks & Carey) we'd be left right up kackallee without a bloomin paddle... Our standing in the league must be at rock bottom, if we cant get anything DECENT fer Godssakes!! Fingers out people!!
  21. Seems our Gas'ead neighbours quite like the idea, of Mr AWOL Brown............ I think he'd be great for em, one game in three he plays the others hes AWOL!! Great for their promotion chances eh? http://www.brfcforum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=38387
  22. Fussy, but true (I should have said English, or Welsh, Scots or Irish, rather than British), but there would have been few countries/nationalities who make up modern Europe present then. No Germany, Italy, Poland, Holland, Denmark, Russia, Austria, Belgium, Spain, even France as it it today, despite their peoples being present in the regions then, although some form of the languages, territories, culture and characteristics would have been present, like this country. Every invader leaves some trace of their passing. Even if its only graveyards, customs, or religion. Aint many pure countries anyplace in Europe, if indeed any. Back then the various tribes of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland would still seen themselves, as do the British today, residents (and most likely owners of this land), and as I know next to zero about ancient English history, so I cant be more specific, sorry, but I do know the history books teach of an English nation existing with Alfred the Great, and talk of Boudicca, as an English queen too. Also British/English defeats have been few in history, and fewer have been decisive enough to lead to major problems. Battlers like: Ishandlawana, Spion Kop, Mons, Kut, Dunkirk, Crete, Tobruk, Burma, Singapore, Arnhem, to give some examples, although defeats, have always led to competant leadership, which then wins the wars they are associated with. As opposed to Germany, France, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Holland, Serbia, all who have been beaten in major confrontations, and have all been occupied even if only temporarily in the last three hundred years or so, and their national status has been diminished in a significant way, due to occupation.
  23. He would have found BRITISH people though, the countless thousands of immigrants who have come here for many reasons, andf have found a home here in these soggy islands, and the British (Mostly English) way of life, freedom, and the freedom of choice. As proudly borne out by the English, British, Scottish, and even the Welsh flags..............
  24. Nothing borderline about it, he was utter garbage that day, AND against Lu'on away...........not as bad as Fortune though, or Craig Fagan, or Damian Spencer....or Lavin, Hutchings, Steve Jones. Hell do we have a stranglehold on buying donkies????
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