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OTIB Legends
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Posts posted by havanatopia

  1. Here you go then... straight off the Watford errhummmm Udinese web site....

    Caneloni, Minestroni, Spaghetti, Fetucine, Garibalidi, Peperoni, Tagliateli, Antipasti, Insalata, Bruschetta, Focaccia -

    Which is the line up for tonight with the substitutes or desertis...



    And in case the pitch gets really waterlogged they also have on the bench...

    Carpaccio de Pesci

    Scampi Gratinati

    Polpettine de Mare

    and on that note I am off for some shut eye... reckon if i set the alarm for 0530 i will catch the last 20 mins. cheers all.

  2. Hmmm... (Flip me over the sides once I've been tarred and feathered.).. which web-site put those ideas in your head Havana? ;) ...

    .. quick you better wipe yer history, is that a key being put in yer door right now?? reckon you got about 10 seconds before you get caught!! :laugh: :) .

    Brain is slowly getting fried after 2 weeks of chinese noodles. need to get out of here sharpish before its too late.

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