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Silvio Dante

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Posts posted by Silvio Dante

  1. 5 minutes ago, phantom said:

    But we already know the priority is for the U21s to win their league at the moment so KL and Araoye aren't happening 

    I honestly couldn't think of anyone else

    Incorrect Phants. The 21s are 9th in their table and have as much chance of winning the league as Rovers do of theirs. The U18s lack of development at higher levels has been cached as trying to win their league which is just batshit crazy

    • Like 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

    Knight-Lebel has been on the bench over 30 times this season, so him.

    Or Araoye.

    Again, penny for his thoughts today. There is an argument which has been gone through over not playing him last week but the fact remains that instead of playing someone who had been on the bench for 30 games when a vacancy arose in his position, the head coach decided to move several players around and make us far less effective. That had to make him feel like crap.

    Fast forward to today and he’s not involved full stop. The only way I can rationalise it is if he’s knocked on LMs door and said he’d rather play in the U21s than warm the bench and not get on. If that’s not the case then - at face value - it looks a horrible piece of man management of a young player.

    And don’t get me started on Tinnion recalling Araoye as opposed to him finishing an excellent loan spell just to play in an irrelevant U21s game!

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I was waiting for @Silvio Dante to start the thread!

    Araoye recall was down to Tins, not a first team reason.


    I thought you were next - we need a rota system!

    Only left one comment in - that feels a touch of a bizarre decision if RA isn’t going with the first team as cover in view of defensive injuries. If Yeboah learns more at Bath than playing U23 games then I’d have thought the same would hold for Raph, particularly as WSM had the pressure of the Taunton game which would have been great for experience 

  4. 2 hours ago, SecretSam said:

    Or (talking of an actual FA Cup game) would Tins' goal against Liverpool have been immortalised?

    Did it involve tents and 10,000 locked out of replays?

    Hang on - youre saying if we didn’t have replays, Tinnions goal against Liverpool wouldn’t have been immortalised? And by extension, he wouldn’t have been portrayed as a club legend and engineered his way into a role on more than one occasion where he could bugger the club up from the inside?

    Ive changed my mind. **** replays.

    • Haha 11
  5. 9 minutes ago, lenred said:

    Funny that Bears also have my details and have only mailed me once…….

    Depends on the stage of the sales tbh. I’ve got no idea when bears went on sale / priority periods end but if it’s still in week 1-2 I’d expect few emails then activity to be ramped up as it gets nearer deadline day - all that’s happened here is names on a database and automated mails. Bears activity will ramp up as it gets nearer deadline day

    But, once more, that still means they know if you’ve renewed to not send you a reminder mail so not releasing figures is bizarre….

  6. The most bizarre thing about this is that AFAIK there are still replays in things like the preliminary round. On a realistic basis, if you get something like Yate vs Mousehole going to a replay, there is every chance teams lose money based on travel costs, appearance fees etc vs gate receipts - it’s not like Southern League games will generate massive crowds. Add in the mass fixture congestion this year and the sensible thing to do would be to do away with replays but before the final qualifying round - this would mean grassroots clubs have more chance of completing their seasons on time but don’t lose the chance of multiple paydays as they go through.

  7. The problem with Worldpay for some reason appears to be from desktop PCs as I had the same but mobile device worked fine (after seeing the issues here this morning thought I’d best do mine as opposed to leaving it until 12 on the last day). The £1.25 is only charged once (I did three tickets and got one £1.25 fee)

    As I said prior, always going to renew - not happy with the hierarchy/football but it’s my club. This is the latest I’ve left it to renew and it’s the latest I feel comfortable leaving it in view of our abysmal technology!

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

    Subconsciously or indeed consciously players  really don’t want to get injured before the real business starts and are never 100% committed and precisely why I’ve never ever watched a preseason game.

    If you’ve never watched a preseason game, then you can’t say that. In fact, that makes this comment the type of wild speculation that I know you hate….

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    Thought I would revisit this and it looks like Liam has at least got close on the targets I would have set him......

    You can tell this thread is old - it’s Lezs 75th user ID ago (“Targeted By Mods”)

    However, in the spirit of revisiting here’s what I put…

    On 11/03/2024 at 09:17, Silvio Dante said:

    With the caveat that I’d get rid now (I don’t think even if he gets his players it stops his fatal flaw of game management) I’m less concerned about results than I am about performance. Your third bullet is the key here because points can easily be gained by performances like yesterday and all that will happen is that regression will occur, as we’ve seen to date.

    I get the points being a tangible but for me it’s broader.

    The clincher for the board however will be the last point. It’s one thing us venting on a forum - it’s completely another to see people starting to rattle around a ground like yesterday.

    ….I think on broad terms that still meets the definition of not meeting the targets

  10. 7 minutes ago, phantom said:

    I can assure you that there will be many more than 850 seats currently unsold

    Unless I’m much mistaken Phants the same poster told us 12,000 people had renewed season tickets yesterday.

    Just glad he’s not my accountant.

    • Haha 3
  11. The next email has come out. Usual caveat, this will be scheduled communication and not sent because things aren’t going well but the text isn’t dripping with “join all the others who have renewed” and seems more acceptance of “we accept a lot aren’t renewing”



  12. 10 hours ago, Robbored said:

    To fully evaluate what any player brings they need to have a run of at least 10 full games. After that we’d have an idea and able to form an assessment - Twine has been injured, hardly trained and therefore not fully match fit and played half a dozen games - in all of those he didn’t play the full game and yet you feel qualified to pass judgement on a player you’ve hardly seen………….:cool2:

    Anyway it’s irrelevant. He won’t be at City next season.


    Few quick points:

    - He has played the full game. For some reason, despite an insipid performance, he was left on for the full 100 minutes on  Saturday

    - On a broader basis, although you have only seen him for 3 games, he has had 6 starts and 1 sub appearance. If you were scouting a player from another side to determine if you thought he was a worthwhile signing (and not just in a loan spell), that’s at or above the level you’d need to give an accurate gauge. And that normal scouting process doesn’t have the benefit of him being “in the building” and in your side to see how he fits in. The sample size in those cases can be markedly smaller.

    You may not have seen enough to pass judgement, and that’s fair (and Tbf you frequently forget what’s happening as well ;) ), but in normal scouting and judgement metrics used to determine if it’s worth making a signing, then it’s been more than enough.

    Medube however…

    • Like 1
  13. 28 minutes ago, Sleepy1968 said:

    I don't want to comeover all @Robbored, but I don't see this on OS. Have they tweeted this out?

    Nope. And if 12000 had renewed over one week prior to the renewal deadline in a cost of living crisis, uncertainty over the TV deal and a feeling of malaise around the club, Jon wouldn’t just be tweeting it, he’d be walking round Bristol with the equivalent of a “Golf Sale” sandwich board on.

    So, Ipso facto, it’s bullshit with no source and no reason to believe correct.

    Although, I do agree - nobody wants to see you come all over Robbored.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Ashton Fete said:

    I’m on the fence so comes down to price. 

    He was a bit part player I think from Burnley’s promotion so relegation or not with them I think they’ll be open to a deal but it’s how much that £5m price drops.

    LM will want to push for him and Kompany saw enough to buy him so there clearly a decent player there 

    Albeit I’d rather have Benson from Burnley every day of the week!

    If we could get him, and also Ryan Hedges from Blackburn, we’d be smoking next season.

    • Haha 1
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  15. 1 hour ago, mozo said:

    Ultimately, Manning is responsible for our success, or lack thereof, but I'm certain that it was his fault that we crap in the first half on Saturday. Sometimes the players just don't execute.

    Are you missing the words “far from” or have you seen the light 😂😂😂

    1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

    But I agree with lots that you say.  I think Manning likes structure and order, because he can analyse that.  But if you go off the script he finds that hard.

    Game management klaxon! 

    • Haha 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    I don't get why the end of season lap of honour is even a thing. It's cringeworthy seeing it after a season of mid table obscurity.

    Miah, as a Rovers fan I’d have thought you’d be revelling in a season of mid table obscurity…

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