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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Guys, I’ve clicked on the link so you don’t have to give the Daily Mail clicks. The woman is 29 and has had specialised hospital treatment. Therefore, in the COVID Venn diagram, she fits in the rare middle group - lowest risk, highest treatment. Most people of her age won’t get hospital treatment due to priority Most of us who are fit and healthy normally will be fine, the point is the risk of carrying and passing onto someone who is in the high risk group. And as more people get it, it’s less likely they can get the medical attention they need
  2. The U8s team I help coach had a game this morning. Handshakes after the game weren’t allowed. With the news of a lower level team in NI having a player positive for COVID-19, and the measures taken there, it does seem that even if the season isn’t postponed it might be extended for some. Logically, if a player tests positive and has to self isolate for 14 days, so do his teammates in view of the close working environment- hence no game for two weeks. Taking this a step further, if (say) Denis Odoi is announced as having COVID on Monday, it’s likely not only Fulham but BCFC players would be caught by an isolation requirement. I would hope in such a circumstance that the league would be pragmatic rather than try and force, say, 4 games in 10 days at the end of the season to finish on schedule. Looking further afield, deaths in Italy have jumped today and there is now a major quarantine. The season is likely to be extended there - behind closed doors at moment but with 15m people (including Milan) in quarantine, teams in that area also can’t travel so not to breach the quarantine area. It’s highly unlikely professional athletes are at mortal risk from COVID - but in view of the wider safety measures that may/will be needed to protect the at risk population, an extension is very much on the cards now for me.
  3. Strava, as pointed out previously, is great. It’s like a running diary and allows me to have a laugh at the gas at the same time!
  4. He doesn’t look best pleased about it either. ”Tammy bruv, what’s it like in Bristol?” ”Great Tim, good stadium, 20k plus a week, great training facilities and fans without six fingers on each hand” ”No tents? I hate tents” ”No tents bro” ”Awesome” Two hours later... ”Ah....****....”
  5. Didn’t Darren Fletcher have that? I wonder if there’s anything he used to manage it while playing football which could be used as a readacross? I think we’ve all been at the HMs this week - congrats! I think @mozo nailed one today as well. Although whoever on Strava did the 5k on the Maldives wins this week, undoubtedly...
  6. I don’t work very hard ?? #officejockey
  7. Best of luck! Last time I did it I had to try and get round quite quick (for me) as start was at 7 and needed to pick daughter up from youth club at 8:15, which was a 20 minute drive away. Got round, got back to the car and made it to youth club in time. With race number still attached and still dripping in sweat. Daughter informed me I was “embarrassing”....
  8. She’s Adele. God, I love that gag.
  9. *Surprised* you can even spell it. Irony indeed...
  10. Bath Half tends to be a sellout so you’ll probably need to get a charity place with designated minimum fundraise if aiming for this year. Find it a bit of a slog as it’s two laps which is psychologically tough (Although the one time I did it I beat Mark Ashton and LJ...) Like you, I like putting the headphones on and being in a bubble. You can still do that on the bigger races, what tends to happen is after the first k or so the field gets spread so you don’t have to worry about banging into other people. Even in the bubble though, there are real advantages to being in a large run - you can use the actual pacers or just use other runners for tempo. Most importantly, other people drag you through - I recall struggling in the final stages of the Bristol half a few years ago and the number of other runners encouraging and pushing you on was a real boost. It’s a strange sport - definitely prefer it solo but there is also a huge sense of community
  11. Good skills. I’m trying to up it this year and have done 20k in a day but with a ten minute break at 12k (unintended but got an appointment I was running to cancelled so ran back....). Probably going to try and clock a HM this weekend - nice route you’ve got there, mine will be the wilds of Yate/Sodbury!
  12. Managed to get out lunchtime today for a first round Bristol of the year. Beautiful day for it and even running up Park Street didn’t hurt (much...)
  13. Just something to bring to everyone’s attention: The Westonbirt “Run for the Trees” goes on sale at 9am Weds. For any of you who want a 10k in a really nice location which is also flat, and contains a real mix of abilities, it’s a great course and one of my favourites I’ve done previously. The race is 7pm on Thursday 7th May and in prior years sold out within a couple of hours. Highly recommended.
  14. For those of you that run regularly, I can recommend getting a decent sports masseuse. First time I had it done I was surprised at the number of knots I didn’t know I had and ran a million times better afterwards - now get it done monthly and it makes a real difference. The back pain might be something that they could help with @formerly known as ivan - other thing is I get that on occasions if I’m running uphill at the very start (first k) of a run before things have warmed up so could be that? As for 2020 targets, trying to hit 3000 km for the year. Agonisingly 85k short last year. Unexpectedly strong start to the year with 33k in the first two days but that will not last!
  15. No handshake from Price there?
  16. Quest I believe (home of sport)
  17. Clearly things got to Sulovic tonight - he normally plays at a Priestly pace but seemed a fair bit quicker and that moving away from natural rhythm undoubtedly opened the door to Sherrock. But you’ve still got to kick it down. And she did that, spectacularly.
  18. Then I’m stumped. I know the interfacing between NRC and Strava is poor to say the least, and all else isn’t perfect - ie I start Strava from my phone and not my fitbit. I’ll have an ask around other runners I know and shout if I get any joy
  19. Strange. Question: Are you tagging the activity as anything? (Race, Long Run etc). If you tag it as a race, it’ll include all your time including stops, whereas untagged will only show your moving time and adjust splits accordingly. Examples of this below:
  20. So, you signing up to join the band @Fordy62? Pace and distance don’t matter - inspiration does!
  21. @mozo - that you this morning? Good pace!
  22. Please don’t suggest a rota system...
  23. Trust me, I paid for it yesterday ?? And I’m paying for those constantly ??
  24. The great thing about the recent running explosion is that there are so many good runs locally which means if you want to do a 10k there’s no need to wait. On that distance, I’d really recommend the Westonbirt Run for the trees - fast, flat and scenic. Takes place in April I think. Also good is Two Tunnels 10k round Twerton - really bizarre running in blazing heat then a cool down through the tunnels for a couple of k. Not done a Marathon yet - keep applying to London but never successful. Done 1:38 for a half and 43mins for a 10k - not getting faster than that at early 40’s! Best invention ever is Strava - the tracking, segment achievements and badges get you out day after day - should hit just short of 3000k this year and it’s mainly due to challenging myself through that. And Brooks. More than worth it. Wore Adidas for years and the difference is insane as to how good Ghosts are.
  25. Ah, thanks - BBC report originally just said £5.3m and didn’t indicate it was an instalment. Makes more sense now and indicates FIFA viewed Sala as Cardiff’s player
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