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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. I can think of at least one member of the Rentaghost household who wouldn’t be happy with the gas coming to visit... (and it’s not the one that looks like Gary Penrice)
  2. I think Dave means Nantes suing Cardiff for breach of contract if they don’t make the payment
  3. There are a few angles here now about legality and morality. - Irrespective of what the insurance was/wasn’t, Cardiff bought Sala and agreed the fee. They owe Nantes the money come what may, unless Nantes agree to write some/all off. Cardiff wouldn’t have been relying on insurance to pay the fee so have to pay - However, it’s undoubtedly morally wrong for Nantes to start making legal threats (if that is the case), when ES hasn’t even been confirmed as dead yet and with the plane rescue ongoing. That’s terrible form. - Again, though, we don’t know what obligations Nantes have to meet which they have scheduled from the fee. They may well need the money and are being leaned on by other people. This would have been better served and everyone better off had this particular aspect not been played in the media. But legally, I’d say Cardiff have to meet the obligation and should probably do so and sort the insurance out later. On the subject of insurance, I am very unconvinced that this will pay out - and I’m sure the insurers will resist. If the pilot didn’t have the appropriate licence or the plane wasn’t licenced for passengers (as mooted), any insurance firm will look to use it as a get out - again, not morally right, but I see this being majorly fought. What I think will be the ultimate outcome here is Cardiff having to pay the full fee and ES’s contractual obligations, with no insurance paid out and then seeking civil recourse against the agent/aviation company. Bottom line remains though there is a family at the end of this (well two families) who have lost a loved one and looking after them should be both clubs primary concern at the moment as opposed to fighting this out in the media at this point
  4. Oh indeed - there is no way I would expect the agent to check the plane. It’s more a matter of legality. If he’s the representative who has to ensure the player is delivered and is found to have tried to do that via a sub standard means legally he would be at fault. Not saying morally right, but legally, he’d be gone after. Either way, I think I’ve said enough about legality and the liability here and the important thing is Sala so I’ll call a halt to that aspect of it here
  5. Agree. I think the question here, and the one that’s been bugging me since yesterday, is that if you wouldn’t fly a £30m Renoir/Van Gogh etc on that plane in those conditions (as nobody would), why would you fly a £30m (when wages included) asset? (Or, indeed, anyone). This is why I see this going a (protracted) negligence route - as long as they look after the family while that’s being sorted, that’s the important thing
  6. Spud - answered to the best of my knowledge above. Inherently, he’s Cardiffs player and would be insured against “loss”, which would cover both the clubs losses and wages to the family over the contract course. However, for that insurance to be valid, no “negligence” on the players (or on the players representatives part) to cause the loss can have occurred. My gut feel - there is a case that the representing agent has been negligent by proxy (as the aircraft may not have been appropriate for the “asset” and conditions). Therefore Cardiff’s insurers may not pay and they may have to pursue the agent (if the report that it’s his aircraft is correct) to obtain compensation akin to the insured level. None of this removes this being a tragedy, but as you say, never a good time to ask or answer
  7. To be fair, that does sound like an accurate description of Marlon in a good chunk of this season...
  8. I see Henbury is once again displaying the literacy expected of a top notch businessman The “sadist” day in the clubs history? Surely every day is a “sadist” day when you indicate you support that lot and have to put up with the world looking at you like you’re some kind of freak...
  9. I’m willing to bet Darrell will take “Full Responsibility” for that. And then blame the players for the next 10 minutes..
  10. On another note, today is National “talk like a pirate day”. All round my office, people have been saying how they’d hate to work for a better, more successful company, claiming they’ve not been punching horses and ruminating on the attractiveness of terriers. Every time I ask for a sodding spreadsheet to be completed, I just keep getting told “these things take time”. Its getting right on my tits....
  11. But.... But.... This means Henbury is not always truthful... I now remember how I felt when I found out Santa wasn’t real
  12. I think you’ll find the Rovers fans would stay for the Fizz concert If only to listen to “The Land Of Make Believe”....
  13. Also on that link - not our man, but if the crime happened Feb-May this year would have explained a lot of the decisions!
  14. Got to got to be the same guy, age is right and the sags have been wondering why he’s not been in the squad. On the plus side, he’ll at least be ahead of the rest of the squad for being used to doing unpaid work when the administration happens... https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/list-criminals-dealt-week-bristol-1922044
  15. Yep, heard him - was Nixon’s tweet word for word. I expected him to add “bit in paper tomorrow.”
  16. Definitely not Ian. Methinks he’s been reading Nixon’s tweets and passing it off as his inside info. Which is a surprise, as it’s not like him....
  17. It’s fair to say, we’d better score with our starting eleven because there’s nobody to really give us extra firepower on the bench. Three defenders in six outfield subs does seem a touch excessive. No issue with the team, but we should have a striker (not Pato) to change it if need be. (Waits for O’Dowda to come on and bag a hat trick)
  18. Can I just say, that’s a great misspelling and also a great nickname for Wally. The nature of their improvements suggests he is indeed “Tentyman”
  19. I believe that was Henbury Gas (or Free The Henbury Gas one as he’s now going by). For some reason I don’t believe it therefore. Can’t think why..
  20. He’s right. Go Outdoors opened at Cribbs this week. Less distance to go for the ground improvements.
  21. In the cold light of day, let’s be fair. We weren’t great, and the sky pundits were right - up until the red, we were heading for a defeat. What encourages me is Lee didn’t dress that up, he saw it, and his post match called it bang on. What else encourages me, in spite of doubting it at the time, is that the throwing on of Taylor and Leko showed we wanted to win the game. After Korey went off, the easy move was Mags on and Joey into mid so kudos to Lee for going for it. Wilder, again, though, how can he slate the ref? It’s a red, undoubted. The “high foot” on flints goal isn’t - there is a duck from the SU player (nobody appealed) and after that I’m hard pushed to think of anything contentious. Yes, you were better until the red, but FFS man, have some decorum...
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