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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Banton caught on boundary off Tahir for 47. 80-1 off 8.1
  2. Luckily enough I’m at the Oval. Banton hitting it all over, switch hit to Tahir first over. 70-0 in the 7th
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/football/ng-interactive/2019/aug/27/david-squires-on-bolton-bury-and-the-threat-to-our-football-clubs?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other Squires. Always worth reading for the (sometimes gallows) humour but the last frame really sums this up
  4. Jesus, they’re gullible. I work near temple meads. There is already likely work on the prior “arena island” for offices, restaurants etc. There is also a large space by the cheese grater and more in the office district earmarked for a hotel. There is a multi screen cinema less than a mile away. You build there, all you’re building is a stadium. The infrastructure won’t come with as its more of an industrial area (notwithstanding paintworks) and the hotel/leisure requirement is covered and better located - So, what “investors”, hitherto uninterested in the rovers would actually fund this as damn sure Wally won’t...
  5. Slightly inaccurate I think. In my understanding, the bucket collection at Forests game was to raise money to pay the staff at Notts who hadn’t been paid for two months due to one of many shyster owners in English football these days. This wasn’t to save the club, it was to stop likely low paid staff going to food banks and letting them stay in homes. So, in that circumstance (which, tbf, is likely to arise under Wally), and for those people, yes, I probably would. Sorry...
  6. Another T20 launching in Ireland, Holland and Scotland - see Pete Trego is off for a stint in Rotterdam https://www.espncricinfo.com/story/_/id/27222261/eoin-morgan-represent-dublin-franchise-inaugural-euro-t20-slam
  7. It does feel fairly poor that over the last 30 years or so (bar a couple of seasons in league one), Saints have been a bigger club, at a higher level than us, relatively local and we haven’t formed links. Seems like we could have used them and vice versa - unless there is some bad feeling over their local satellite academy? Not suggesting a feeder club, just when you see what we’re doing with Newport’s, Walsall’s, Torquay’s now when we were lower we didn’t seek similar localish links. To tie back to the topic, clearly LJ/BCFC and Darrell Clark have a decent relationship from Clarke’s attendance at games and us sending Pring/Holden to Walsall. Just proves what a bunch of ****s they were to enact the “no transfers” policy after Matty Taylor when LJ clearly wouldn’t have minded giving players to Clarke as a coach
  8. David Howells on loan in about 2000 has just pinged into my mind. Because he just seemed to have so much time on the ball at our level despite seeming bang average in the top division
  9. I’m sure the club did this a couple of years ago - men’s game kicked off first followed by women’s game. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39681629
  10. Looks like the blue few may be on the move again from the headline and location...
  11. Don’t worry...they’re looking in the normal place for a replacement...
  12. Now this is the story all about how My life got flipped, turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute just sit or kneel I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Horfield In west Jordan town born and raised In the watch shop where I spent most of my days Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool And all watching Tom Nicholls hitting row Q When a couple of guys, they were up to no good Started making trouble in da fional turd I got in one little fight with a horse and my mom got scared And said "You're moving with Nick Higgs and the Tramp in Horfield” I whistled for a dog and when it came near The Collar said "Darrell” and it **ssed Fanta clear I bought a TV and thought it would fit on a tent spine But I thought nah, forget it, these things take time I pulled up to a slum about seven and a bit And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes This ain’t Stamford Bridge” Looked at my kingdom I was finally sealed To sit on my throne as the prince of Horfield
  13. Fact is, notwithstanding rights, wrongs or wherefores, @bodin has now provided us with peak gas small time syndrome: ”You know that manager who was a legend for us - we think he might be good enough to be your assistant manager” No words.
  14. In short, yes. If you believe WAQ (stop sniggering) his budget was competitive. So he had opportunity to compete. He didn’t. He rode the crest of a motivational wave to go up from the conference (on pens) and L2 (in the 93rd min of the last game). When he got to a level that wasn’t enough, even with the budget (if you believe WAQ), he failed. I don’t recall any of your fans proclaiming Clarke as a great tactician - they loved him because he galvanised the fan base - nothing wrong with that, but when that wasn’t enough, he wasn’t good enough. As for vs Holden - DH took charge on a temporary basis (with all that entails) after LJ left for Barnsley and was in role for c3 months, reverting to assistant afterwards. Not sure how that’s comparable to 18 months in charge at L1 level with full control, but I’m sure you can enlighten us
  15. Tbf, Clarke clearly has *something*. Looking at it on an unbiased point, he was sold a pup (which he probably enjoyed) by Ward but motivated the r*vers enough to then get two successive promotions, in addition to his Salisbury success. Undoubtedly struggled in league one though, maybe in part due to lack of funds. What I see in him is an ‘old school’ motivator manager. I don’t recall the g*s waxing lyrical about the football under him and when he got to a level where “us against the world” wasn’t enough and he needed tactical acumen, he crapped out. So, @bodin, ignoring the Dean Holden piece (assistant coaches need different skill sets from head coaches), what makes you possibly think a top six championship side would want a man who shouts a lot but has no tactical skills? (And w*nks off dogs. Just for the record). I disagree that if he did come here the blue few would melt down. They’d love it, bask in the reflected success and claim “we couldn’t have done it without DC”. Which shows where they are. So, in summary - Good non league and L2 manager - Good motivator - Tactically lacking - Inept at higher levels - Tosses off Spaniels. Its a no from me
  16. Finally (it’s late) When your open bus tour Attracts a crowd of four Thats the Rovers
  17. When your fan base is dense And your grounds made of tents Thats the Rovers When you’re driven to Wembley By Alan from Nailsea You’re the Rovers
  18. Damn - I’m late to this...! When you steal all your grounds And your ex boss **nks Hounds Thats the Rovers When your owners no dosh But he has a nice watch Thats the Rovers
  19. On a related note (it may be an urban myth) but it’s my understanding that in the BBC Radio commentary of the Tinnion>Liverpool game Alan Green commented on the lines of... ”Bristol Rovers of course played here in the FA Cup a couple of seasons ago. What was it they were singing...Come On Eileen?” Even their anthem is forgettable dirge.
  20. @Robbored - FYI (Old ones are the best...)
  21. The great thing about this game is that as a chance for Sunderland to reach Wembley whatever the result it’ll feature prominently on season 2 of “Sunderland til I die” on Netflix and the gas will be shown worldwide as the tinpot outfit they are. Now imagine SAFC get 3 or 4 up in the second half. Forever in posterity, from Kansas to Kuala Luampa the gas fans will be seen crying. Warms the cockles.
  22. I can think of at least one member of the Rentaghost household who wouldn’t be happy with the gas coming to visit... (and it’s not the one that looks like Gary Penrice)
  23. I think Dave means Nantes suing Cardiff for breach of contract if they don’t make the payment
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