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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Played two dates at Wembley this year so I think, again, may be too big. With Damon’s 7542 musical projects on the go at one time I also think they’ll only tour further if they feel they have artistic merit in doing so (and the new album is very good). Did manage to get to see them on the warm up tour at Wolves Civic. Fantastic gig.
  2. That Nige one (just came here to post) is something everyone should take half an hour to watch. It’s considered and full answers which really shine a light on his philosophy and how he manages a club. I get the impression he respects Piercy as well which helps that rapport. Compulsory and Compulsive viewing. If anyone wants to see what’s happening here, just get on it.
  3. It’s quite something. Jiggling breasts haven’t been seen at Lodge Road since the days of Peter Beadle.
  4. I think (geeky post alert) that they’ve introduced more than one wifi server. I’ve seen “AG In-Bowl Wifi” and (I think) “AG public Wifi” this season. It was only one last year.
  5. I for one look forward to contributing to Gary Barlows somewhat murky tax affairs.
  6. Yep - and you know I’ve said before a Pring/Roberts left side wouldn’t be a bad thing on occasions. I intentionally left Roberts off the OP as I think that’s a close the game out tactic; it can’t be how anyone envisaged that he’d be in effect 7th choice for 3 positions absent that having joined in January. Agree Nige won’t give him minutes for the sake of it - but even considering our stretched general resources, I’d be looking at giving him an hour in the 23s if possible to keep some kind of sharpness
  7. ….is Anis Mehmeti now? There’s a case he could have been brought on for any number of players last night to give people a rest (Bell, Knight, Sykes) but he’s rooted to the bench. It seems he’s behind two players on each side of the three up top (Sykes/Cornick/Yeboah/Bell), and for the AM role Knight plays when Weimann is back. That’s without Benarous and Conway to also come into the equation, and the possible emergence of Nelson. The positive side is that it does show depth up there, and it might be a case that Nige is waiting to bring him on to provide an “X factor” to a game, but right now he seems a long way down to me. I missed the Norwich game but understand (and I think these were his last minutes as an unused sub since) he did frustrate. I’ve said before Anis needed, for me, to learn to play “in a team” - and that is one thing this group are now, a real collective who all work together. I’m not suggesting any unwillingness in Anis’ part to do that, but is he just struggling too much in this system and what, if anything, is the answer?
  8. “This is the way” The mandolyingman.
  9. Can I suggest, in order to hopefully minimise it, you may consider becoming a subscriber and contribute to the running cost at a bargain price?
  10. Probably reading too much into that. The manager isn’t on the board/exec level (and hasn’t been since TC) - this is an announcement about the level above the manager and mention of Nige wouldn’t be expected. (Doesn’t mean I don’t agree with the conclusion, but I think there is a lot of people over analysing statements at present and there’s nothing amiss with this one)
  11. I was worried for a few minutes then I read who was representing ETM - Sutherlands. I had dealings with Sutherlands a few years back over the potential redevelopment of a pub in Yate. Their work was shoddy, based on conjecture that could easily be disproven and riddled with errors. On the application they authored there were over 20 proveable errors even before you got to matters of opinion. Unsurprisingly the development didn’t go ahead. This, similarly, appears to be based on conjecture only and any decent property professional - even if not a lawyer - should be able to rip it apart easily if the work is at the standard I’ve seen before.
  12. I don’t necessarily disagree but it’s a bit of a different point - I don’t think the “3 CEOs in 3 years” makes it difficult to attract a top candidate, which was the original assertion. Candidates will rightly look at Ashton/Gould leaving and be relatively relaxed about it, but be more concerned over Alexander. I totally agree that culturally it’s not great to have a turnover of CEOs, because they’ll all have their own ideas and want their own teams - in just the same way as quick turnover of managers can lead to a bloated and disjointed squad so I’m with you on that, but I definitely disagree that people will see “3 in 3” and think somethings amiss (again they might through PA only). It’d be more concerning if we’d had (for example) 4 in 6 years and didn’t understand the reasons for any of them going - as stands, PA is the only one we’re really unsure of.
  13. I think the point was made earlier in the thread but the “3 in 3 years” isn’t really a reflective spin. We had one CEO (Ashton) who had been here for several years and reached the end of his shelf life. Gould then took over and only left because he got offered his dream job. Clearly something has gone amiss with Alexander - whether that’s bad recruitment or something else remains to be seen, but Ashton and Gould going in quick succession, considering the length of the formers tenure and reason for leaving of the latter, isn’t really a red flag when you look beneath the surface.
  14. I did wonder if Jamie Mac may be an applicant at Lodge Road….
  15. Flowers has now left Gloucester - a short and unhappy stint. Looking on Twitter a few shouts for Paul Michael to be given the job - worked wonders at Yate and has turned Merthyr round. As he went to Merthyr in part due to Geography and family reasons as I understand it he may not want/need the extra commitment that would come with NLN but it’d be an interesting appointment if they went for him.
  16. Not at present I think you’ll find.
  17. I heard he was behind the away kit launch and when it didn’t go down like a bucket of cold sick, having seemingly been well recieved by the fans, it was decided he had to go as “that’s not how we do things round here”
  18. As an aside, when checking the scores at our Fulltime Villa were 1-0 Down and 5000-1 to win in live play. With the additional minutes that are being played there definitely seems to be a gamble on for games that prior seemed a lost cause at 89…
  19. For my money, Williams was one who continued his first half form into the second - one of probably 4-5 who did (O’Leary, Vyner, James, Williams, Wells). On that basis unless JW definitely needs a rest I wouldn’t be considering leaving him out
  20. I think outside of the subs, the ball was in play a lot. As an example the incident early in the second half where we got two advantages in a row from (I think) fouls on James then Pring that could (certainly for the latter) have been yellows, the game continued with no stoppages for about five minutes. The ref let the game flow a lot and didn’t pull up minor infringements - That really helped the game flow. The overall stoppage number didn’t shock me and was reflective of a pretty good referee performance.
  21. Already seen him at a far greater arena.
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