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Silvio Dante

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Everything posted by Silvio Dante

  1. Probably the quality of the chances. Watching the game live, there was one excellent save from Ferguson start of the second half but typically Brighton had a lot of ball but didn’t really test the keeper. You’re totally right to say with those other stats normally you’d expect Brighton to win the game but the point is that they didn’t create good enough chances and the xG is a quantification of that. I’m no lover of xG - as I said, I’m not sure it shows you anything you don’t see yourself. But again, it’s useful to give meat to the bones of an opinion.
  2. Here’s a very interesting example in action from Saturday. Essentially, Brighton had all the ball but created very little clear cut (and tbh you could see that with the naked eye). West Ham winning 3-1 with the xG in place indicated it wasn’t a smash and grab but that they soaked up and then created decent opportunities on the break. I don’t think it overly shows anything that a seasoned watcher couldn’t see from viewing the game but having evidence to back up opinion helps in any field.
  3. The stats piece is interesting, but it kind of plays to what we’re all seeing - Max is a decent shot stopping keeper. A stat that really showed the other side of the coin to me was the PNE game. Preston won 39 aerial duels, c25% more than any other team in the league. The key reason for that was the distribution - Max’s floaty kicks are begging to be attacked by opposition players. You played in defence, I played in defence - the balls that come out are a gift to any centre half, and particularly against Preston, their tactic of pressing us and making Max distribute was the key reason we struggled second half. Potentially with Kal in the side it’ll get better as he won’t have to distribute longer as much, but as you said earlier, there is a tendency to play players into trouble. I think that’s because, in part, Max knows kicking is a weakness (as the stats prove) so tries to avoid having to do so. I think we (and the stats) pretty much see the same strengths and weaknesses - I probably see the distribution as a far bigger issue than yourself though and it’s enough for me to want an upgrade because of the pressure it subsequently brings on us.
  4. It’s possible he’s not as good as he thinks he is and as some of our fanbase did. Lovely hair, but you’d have to ask what he’s “for” as a player. Runs around a lot (almost headless) and never developed in the time he was here - we can all point to the lack of goals and assists but the broader issue was that HNM was positionally pretty poor and had one good game in five/ten
  5. Max isn’t a “younger player” any more - he’s at an age where he should be established if he’s going to be. And just as one poor game shouldn’t lead to a knee jerk reaction, a good game should also not lead to a knee jerk positive reaction. And having now seen Max for several years, and a couple of “runs” my opinion of him remains that he is a very good shot stopper but below par on the other aspects - I think his distribution is poor and his decision making the same. As for a good start to the season, I think he was well off against Preston, not great against Brum, ok (with limited to do) against Oxford and good against Hull. (This is largely down to the factors above). Having not seen Millwall I think one good and one ok game in 4 isn’t really a strong start to the season. Academy or not, I remain of the mind we need an upgrade. I hope he can change that opinion, but the flaws in his game have been there ever since he was a young player and I don’t see them changing soon. The comparison of a 19 year old Semenyo developing against a soon to be 27 year old O’Leary is nonsense, even allowing for keepers developing later - the flaws in his game are who he is at this stage.
  6. If I was a betting man, from Barton’s interview there is definite interest. However, the following should be taken into account: - Peterborough are renowned as good negotiators and will be up against the transfer equivalents of the Chuckle Brothers - Barton lies as easily as he breathes - They’d probably need to shell out 2-3 Tilsons on JCH. On a striker who is coming to the end of his better days and is only effective at league one. With any normal administration you’d say that it won’t happen but with Barton.. Incidentally, Barton did say he “hated the transfer window with all the vultures”. Joe, mate. You have never in your time at rovers seen a player poached to a higher level (loans don’t count). So, pray tell, who are these sodding vultures?
  7. Interview here from 46 minutes is well worth a listen for comedy: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0g5gv6m?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile As noted, he blames the pitch, the sprinklers, the ref (FA charge incoming I’d say), says both Wycombe goals were fouls, wanted a penalty and stresses Wycombe had beaten a better side. Asked about Clarke-Harris, Barton says he’s not going to talk about other clubs players then proceeds to talk about “Jonno wanting to move back this way” and Peterborough’s negotiators being smart businessmen meaning it’ll be tough to do. He mentions a new stadium, new stand etc. It’s 9 minutes of unadulterated bullshit bingo.
  8. I think reading through the thread (and I’m glad it’s here rather than a specific “Sam Bell” thread as that could be seen as a witch-hunt) you’re probably in the majority. Like @Davefevs I see no benefit in loaning Sam out but I also don’t see someone ready for the level consistently. Few things to add in: - I think with any young player (not saying you’re doing this) we need to avoid the “Scott tax” - ie Alex was so ready so early we need to understand he was an exception. More typical are players coming through -properly - that bit later. Hence my bit of benefit of doubt. - The issue I think there is with Sam is that what he’s missing can’t be coached (easily). He’s been in an academy system for years and around football his whole life. If he was going to - for want of a better term - understand the game he would be nearer that by now. If you’ve not got football intelligence at this level you’re dead long term - and that’s both in making good decisions going forward and when you don’t have the ball defensively (fwiw I think Pring has been poor in part due to Bell as he’s not doing the job the other way either) - We also have to acknowledge that the loss of Scott (him again) may impact how good other players are. As noted, Bells asset is pace on a ball in behind. Until last night with Kal we’ve had nobody who can play that ball so his strength hadn’t had opportunity to be used. However, again Alex is an anomaly and Sam won’t play with players like him all the time so he needs to adapt - back to intelligence again Like you, I love the story. But if I had to put money on I’d say it ends with Sam leaving us for a lower level in a couple of years.
  9. I’ve been consistent on Bell - I’m not sold on him at all. There is clearly something there - he’s quick and IIRC Tins stated he was the best finisher at the club. However, in the season and a bit he’s had games up top/wide I’ve never seen enough to say that there is a player at this level. There might be ultimately but I think decision making and game awareness is way off. The fact he’s the only one of the front men to have started all games (I think) I’d put down to him competing with an injured Weimann and an adapting Mehmeti. I’m not writing him off yet but he needs to seriously start showing more both short term and over the course of the season.
  10. Yeah I’d go with most of those. I think Max’s “star” save on about 43 was a bit more luck than judgement but he did well overall. I still think we need better, but it wasn’t his worst game. Williams good - maybe should have scored but he’s not in the team for that! Vyner - agree. Defended well but let himself down in distribution. Cornick - hard agree. Wish after that skill at the end he’s able to find the pass but he definitely makes a difference, whether people like him or not!
  11. First off - definitely deserved the point (at least) General thoughts: Naismith - excellent in distribution at the back. Adds so much and without Scott and the lack of creativity he either needs to be in the 3 in midfield or the two at the back. I’m tempted to consider the 3-5-2 again because I think Dickie and Vyner add so much and I think we lack quality up top Knight - Again, excellent, best league game I’ve seen him have. Pressed, distributed, played very well and not bullied Sykes - Another one who was very good - work rate superb, good quality. One of the three picks for me but Wells runs close Overall a very good day. I still feel Bell isn’t showing enough to be in the side, but as an away performance overall, I think that was excellent.
  12. Can I pull out my copyrighted gag? ”Carry on Cam Pring” (They really should have used that on Twitter for this one)
  13. And that’s before we get started on the supergroup being formed by Dire Straits and Chris Rea…
  14. Probably agree based on ability/experience but time not on their side. A year out of football and they become a Morton or an Owers and end up at NLS irrespective of ability. I’d be pushing for the settlement if I were them.
  15. On a similar basis, In the local town hall (Sodbury) recently there was a medium and it said on the flyer “booking advised”. Surely she knew if it would sell out?
  16. Might be a couple we pay off. Unlike in January with Chris Martin and Klose where they could probably afford just to agree a release, Pearson and Edwards will need the money as at the start of career. Equally though, if they don’t play football this year then they may never hit pro football again. I’d not be shocked to see a mutual settlement before next week to allow them to find other clubs outside of the window.
  17. The HNM one is interesting - I don’t know the answer here but unlike Kalas we still have a financial “interest” as we should be compensated by his next club. So is it a case of that compensation reduces/is removed if he doesn’t get a club for x period? @Davefevs?
  18. He’s already in LM from what I read HWR TGH-FPM-JKL- JCR-BDR-OTC-JMW JET-SPH
  19. If only there was a seven page thread on the transfer forum and reports from both the evening post and Irish independent!
  20. Cheers all - I think we need a LB still (if we go for putting JET - how did I forget him! up top, TGH at RB and BDR in CM)
  21. A few years ago, a bloke in work said he’d been to a seance. One wag asked “was there anybody there” and he replied “yes me, my wife, some friends…” On TGH my only concern, perversely, is that he does too well and if we try to exercise, he looks for better. I expect in practical terms we’ll execute in January if all goes well (maybe even negotiating down if WBA still need cash flow), so probably will be a non concern if he does do ok as 4 months are unlikely to bring him onto others radars.
  22. With todays signing, we’re ever closer to getting a full eleven of Dave and Ansell Collins representing city. Two slight cheats here in that Bobby didn’t add the “Decordova” until he left us and SPH/JKL haven’t made the pitch as yet in a competitive game but can anyone fill in the gaps here? GK - RB - LB - CB - Forbes Phillipson-Masters CB - Jamie Knight-Lebel CM - Taylor Gardner-Hickman CM - Omar Taylor-Clarke RM - Jamal Campbell-Ryce LM - CF- Bobby Decordova-Reid CF - Seb Palmer-Holden
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