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The Gasbuster

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Everything posted by The Gasbuster

  1. When there is a good (new) comedy on tv, lots of people talk about it (been a while since there was a good one, admittedly !). 2015 have been providing non stop comedy for a good 10 years now. Why would we not talk about it ? Strange lot, aren’t they ? ?
  2. Taking a year to get their “big” screen up and running will always be in my top ten. They finally get the ******* thing up; then find they don’t have the power to run it, so need generators, then discover it was bought from a company owned by “The Rosy Cheeked Lady Garden” ??? Priceless !!
  3. What happens if they DO attend, but there’s no stand, do they still include them in the attendance ? ?
  4. Yeah, I have moved on from creating "Not Yetihad", although that still applies !
  5. 2015 won't care. As long as the Fruitihad is bigger than "Trashton", then they will all be happy.
  6. I think 1-0 to 2015, according to ass-shat
  7. Yes, he needs to be making better decisions sometimes IMO
  8. Is he showing any signs of improvement since last season ?
  9. Hopefully his behaviour gets even more erratic; and he leaves that ******* bell at home !
  10. Apart from Luton, that must be the most ridiculous (maybe one exception ??) entrance to a football ground in this country ?
  11. Is that *** with the bell, down there today ?
  12. Will 2015 ever, EVER get anything right ? ? The long term future of this thread appears to be secure.
  13. Or the black grime on the breezeblocks above that "sign" Did they nick the entrance to the gents' toilets from the old East End before it was demolished ?
  14. Shit. Bloody weather, lucky Aussies.
  15. Did the owner of the stolen car meet Pulis as well ? If Carlsberg did shit days ……
  16. Just about to draw level with only 2 down. Fantastic !
  17. Surely if the first jury was split, then a significant number of jurors believed him to be guilty ? That in itself should be reason for the second trial to proceed IMO Edit : just read the notes above regarding his partner not wanting to submit evidence a second time.
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