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Everything posted by eardun

  1. It’s either in the new singing section or in the new away end.
  2. I don’t see anything wrong with the article either. I felt embarrassed by some of the moaning when players passed it back on Saturday - some had a go at Tanner when he passed it back and he had not one but two Boro players in front of him so he was in danger of losing it if he did anything else. If players don’t think a forward pass is on, I would rather they retained it.
  3. I felt the same. I mentioned his humour in the other thread too.
  4. I agree. I like what I’ve seen from him so far. Good sense of humour too judging by tonight. Let’s get behind him and the players and see where it takes us.
  5. Not really. What he did say was that you are always going to have fans who don’t like a big decision like that. But he said the club needed to get better at explaining their ongoing strategy and where we are positioned so that a big decision like that doesn’t look like it comes out of the blue - there should be some ongoing context so fans get it more.
  6. Manning has been fine. Looks pretty relaxed to be honest. Speaks clearly.
  7. eardun


    Compared to recent matches, James didn’t seem as dominant as usual today; less seemed to go through him. Not sure if that is evidence of a new way of playing under Manning or just one of those days. And quite unusual for James to be taken off when we are looking to hold on to a one goal lead in the final stages (unless he was carrying a knock). TGH is certainly becoming more dominant though - changing of the guard perhaps (as much as I rate James, players like TGH are the future).
  8. A few weeks ago I did think Tanner had lost a bit of confidence but today I thought he looked more confident and sharper on the ball than he has for a while so long may that continue.
  9. I think Fulham for me too. Easy to get to on the train. Safe and pleasant stroll by the river and through the park. Good atmosphere in a traditional ground. Plus it helps that we’ve had some good results recently eg Tomlin’s last minute free kick.
  10. Yep. Looking forward to Saturday. Wish him every success.
  11. And the press conference: Manning meets the press ahead of Middlesbrough - Bristol City FC
  12. To be fair to you, until they updated their article a few minutes ago, the BBC were also reporting that they were 5 points from safety so you were in good company!
  13. I’m not surprised we haven’t been great in the last couple of games. That’s not on Manning. The sacking of Pearson must have had a negative/shock impact on some of the players, especially the younger ones. We’ve then had a further change of coaching team between Sheff Wed and QPR (Fleming out; Manning and Hogg in). With all of that turmoil, I’m just glad we managed to pick up 4 points and two clean sheets.
  14. It sounded more like he hadn’t spent time on changing what we do in possession, ie bringing in his new ideas. Didn’t want to overload them with new stuff in 3 days.
  15. And yet he looked down at the ground in his interview even more than Manning! Personally I don’t get too hung up on style - I find the content more interesting. And what was interesting in Tanner’s interview was that Manning made a tweak at half time that made things a lot better down the right hand side in the second half. Manning doing things like that is more important to me than where he looks in interviews.
  16. I suspect it came down to what Manning saw in training this week. Anyway, I’ve been impressed with TGH and I was surprised when he was dropped to the bench - hopefully Manning has seen his value now. Weimann hasn’t been the same player since his injury - someone else deserves a chance.
  17. I agree he didn’t have much of a chance although when I did see him play he seemed totally lost and out of his depth. I guess it was just too early for him or he was lacking the confidence that he clearly now has.
  18. Still baffling how it didn’t work out for him with us.
  19. The Dicks era is why I’m relatively patient about us getting to the Premier League and I thought Pearson was going to get us there eventually like Dicks did. I still have promotion pencilled in for 2025-26 - so the same length of time in this division as last time and promotion 50 years since last time. Dicks was even younger than Manning when he was appointed (aged 33) so let’s hope another young coach can see us over the line.
  20. I didn’t want Pearson to go but as others have said he had gone now so we have to move on. I hadn’t heard of Manning until a couple of days ago but having read/watched some of the stuff on here and elsewhere, he clearly fits the bill in terms of what the Lansdowns are looking for so at least they are being consistent (for once). I’ve quite liked the look of what I have seen so far. To be honest none of the other names floating around in the betting have floated my boat particularly. So I’m happy to wish him all the best and I hope it goes well - could be exciting if it does. And just because he happens to be young doesn’t mean he is another McInnes or LJ or Holden. He is Liam Manning with a completely different background and experience. I also don’t buy the view that bringing in a league one head coach is beneath us - if he’s a good coach, he’s a good coach. I see it no different to bringing in a young league one (or lower) player and we’ve seen what they can do - they are not beneath us either.
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