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Posts posted by pongo88

  1. CJ5nJqYWEAAZtNB.jpg

    Yeah pick the basic eggs and a load of stuff that will just be put back on the shelf :facepalm:

    Sainsbury's share price has dropped by 0.81% today. The plan must be working so it's only a matter of time before the Sainsbury's directors start begging Nick Higgs to let them buy the ground.
  2. I just saw Nick Higgs on BBC local news feeling sorry for himself and complaining that Rovers only lost on a techicality. He just doesn't grasp that "technicalities" are the clauses and sub clauses of any contract and are the basis of the agreement. If you don't comply with these "technicalities" then you lose. Simple

    • Like 2
  3. Made in Bristol TV channel Facebook page, check out this beauty -

    This shows that supermarkets are not about building communities they are about making huge profits. The way they have treated farmers over the years shows their true colours. Rotten to the core.

    People who make these sort of comments are living in a fantasy world. Of course supermarkets try to make a profit as this is the objective of any business. The directors of any business have a legal responsibility to make the company a success. This is something the Sainsbury's directors are aware of, but something Nick Higgs seems to have forgotten.
    • Like 1
  4. I've been told, by a totally unreliable source (a gashead) that Aldi or Lidl are waiting to step in if Sainsbury's falls through. No idea if there's any truth in it, nor do I really give a s**t but said gashead (yes, there are still a few) seems confident that this is their plan 'B'.

    Typical delusional gashead. Lidl have applied for planning permission to build a store on the old Ford garage on Muller Road. As this is only approx 1/2 mile away, nobody is going to want to build a supermarket on Filton Avenue.
  5. On their forum some are suggesting perhaps the delay is taking so long because the judge is trying to broker a deal.

    What planet are they on? That should've been attempted before going to Court. Her job is not to appease both parties or to reach a 'compromise' agreement, it is to rule on a point of law and mediating or pleasing either party does not come in to that.

    They are clutching at straws as they ran out of sensible reasons to be optimistic a long time ago. Perhaps they need a new thread on their forum:

    "When all else fails...................."

  6. I think the Wonga loan is the key. Normally if a club / business goes into administration the creditors only get a very small percentage of the money owed, if they are lucky. If they are unlucky they get nothing. There are also rules that state which type of creditor gets paid first, if there is anything to pay. How things develop also depends on whether the directors of the company apply for voluntary administration or whether a creditor beats them to it. This is where the Wonga loan comes in. We know its secured against the ground, but how would it be affected by the club going into administration? Could Mr Hicks have some cunning plan up his sleeve, or might Wonga get in first and call in the receivers?

    As for fulfilling the fixtures, if Rovers went into administration and kept Wonga happy, it would mean a points deduction, but they could keep playing.

    Of course, if Rovers get some dosh as a result of the court case, everything in the garden is rosey and it's onwards and upwards.

  7. There are a few old stagers on the forum and those who have false teeth could help out. Simply take out your false teeth, put them under your pillow when you go to bed, and the tooth fairy will leave a small sum in payment for each tooth.

    If you believe that you must be a gashead who believes the UWE stadium will be built.

    • Like 2
  8. Just been reading the Gas forum, a lot of talk of 10 million quid in compensation from Sainsbury's.

    Is that a contracted amount of compensation, a likely amount or just wishful thinking?

    They seem to have a few people in the know regarding the court case. For example, one poster provided useful inside info on the judge;

    "It's difficult for her. Sources I cannot reveal have told me that she has recently had a telephone call offering her free shopping for life and a seat in the House of Lords. On the other hand, last week she received a postcard offering 50p off the cost of a pasty when she purchases a cup of tea at an unnamed football stadium."

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