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Bazooka Joe

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Everything posted by Bazooka Joe

  1. Agree, those were the days. And thanks for reminding me about Mark Ashton's "catalogue" of errors. I'm leaving to break some more rocks with my sledge-hammer.
  2. Yes, let's be patient and reserve judgement till after the second game.
  3. Ah yes, that reminds me . . . Mind the gap !
  4. Thanks for that. I've just wasted my vote then.
  5. According to Burning Spear, "no-one remember old Scott McGarvey".
  6. And making a lots of dough in the process. As has been proved.
  7. This poor performance against the Maltese made me cross.
  8. Dunno, but some of the panel will probably be eating their own words.
  9. Another Matt Taylor at the Mem? That'll trigger them for sure. Sssssilly sods.
  10. Which came first? The Hen & Chicken or the egg (on their face)? Having said that, I hope for both their sakes and ours, that the session goes well. We need honest, credible answers and specific goals/targets for which they, collectively and individually, agree to be held accountable. The relationship between the owner/Chairman and the fans cannot get any worse, and this, clearly, has to improve substantially.
  11. Am I right in assuming that anyone carrying a pitchfork or flaming torch will be turned away at the door? If so, I know many fans who will be barred from attending.
  12. This is correct. The stand is temporary. It is designed and constructed to collapse and be removed within the next five years. This will coincide perfectly with Rovers being relegated back to non-league football, and the appointment of Jon Lansdown as their new Chairman.
  13. Imagine if they gave you a put-down instead.
  14. A complete contrast to our drab game yesterday. It was a pleasure to watch top class footballers with skills, energy and pace.
  15. Clearly not paid by the number of foreign players he's found/we've signed. Needs to justify his wage.
  16. That suggestion is pure pedigree, chum. Thanks Pal. If things don't improve soon, we're not going to winalot.
  17. Have you said that before? before? before?
  18. Do you feel better now? It's good to get things off your chest. You should feel very "prowed."
  19. Even though they've been outed, they continue to deny and persist. Unfortunately, as they're the counter-offensive, I think they're here to stay. That's not to deny there are some genuine fans on here who back the Lansdowns and T'Onion.
  20. What about the way the Lansdowns treated Pearson? Some would argue that was tantamount to bullying. Anyway, what appalling campaign? I've not seen anything, anywhere. Is it online? If so, can you provide a link?
  21. That sounds like praise to me. They're so touchy, them Lansdowns.
  22. Perish the thought. You're getting banned in the morning, banned in the morning, banned in the morning . . .
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