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Posts posted by downendcity

  1. On 03/01/2024 at 11:36, redkev said:

    Totally agree , knowing how our club is run nowadays we would give them the whole of the Atyeo 🙈

    But where would we put the 40,000 who'd be locked out if the ground?

  2. On my Wembley Ball thread @Roger Red Hat posted this picture.


    It elicited some replies regarding the boots featured and reminded me of an early pair of boots I had. My first few pairs were run of the mill boots from Perry's Shoe shop in Staple Hill.

    Then I had the chance to have a hand down pair of my cousin's Gola boots that he had grown out of . I cleaned a dubbined them so they were as soft as you like. They also had a long tongue, which was the look you wanted back then .


    However, the red letter day was when I bought my own boots for the first time from the sports shop by the Top Rank ( can't remember the name ) A pair of Adidas Santiago were the dog's b*******!

    When I got home and showed them proudly to my Dad ( who had not the slightest interest in football, he asked how much they cost. When I told him £4.99 ( I think it was) he couldn't believe I would pay that much just to kick a ball around!


    Later on I had Stylo Matchmakers ( not the all white ones) then Patrick boots for a long time before using Puma until I finished playing in the late 80s



    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

    Nice to see a bit of Latin on his tattoos -"Alice Grave Nil " is on his left forearm which translates as:

    "Nothing is heavy to those with wings"

    Let's hope Adam is 'per volar sunata'.

    "Alice, Alice who the **** is Alice?"

    Mind you, it's always good to keep a clean sheet!

    • Like 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

    His body size wouldn’t have changed in a month - but yeah, hope he’s near the first team sooner than later.

    My body shape changed substantially in just a week - Christmas week!

    • Haha 11
  5. 1 hour ago, candygram for mongo said:

    You could get a Wembley Trophy football for 1 book of green shield stamps, 
    cue everyone under 50 saying WTF is green shield stamps

    Ah, green shield stamps.

    Anyone else remember their Dad's driving round for miles, looking for the garage offering quadruple green shield stamps and nearly running out of petrol in the process?

    Back then I remember, in my Guinness Book of Records,  that the boss of Green shield stamps was the highest paid man in Britain.


    • Haha 1
  6. 29 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    I remember getting one for Christmas but it would rarely last into the new year.

    Stupidly we’d play with it in our road, everyone had thorny privet hedges and it wouldn’t be long before it burst. I do remember the hot knife trick but can’t remember how successful it was.

    The hot knife trick started as a good idea, but just a slip and you ended up with a hole bigger than the one you started with!

    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  7. 1 minute ago, CosmosUK said:

    Agree and disagree, I always find that outlook frustrating as once you’ve played one game (Watford) that’s done and dusted and you can only treat each match on its merits.

    Defensively and through the phases we were brilliant tonight, it was just that final ball that eluded us. That being said Mehmeti should have pocketed at least a goal in the first half and that ball by Knight for Weimann was good enough to win any football match. Bit of a scuff actually from Andi.

    You're right of course. Having trounced Watford - both score wise and in performance terms - tonight was disappointing.  However, it is still 4 points from 2 away games and at the end of the season tonight's point could be the difference in getting into the top 6!

    Recently under LM we seem to have found our scoring touch, but we definitely lost it again tonight. It felt like if Mehmeti had netted one of his chances, we'd have gone on to a comfortable win. As it was, and seems often to be the case, a team fighting for their lives and defending to give nothing away, give us little space in the final third. For a long time this has been an achilles heel, as there seems to be a mentality in the team which means players are almost frightened to take a risk - either taking a man on or playing a killer ball - that will open the defence and create a chance in this type of game. Scott could do it, but we are unlikely to see a £25m+ premier league player with that ability  in our team any time soon!

    Perversely, it's easier against a better team like Watford, as they will tend to play more open and attacking, meaning they automatically leave more space in behind on the counter attack and which were able to exploit. Birmingham almost played more like the away team ( as we often did at AG under NP) keeping things tight to stifle our play.

    It will be interesting to see how our playing style develops under LM and whether we are approaching this type of game differently later in the season.



    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, downendcity said:

    Taking a positive viewpoint.

    If, before Christmas, someone had said that we'd come away from away games at a very in form Watford and fighting for their lives Birmingham, with a 4-1 win and a dull 0-0 we'd have taken that..

    It's that the results were the "wrong" way around that makes it seem frustrating.


    The other positive is that in many previous season's,  after 3 great results and against a struggling team, we'd manage a poor performance and then contrive to lost the game at the death. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Slack Bladder said:

    I imagine this Christmas schedule of 4 games in 10 days could take its toll on a small squad like ours.

    Good luck to the lads tonight. COYR


    I would imagine the players are far less tired after winning 3 on the spin, than they would have been had they lost the last 3.

    After such a great result and performance at Watford, I suspect they can't wait for the next game and this goes a long way to countering fatigue.

    I bet the Brum players are more tired after the roasting they got from WR after their last game!:)

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