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Everything posted by maxjak

  1. Quite possibly the worst decision in the club's recent history? Only one Nepo fool should be leaving? Our Chairman needs to get on a slow boat to the West Indies, and never bother coming back? A disgraceful stain on our club's history, that will take a gargantuan effort to recover from. "The Lunatics have taken over the Asylum" ? Unless they have a well thought out forwardly progressive plan( Most Unlikely given previous debacles?) to replace NP with a experienced and talented coach, who will be given funds to improve our decimated squad. ............. Rather than the normal procedure ............... which is a Default kneejerk panic, (Holden anyone?) with no idea what to do next?........then the Lansdowns will become a laughing stock? ....who will continue to be intensely disliked by our fanbase.
  2. A lack of squad recruitment has also contributed, with our bench looking like a six form college outing?
  3. He is 17? Yes i repeat 17...............he shouldn't really be in the 1st team squad, if a decent forward had been recruited with the money we made? He is doing his best, but he is a raw kid thrown in at the deep end. For example........Ipswich's George Hirst, who was outstanding on Wednesday, purchased from NP's old side Leicester last summer for £1.5 mill?
  4. I see our first team won 2-1 today thanks to Kelly, Semenyo and Scott? If only? Ha!!
  5. Such a shame, yet so very predictable, and No surprise to me.....if our cobbled together side, with 8 first teamers missing is unlikely to perform, or even score? I might as well make a profit?, My bet of 1-0 , 2-0 made me a tidy sum. I feel so sorry for the loyal away supporters, having to spend good money to watch this. However once we get back some of our injured, and Uncle Steve releases some funds in Jan??, and if he does, I will be back betting on our boys as we climb the table?
  6. C'mon now...............give it at least 15 minutes? Ha!!
  7. maxjak


    Got to say it's a little unfair to label Mehmeti as a one trick pony when he has had little opportunity to prove otherwise, unless you have been down to the HPL watching him? SO much, as i am sure you know, is about confidence with even the best players.......and his confidence must be at a very low ebb. He needs the coaches and manager to support him, bring his confidence back, and give him a chance? . As for one trick players?, it never stopped O'Dowda making 160 appearances for us....Ha!!
  8. Operating with such a small squad is IMO negligent and plain dumb? We have a long repeated history of injuries, especially with players such as Naithsmith and Williams, who generally play half a season, but, who are, of course blameless. However knowing that a few injuries when operating with such a small squad would inevitably prove to be very disruptive and stretch our resources to the limit, seems to me extremely poor forward planning and a lack of foresight I appreciate we are not unique in suffering injuries, as it comes with the territory, but with SEVEN potential first teamers presently on the sidelines, NP has his hand's tied, and so has absolutely no chance of building the necessary momentum to challenge for the top six?
  9. Our Stadium would fit perfectly into the Prem .. ..............Our team, unfortunately?.............Not so much?
  10. Around 3.5 million........unlike us they have been fortunate with injuries, they also have an excellent coach. They are a team better than the sum of their parts , full of confidence after promotion, and very well organised?
  11. Talk about bare bones? NO... Naismith, Vyner, Wells, Tanner, Williams..........Not to mention Atkinson, MCcrorie and Benarous? I'd like to see u run your Empire with half your frigging staff missing SL? If NP can fashion a result tonight........He will deserve a medal......let a lone a new contract?'
  12. It is interesting to compare the top two teams leading the way at this stage of the season. Leicester are a Premiership side in all but name, they have managed to retain most of their squad, and when some have departed, they have been replaced by expensive quality players. They are technically superior, and eventually wear down most sides with their ability, skill and undoubted talent. They are basically loaded with money and quality. Tonights opponents Ipswich, are a different kettle of fish, they have recruited an excellent young coach, and have built mainly from the lower leagues, with one or two exceptions, by buying an Everton reserve striker for a bargain 1.5 mill and bringing in a couple of premiership loans. They have in fact spent less than us on transfers, and they are with out doubt the product of excellent coaching and organisation, and they are without any debate......... far better than the sum of their parts? They are the type of team that Bristol City aspire to be? , a very well put together, very well coached, co-ordinated football team, built on a reasonable budget, and a complete contrast to the one side presently above them in the table. It is a great shame that we are facing them with the bare bones of our squad, and without two or three of our most influential players, as, with a fully fit team i would be confident of us giving them a really good contest, however I have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that we can tonight compete with them..............I am naturally pessimistic, due to supporting City for many years, and can see us losing by the odd goal , I sincerely hope i am wrong, and our fighting spirit and tenacity can bring us a victory? PS. Mark Ashton is an egotistical prat.
  13. 100% agree...........Andi has been a wonderful signing, who has performed outstandingly. However his SELL BY DATE is approaching, and the inevitable that comes to every player is imminent? IMHO. He has lost that initial burst of acceleration, and as much as i admire and support him, i cannot see him performing at this level after this season........I sincerely hope i am wrong!
  14. I have a vague suspicion that SL covets Robins, and would be willing to pay compensation and provide him with the Nest egg to push for promotion? I Could of course be way off target, and be living in a fantasy scenario? However.....It seems that SL is a big admirer of Robins, and although it appears unlikely, anything could happen? ..... In the land of BCFC..........Ha!
  15. I've always loved the dialogue in that sequence! ...... We could do with a moistened bint lobbing a Scimitar or two in SL's direction? It might just wake him up?
  16. If your interested..........City are 55/1 To win, 14/1 to draw?
  17. Whatever you do.............Don't Boo him.........Because Proper England fans should NEVER Boo England Player's! Harry has Spoken, and in Harry's World........ you are NOT allowed an opinion?
  18. So who replaces Phillips? And please don't say that bloke who plays in the desert.........Ha!!
  19. Gordon Low was an outstanding member of a great BCFC side...for whom i have very fond memories. I remember as a kid seeing Gordon with his good friend Dennis Law in Bedminster, and getting both their autographs. I think Gordon was Dennis Law's best man at his wedding........but cannot be sure, cos' it was a long time ago. Ha! ........... RIP Gordon, a great player and a nice guy.
  20. On the BBC Website, when asked by a journo, why he thought he was jeered, he replied "Not really, I don't know" And then, later " I can understand the reasons in what they are saying, but I obviously look at it from a different point of view" Henderson is either being misquoted.......or maybe he is just a very mixed up and confused individual, who has convinced himself that it's not just about tons of money over his principles?
  21. Uh Oh!......Seems like plenty of effort, but very little ability ? Have to aim for 11th? But even so, ...........what a great experience for them.
  22. Thanks for your reply.......Pleased to hear your kids enjoyed it
  23. Thanks for the update.........I now understand how it works
  24. OK i get the loyalty points aspect..i hadn;t considered that...thanks
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