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Everything posted by richwwtk

  1. Don't just look at thread titles, if you do a search for Alex Scott he is getting plenty of mentions from people that seem to be genuinely excited for him to start and are seeing his introduction to the team as a potential turning point for their season! Personally I would love to see him thrive in the top echelons of the game, I still take an interest whenever I see Tammy Abraham's name pop up and he wasn't even ours!
  2. If it is true that they offered ETM the money for the roof at the start of the process and it was turned down then it would seem they don't have a leg to stand on. And I can't imagine that they would be lying in the statement.
  3. Is the rugby World Cup never going to end? Feels like months now....
  4. If it’s not a daft question, you seemingly aren't moving for work and have little previous knowledge of the area, so why choose Bristol?
  5. Unsurprisingly no interest at all, so if anyone does find themselves in need of an U19 ticket in S24 tomorrow get in touch and you can have it for free, I have no use for it. P.S. It's several rows away from my seat, so you won't have to sit anywhere near me
  6. My daughter has an U19 ticket in the South Stand S24 for tomorrow that she can no longer use. Cost £15, happy to let it go for a tenner if anyone wants it?
  7. They were both there last season, but I think the most likely reason for the improvement is an upgrade on the bandwidth made available to the public wifi as previously it was easy to connect to, you just couldn't get anything through it. Either that or they have put in new Access Points, but I don't think that's the case.
  8. My work phone used to be Vodafone, my personal phone is O2 - Vodafone a million times better in Weston! Mind you, my work phone is now EE and that is an upgrade again when in Weston, though less so elsewhere
  9. I've found the wifi a lot better this season
  10. Not obscure at the time, he got married live on TV and broke the record for the world's largest ever TV audience!
  11. 2 free kicks from almost identical positions in less than two minutes nonetheless!
  12. I'm sure everyone of a certain age will remember John Noakes climbing Nelson's Colummn, but **** me, it's only watching it now you realise just how insane it was! https://twitter.com/danbarker/status/1699517438952399195?s=20
  13. There is only one question on your original reply, and I think it's been answered in that nobody from the board will be at this meeting.
  14. I don't think that anybody not involved in the Casuals scene gives a monkeys what particular brand or colours they are wasting their money on. What is clear is that they are dressing and acting like they do because they are desperate to be associated with the perceived 'glamour' of the thugs that essentially destroyed the experience of being a football fan for the rest of us in the 60s, 70s and 80s. It's a strange obsession, but so long as they stick to looking hard in abandoned car parks then I guess they are not doing anybody any harm.
  15. I did the same last season. Jerry will be there with any uncollected tickets. There was a booth next to the away fans entrance.
  16. I think he's moved on beyond F1 now. Still see him post on here occasionally
  17. I presume that is a dig at my comment about not wanting owners like Man City, the fewers or Newcastle? Funnily enough the Arab thing hadn't even crossed my mind until you remarked on it. I would just prefer someone with a connection to the club and not an owner that is effectively a nation state looking to boost their profile, or anyone else that only sees us as an investment.
  18. I probably would, brand loyalty in football is as ridiculous as it gets, but I know for a fact that I would be much happier doing it with an owner who is here for the club as opposed to it being an 'investment', no matter how much money they were pumping in. I would be willing to bet there are a lot of Man City fans from 20 years ago that hate what their club has now become.
  19. Rather Steve Lansdown than the owners of (for example) Newcastle, the fewers or Man City...
  20. True enough about the donation,but don't the women deserve to donate just as much as the men? If they win today, they won't be far off the men's team in commercial value
  21. For internationals undoubtedly there should be equal pay. At club level, it's a free market wages wise and players are generally paid what their club thinks they are worth so no equal pay idea would ever work there.
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