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Posts posted by Maltshoveller

  1. 7 hours ago, spudski said:



    I didn't say I agreed with the tweet. I was purely pointing out the thread and it's comments. 

    The stats show he's England's top scorer. End of.

    However...as shown on this thread and others, it causes debate. 

    Kane has scored the most for England. 

    People debate whether he's England's ' greatest ' goalscorer. 

    Which is nigh on impossible to for everyone to agree on. 

    There seems to be loads of posters on here who dont know the difference between FACT and OPINION (not you spud)

    simple way to show them

    FACT = Kane is Englands top goalscorer

    Opinion = Kane is Englands Greatest goalscorer 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Hmmm 1
  2. 8 hours ago, Rob k said:

    Very difficult to compare eras, the Jimmy Greaves, etc back in the day would last about 10 mins in todays game as wouldnt be fit enough, so many variables to consider when saying who the best is.

    But IF Jimmy Greaves was playing today

    would he not be training like modern players Eating like modern players so making him a fitter player than he was back then 

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    I’m going to say something potentially divisive but I think the standard of defending is higher now generally. Defenders are more composed and can play even at “lower” international levels. The pace of the game is a lot quicker too so have to factor that in.

    As for not allowed to defend, I think that’s a common trope that’s rubbish. What you don’t see so much of us CBs (in particular) putting in big tackles like they may have done (I’m think the likes of Terry, Campbell, Adams) and that’s because their positioning is generally much better.

    Maldini I believe once said, if I have to make a tackle, I’ve already made a mistake.

    Cant agree with all of what you have said

    but Good post

  4. 23 minutes ago, Bob Taylor is GOD said:

    Not a fair comparison table IMO.

    More penalties given these days - and when they were, defenders used to take some of them.

    Also Defenders can

    (a) No longer defend properly

    (B) Are not allowed to defend as football is becoming a none contact sport

    • Like 3
  5. 34 minutes ago, WECANDO said:

    It was a def handball to prevent a goal. So he had to be sent off. As for Mitrovic, he should be band for months not games for that threatening behaviour.

    I agree he should have a real long ban

    but as i said in another post

    Bruno should also have been done for pushing the linesman v Liverpool


    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    Which they might miss.

    If the red card rule wasn't in place you'd have loads of hand balls on the line with players knowing they can stop a certain goal with no punishment and the keeper may save a penalty.

    Red card every time.

    Yes they might miss it but it is still an opportunity

    For me it is a penalty but should only be yellow

  7. 3 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    Not sure how anyone could say it wasn't a penalty, its obvious.

    Also, if the ref gives the penalty, the player has to have a red card for stopping a goal scoring opportunity, thats pretty obvious as well.

    As for Mitrovic, he's just a **** who's cost them the game.

    This is where the rule is wrong

    Sent off for stopping a goal scoring opportunity BUT they are given a penalty so still have that opportunity


    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, ralphindevon said:

    I've been to lots in France with Marseille being my favourite for atmosphere and an interesting city, just don't wonder down the wrong street/district

    In Spain I preferred Valencia to Barcelona 

    Yeah the Mestalla is at the top of my wish list

  9. 13 hours ago, W-S-M Seagull said:

    No I don't think it is about the money for him. Its about the principle and he believes he is worth 70 percent of the purse and I struggle to disagree with him. I highly doubt that 30% of the crowd will be supporting Usyk and I highly doubt that 30% of the PPV will be buying it cos of Usyk. Fury is the poster boy. 

    Joshua won't fight him. 

    Joshua wont fight anybody who might beat him

    • Haha 2
  10. 3 hours ago, MarcusX said:

    I can’t believe you get away with posting this shite tbh


    Doesn’t make it ok to basically say all Latinos (or anyone who looks or sounds like they might be) are cheats

    Latinos are not cheats They are very good at gamesmanship 

    • Haha 1
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