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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Best post I’ve seen on the subject and given you go to every game I would suggest the one with the most credibility.
  2. Well he is a spoilt kid isn’t he? I don’t like him and want him gone but I can understand him blocking abuse. That said, he must surely be getting the message by now.
  3. Likewise, and TBF a lot of the Oxford fans did say he’s emotionless, robotic and weren’t keen on his pre and post match stuff. Doesn’t matter if you are winning I guess.
  4. Well quite Pete. He’s got to win against Boro and if not at least play some entertaining football. If we play like that and it continues it will get toxic quickly given how this has all transpired.
  5. Indeed, after sacking Nige the fans won’t stand for this excuse for football. If he doesn’t start winning he will certainly need some decent football.
  6. Absolutely shocking football. Dreadful game. A point away is good of course but **** me if that’s front foot football you can shove it.
  7. Robins Uncut is like the propaganda snippets on Starship Troopers.
  8. Tony Thorpe: “what are earth are we doing on the training ground, this baffles me”.
  9. Nice to keep hearing Tony Thorpe on RobinsTV call City “us”.
  10. As much as I disagreed with Nige’s sacking and Manning’s appointment I do agree with you. Just as if we sneak a win that’s not on him either.
  11. That’s what they feared though wasn’t it? A winnable away game for Nige would’ve left it hard to sack him and then there is the international break. I bet Lansdown wanted us to lose to Cardiff.
  12. I said the same back in July mate, as did @Antman
  13. In his interview with James yesterday he said to him “we’re well placed in the table”! I am sure he would have loved to have said something more candid back!
  14. Matty James interview pre match: City interviewer says to him, “we’re well placed in the table”! I bet he’d of loved to come back with a proper response to that!
  15. Win, lose or draw I don’t think we can say it’s on Manning, it’s all about the players really.
  16. Completely agree Graham. Wouldn’t surprised me if they stop relegation in a few years.
  17. True for all perspectives.
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