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One Team

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Everything posted by One Team

  1. Agreed on your LJ comment but let’s not be too hasty on Ashton joining that lot!
  2. True. I do wonder if the best thing about JD is his song.
  3. Agreed with all those: Wells, Palmer, O’Dowda, JD, Vyner, Bakinson. We will know for sure in January!
  4. The bullshit-ometer will be off the scale on Tyneside tomorrow when MAITFC play LJ’s Sunderland. POMO’s and busy bees will clash with decent humans and being very, very clear. Be interesting if LJ got the sack on the back of a heavy Ipswich defeat. Or actually should we (I) not give a shit and move on. Probably the latter but the scars are still there!
  5. Brilliant press conference he couldn’t have been any clearer. Clearly a few players need to go and will go he was very clear about that. We need to give him the next window and our support and see what happens.
  6. Completely agree, he seems a lovely lad and probably a decent human (maybe why he got the job) but he’s not a Championship footballer.
  7. Palmer you would think and others not in the squad. I was hoping he meant O’Dowda as well but given he’s contributed to the press conference you would assume not. ?
  8. However shit we are we can always rely on the Gas to cheer us up!
  9. And nearly twice as many as the Gas had at home on Saturday!
  10. Just read that Notts County’s home game against Solihull Moors was a record attendance for the National League: 12,843! Just outstanding for the fifth tier of English football. Yes, they are doing well this season but that’s incredible support.
  11. I couldn’t stand Savage either but this does show another side of him; and what makes it brilliant is that it’s far from just about him. Yes, it’s probably true that the documentary wouldn’t be made without him but it is a good insight into the recovery of a small football club with a long history.
  12. Not seen another post on this so: If you watch nothing else this weekend give this a go on BBC iPlayer. Absolutely brilliant! Proper football.
  13. How big is it? You know that scene where Neo unplugs from The Matrix and looks over the side?
  14. Gould confirmed in his interview with GT that he would not be coming to us.
  15. He did say on paper, which is ridiculous. With that context yes, although in my opinion RG is incorrect in his assessment of the squad.
  16. At least it’s been confirmed he’s not coming here.
  17. The most concerning bit for me was the perception that we’ve good enough Championship quality players when we clearly don’t.
  18. One Team


    No shits given by GT he’s asking the key questions.
  19. One Team


    Sounds like it’s down to him to me mate, both in terms of getting better and when that happens whether he wants to.
  20. Definitely no on Shakespeare then!
  21. TBF at least he’s on the radio taking questions.
  22. One Team


    That point I found laughable, the one about having a play off squad on paper.
  23. One Team


    Sounds like the ball is in Nige’s court based on his recovery and how he feels.
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