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And Its Smith

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Posts posted by And Its Smith

  1. 2 minutes ago, RedorDead BCFC said:

    Is this what you want because you told us all that the season would never be suspended or finished, when this thread started? 

    Players themselves are not immune to this virus and nor to are their families.
    As much as I would be behind playing behind closed doors, I doubt it will happen and that was tried in Italy. We are predicted to be 13 days behind Italy and they can’t cope with the dead now. So I doubt football is top of the agenda in most authorities eyes at the moment. 

    I am not interested in arguing or mud throwing especially on a subject where none of us really know what we are talking about. No need to lie though. I said the season would never be cancelled. I didn’t say it wouldn’t be suspended. 

    Back to the grown up conversation:

    Footballers aren’t immune I agree. But nor are any other workers who have to go to work so what is the difference? 


    • Hmmm 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Dr Balls said:

    Because whilst players likes Hudson-Odoi and coaches like Arteta test positive, and the aim is to slow the spread, just stoping spectators is of little use in itself.

    Why is getting 30 players in a stadium to play football higher risk than 300 kids going to school? Maybe I’m being dumb but I don’t get it. Stoping spectators is of use as it severely reduces the chances of spread. 


  3. A lot of people were saying the season would not be CANCELLED. Now it is effectively postponed we see posters throwing mud even though it hasn’t been CANCELLED.  There is a difference between cancellation and postponement.  Not sure if it’s ignorance or posters wilfully being wrong.

    If anyone would like to explain how a cancellation would work, I’d be most interested.  Just cannot see it but willing to listen to views on how it could happen 


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  4. 3 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    If the season was stopped indefinitely, what would happen with the promotion/relegation/title issues? They could declare the whole season null and void like 1939 but I really can't see them doing that, especially with the season nearly ended. However. they couldn't promote or relegate as things stand either as not everybody has played everybody.

    FA spokesman suggested a football manager simulator for the final games and then play offs behind closed doors 

  5. 2 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    I think a postponement is more likely as more and more sporting events around the globe are being called off ... but trying a resume a ‘halted’ season would cause all sorts of issues and confusion and knock on effects - it’s a worrying and troubling time. I really wouldn’t rule out the cancellation of many sporting programmes. 

    No doubt there will be postponements but cancelling a whole season would cause uproar. 

  6. 1 hour ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

    I’ll send you a link when it’s avaîlable Red Dave - incidentally, I see you’ve changed your forum name from Red Dave to ‘And Its Smith’ - you may wish to make a further change, it should be...”It’s” - just to make it correct ...cheers

    Can only change it once a year apparently. Do you actually think the season will be cancelled rather than postponed? Honestly?  What would happen with all the results so far, just ignore them ?

  7. 6 minutes ago, Chairman Mao said:

    You have 3 factors at play

    1. Coronavirius impacting global demand, irrespective of whether the outbreak leads to mass fatalities.

    2. Global financial markets have had a unprecedented 11 year bull run and were over valued, they were due a correction.

    3. Saudi Arabia and Russia entering into a oil price war which could help bring about a deflationary shock.

    Will 1, 2 and 3 combine to cause global recession? Probably. How deep will that recession be? Thats the 100 trillion dollar question. At the end of the day a couple of sport events being cancelled will be the least of our worries.

    Seems like a perfect time to Brexit....

  8. 2 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Yep, I've read that too but the bottom line is it's here and spreading pretty quickly. The only way to contain it will therefore be by self-isolation, quarantine and cancellation of large gatherings. 

    I can't believe the government haven't insisted upon screening people returning from infected areas. That may be looked back on as a big mistake. 

     I do thanks, and they don't all agree. However, employing common sense leads me to the above conclusion. 

    If some sort of lockdown commences in a couple of weeks over the Easter football schedule you could see seems having 3 or more games cancelled. If that happens it's difficult to see how the season could be completed without extending it.

    There are four spaces midweek between now and the end of the season I believe so surely we could fill them in if a few games get cancelled?  Sure if it comes to it a one week extension is very achievable.

    Still don’t think the season will be cancelled 

  9. 1 hour ago, ChippenhamRed said:

    I’ve read some expert comments on twitter saying that the escalation in Italy isn’t directly comparable to the UK because they have a different population demographic (very broadly, older), a different healthcare setup (I don’t understand what difference that makes to spread), and most pertinently there was a hot spot of spread in one particular area that went undetected by the authorities until it was too late.

    I personally find the economic impact almost as concerning as the health risks (with due respect to those most at risk). I can’t begin to imagine what a shutdown might do to some businesses.

    Exactly. Read experts opinions. That’s the best thing to do instead of guessing like so many are doing. Guessing with no knowledge 

  10. 14 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    Coming from someone who rarely goes to games , posts dribble about a whole host of subjects ,   as a second occupation ( and someone who thought Corbyn could win a General Election ? )




    Did you go to Huddersfield .......it’s just that you havnt mentioned whether you were


    Thought I’d click on one post to see what nonsense you have posted again. Blocking you is better than interacting. More lies. Never said Corbyn would win. Before this season I went to 25 games a season. 10 this season for reasons explained. Careful you don’t get another ban for sending threats on a forum.  Big strong Bob.  

    Back to being blocked. 

    • Haha 1
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