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And Its Smith

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Posts posted by And Its Smith

  1. 3 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

    As a percentage of total fatalities, that is quite a jump.

    Would imagine it'll be at least 3 weeks before we see any trends forming following the closure of restaurants and pubs.

    I hope it does inspire a trend, as this is likely to give people some confidence that the measures are working.

    We are exactly the same as Italy in stats and also in the public’s relaxed attitude to isolation and social distancing. Italian people now talk of regret in their early actions. The UK People are copying those early actions 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

    Stop talking political bollocks. It’s so tiresome. They’re doing all they can and no different to what any other party could do in their position.

    Can we leave out the politics? Had ******* 3 years of it...

    If they were doing all they can then I wouldn’t mention it would i.  More testing please Boris and gang. Unless they want people to get it I guess 

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  3. 1 hour ago, mozo said:

    But the dilemna is that if a relative of yours passed away as a result of these workers spreading the virus you might have a different  view. Tricky innit.

    I don’t think it’s that tricky. If you had no money you couldn’t stay at home as would be unable to feed yourself or your children.  I wouldn’t blame someone for passing on the virus in these circumstances. Employers and/or government would be to blame 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Olé said:

    We have all heard lots of hypothetical moral dilemmas in our lives, but London at the moment is an extraordinary real life moral dilemma. You are 100% correct about low skilled low wage workers, though many people don't seem to think they exist, they are the invisible workforce, and shutting London down would be devastating for them. 

    Until the government combines formal shutdown with some underwriting of these wages (not the inprecise, passive instructions) people will keep going about their business even if it's wrong. It's easy for people who can work from home, or go without wages, to sneer, but there are a lot of people who desperately need to keep their work.

    Our office cleaner last night was in tears, we're her last office open, most of our lot have gone home and she says if we also close today she's got no work and no pay (zero hours cleaning contractor) and two young kids to support. There are people like this all over the city, unless the employer is underwriting wages and shutting down.

    And yet all across social and even from our PM last night I hear we should all be in this together and people still going about their business are selfish, we must pull together and follow instructions. It's amazing double standards, we don't pull together to help them afford to be out of work. Their survival instinct goes beyond just COVID-19.

    It's a moral dilemma I'm struggling with. I wish the government would remove the uncertainty.

    If I was struggling to make ends meet and in that cleaners position then I would be going out and working wherever I could. If you can’t afford to stay at home then you can’t afford to stay at home. it’s as simple as that. 

    I think most people would be on the side of the worker here.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    Estimation based on knowledge rather than a guess I would say - a guesstimate maybe.

    As soon as they can roll out the testing to find out who has had the virus we'll have a better grip on it.



    Seems a naively low figure to me.  To say 0.08% of the population has had it when I personally know 4 people that have had it and a fair few celebs have had it doesn’t seem right. 

  6. 17 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    I'm no expert either but I think the government has it spot on.

    Current estimates of those with/had the virus is 35,000 (we don't know the exact numbers, same for most countries) with 103 deaths. Currently way under 1% mortality rate. 

    Government expectation is 20k - 50k with possibly closer to/under 20k if everyone follows the advice given (which they won't). 

    Literally nobody is estimating that 35,000 have had the virus as far as I can see. Where you getting that from?  Seems like an incredibly low number 

  7. 19 minutes ago, wood_red said:

    So it is obvious now what they should have done 2 weeks ago (unless I am reading that wrong)? Surely that is massively in hindsight isn't it?

    Sums it up nicely - you despise the Government/PM because of Brexit therefore can't trust them, that is your prerogative so in turn everything they do now is wrong in your eyes, as you cannot look at it objectively.

    So your original question wasn’t really genuine at all.  The government has made mistakes.  That’s quite hard to deny.  Up to each individual how forgiving they are for those mistakes.  WHO said that our approach was wrong for a few days and we then changed our approach.  The WHO were not talking in hindsight.  

    • Like 4
  8. 1 hour ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I think the real game changer, as the CSO said yesterday, is the test for whether someone has had COVID 19. Although not 100% confirmed, the working medical assumption is that if you’ve had it you develop at least some immunity, and assumedly you can get a test out quicker than you can a vaccine as there’s less likelihood of complications arising?

    Vaccine will be over a year away.  Humans have already been given a vaccine, animal testing skipped. Need to then monitor those people for 14 months to see vaccine side affects 

  9. 12 minutes ago, Vincent Vega said:

    The proof most definitely is in the pudding m8. SARS,Avian bird flu and now this all originated in China. You obviously have had good experience with them ,that's fine and I get it. Me personally, I'm probably going to lose my business so forgive me if I seem a little pissed of with China as a whole. You crack on m8.

    Sorry to hear you might lose your business.  

    7 minutes ago, Super said:

    Great stuff. Well done China....

    Reasons to be hopeful.  No need to be flippant 

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