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Posts posted by 2015

  1. Our record at The Hawthorns is pretty poor, but I watched them against Birmingham and they didn't look anywhere near as good as Fulham or Bournemouth. We'll lose 2-1, still think they'll have too much for us.

  2. 1 minute ago, RedReynard said:

    Unfortunately have one adult, one under 18 for sale due to Son waiting Covid result. Will need to be picked up in West Wiltshire or could drop off locally. £25 for the pair. 

    One gutted child at home ☹

    PM me, I live in West Wiltshire, might be tempted to take one of the adult tickets


  3. Lee Johnson like his Father left Dean Holden and Nigel Pearson a rather bloated squad full of pretty average players at best at this level. Again, it's going to take a few years for it to be turned around, but I'd much rather a Nigel Pearson in charge doing it than some yes man to SL or an inexperienced manager.

    The Home form is terrible no one is disputing that, but it has been for a rather long time. We play very vertically, no one willing to break the lines, no one comfortable enough to keep possession for spells in the game - Which has also been the case for the last 2/3 years. This is why we are so bad at home, we can get away with it away as we can play on the break and teams give us more time on the ball.

    We need pace in the side and we need a few clever heads who know how to use the ball well and kill games off without having to sit back for 30+ minutes

  4. I didn't think he was the worst we had out there in the first half yesterday but I do think he is a poor player

    What will annoy me is he is the sort of player who will go to another Championship club and do well for them, when he has been pretty poor for City.

  5. 13 minutes ago, TwoSheds said:

    Very poor last night, should have taken Stirling of after an hour, bring  on Tammy he would feed of Grealish. Gareth wrong subs and far too late to win the game. Playing like this against decent opposition will end in tears again. 

    His subs have always baffled me. I am also unsure why he loves Mason Mount so much as whenever I see him play for England he is totally anonymous

  6. 1 hour ago, Ska Junkie said:

    Believe as you wish Marcus. I know many that were down there and the story they tell is a very different one to that portrayed, even to the extent of media asking people to do certain things for the sake of a 'good' picture.

    I know who I believe out of mates of 35 years and the press.

    This guy will believe any nonsense that suits his own misguided narrative

    • Hmmm 1
  7. 8 hours ago, bris red said:

    Its laughable mate. The bottom line is rightly or wrongly firms, violence and the casual culture are a part and parcel of football in this country and across Europe.

    Am I condoning innocent fans being caught up in incidents of violence?  of course not but lets be brutally honest the match day experience for familys has become absolutely excellent in modern day football in the UK. The days of mass disorder at grounds in this country are done. When was the last time anyone can remember disorder at Ashton Gate that involved familys or innocent fans being involved and or hurt? Swansea at home for me was the last time i can remember disorder (if you can even call it that) on a largeish scale.. a few scuffles between like minded fans at the bottom of the Dolman all over within minutes and  some of perpetrators got handed custodial sentences.. people need to take into context how few and far between these incidents are now especially inside grounds, it’s almost unheard of. Disorder happens away from the ground so it baffles me as to why people even think the CSF has any effect on their life or match day experience, it’s odd that people on here are so passionate about a sub - culture that doesn’t effect them.

    Firms and the casual culture will continue to exist in this country and across Europe as ultimately whether the left want to accept it or not football will always continue to be a working class tribal sport and will continue to attract that element of individual to follow it. People need to accept that fact IMO.

    Exactly - been to well over 300/400 games following City and probably can count on 1 hand times when I've seen serious mass disorder. It's blown way out of proportion, typical of the woke lot of this forum though

    • Haha 1
  8. There's no doubt a lot of the Geordie's have complained about Man City's money that are now lapping up the fact they are absolutely minted. Laughable.

    Their fans have always come across as entitled. Admittedly, Mike Ashley was a right ar$ehole at times, but maybe Newcastle needed him to tighten the purse strings to enable them to be sold to extremely wealthy businessmen? 

    They are also a Premier League club, which I think their fans also take for granted. Any side who isn't Man Utd, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs are all at threat of being relegated imo

  9. Just now, MarcusX said:

    Why else would you sing Engerland in that situation?

    Hilarious, you might care to remember this didn’t happen at a football match…

    What is wrong with being patriotic and proud of your Country? Just because you big up your own doesn't mean you hate every other country.. 

    Just because patriotism is linked with far right and racism doesn't mean that everyone who chants England is a racist. 

    English Patriotism isn't allowed we get that

    • Haha 2
  10. Just now, MarcusX said:

    Yes, why wouldn’t I? What purpose is there to chant “England” ? To me it comes across as antagonistic towards people who “don’t belong here” (and several people in the area at the time said they felt intimidated by it). City fans don’t sing “England” at football matches unless it’s against the Welsh. Or used to be heard often after a “small town in Asia” chant at places like Leicester and Bradford.

    You'd be incredibly naive or deliberately ignorant to argue against the purpose of that chant when sang by football fans in particular, IMO.

    I think all of that is in your own paranoid overly sensitive mind if you genuinely believe people chanting England are deliberately trying to intimidate those that are not from England.

    Maybe going to a Football game isn't for you and try Badminton as a Sport to attend?

  11. 3 minutes ago, MarcusX said:

     that plus getting pissed up and singing Eng ger land chants is antagonistic at best.

    Would you say the same if Scottish, Irish or Welsh were doing the same? 

  12. Well I thought it was a good read.

    It is disgusting how our mainstream media deliberately put out certain narratives to portray groups of individuals just to silence them 'Far right, right-wing, Fascist'. Just because they're a big group of working class blokes

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