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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. Knowing our luck it’ll be Premier League Fleetwood!
  2. The dislike that many show is because of his misplaced very abrasive and unwarranted arrogance. There are some similarities between LJ and Joey Barton in what comes across as faux intellectual- it’s almost as if LJ reads a quote and then memorises it ready to roll it out in the post match interview (see Sharks) Joey does that too, but his tend to be on social media because he’s probably a couple of steps down on the real intelligence ladder from LJ and daren’t risk it. This rubs people up the wrong way - people who try to be clever often do. The suggestion that it’s in any way because he’s short is complete nonsense.
  3. Hilarity tinged with some sadness today. Yes it’s hilarious the plug has been pulled on the fruit market, but more than a serving of sadness that their banter has quite possibly reached its absolute pinnacle today. Surely this can never be topped?
  4. Genuinely they are the greatest club ever for laugh after laugh.
  5. That’s the second time I’ve seen him given as an example of a good signing. I wonder if it was the same poster.
  6. Hold on, there’s nothing hate filled about me commenting on whether he’s been dying his hair. Nothing at all, it’s nothing I wouldn’t say to my best mate if I thought they’d been at it. It was merely an observation. Now if I’d said “desperate ***** has been dying his hair” I’d understand your criticism, but I assure you it’s not warranted here.
  7. On the contrary, I think you can appreciate something when it no longer becomes your burden. His interviews are a thing for the ages and I think they probably always will be. They weren’t funny when we were on the receiving end. They are now. Plus, I suppose there’s a good degree of me being vindicated when I say I didn’t particularly rate him as a coach. Helps me to self heal from the LLLLLLLLL saga. Many people liken LJ to David Brent, but it’s similar to any awkward comedy I suppose, you could equally pick Mark Corrigan or Alan Partridge. He’s funny and blissfully unaware.
  8. I’ll watch with interest but I wish him no ill. Nearly choked when he talked about establishing pathways at all of his previous clubs though.
  9. Fordy62


    I had forgotten about Stones. No Rice for you?
  10. Fordy62


    Really? For me: Walker - albeit twilight years. Bellingham Saka Kane Rice Possibly Foden too.
  11. Fordy62


    Vyner before Maguire mate. That should give you some idea.
  12. Fordy62


    How many world class players do you think we have?
  13. Fordy62


    I feel we’re wasting a golden generation here with Southgate. We have some of the world’s best players and yet he’s picking old favourites. He may have got us to a final, but I genuinely feel like a better manager lifts the trophy.
  14. I’ll definitely go to an away game with you… are Walsall in their league? Edit: Shrewsbury or Cheltenham?
  15. Contrary to popular belief I don’t hate Lee Johnson. I don’t rate him particularly as a coach, but I’ve nothing against him personally. What genuinely angers me is Lansdown’s nepotism. He had proven managers who deserved, and currently deserve the financial backing that LJ had, much more so than LJ did. Lansdown deserves every single pound of the losses that MA and LJ caused us. He thought he could allow LJ to buy success. He backed the wrong horse.
  16. Sorry Dave. It must be hard. But he’ll have loved watching your lad take his mantle. My dad is in his twilight so for my lad to take a wicket maiden (in a game where every other ball was a wide) was a particularly proud moment for us all. Sending Massive love your way.
  17. Agreed. Hence why I went with “allowed to” - my point was that he’s been looked upon far more favourably than any manager ever - almost like a teacher’s pet. You either hold the opinion that this was due to nepotism, or you’re wrong. ?
  18. One was allowed to get us into the financial mess the other is having to sort out. As with every Bristol City manager when compared with Lee Johnson, it isn’t really a level playing field on which to compare.
  19. I liked Gregor, can still hear his voice now. Glad he’s enjoying fatherhood. I thought he always sounded like a massive nerd, thoroughly likeable chap though.
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