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Everything posted by Fordy62

  1. I don’t think the half has been quite as bad as some have made out. Final ball lacking but hardly a one sided half. This isn’t the Birmingham of old. This is a decent team with very good players. They’ll be there or there about come April.
  2. A minute to sum up Max O’Leary. Excellent save followed by needless flap.
  3. Don’t suppose anyone has a link for a bloke trapped in a hotel room on a rainy day in Barbados? ?
  4. I love it when people say things like this, because you know exactly what’ll happen now…
  5. Saw someone on Tesla forum whose quote had gone from £500 to £4,000. Ours doubled to £700. Stupid Teslas.
  6. Remember when you used to go away on holiday and you’d have to wait to the day after the results to buy the paper to see the scores? They were the days.
  7. At the time of his purchase, a Tilson would have bought you 6.8 averagely priced UK homes. It now buys you 1.3 averagely priced UK homes.
  8. Mate. You think the definition of gas is hot air, so I’d pipe down if I were you. ?
  9. They’re about to announce a new signing… Sags seem convinced it’s the returning Jonson Clarke Harris - with him being contracted and at Peterborough - surely the Tilson would be under threat?!
  10. I’m most anxious when we’re doing well, because I know what’s just round the corner. I’m much calmer during a mid table nothing or even a relegation battle.
  11. He put no effort in week in week out. And that one time he put a big effort in to try to do a goal line clearance, he got sent off for it hitting the cross bar.
  12. They’ve announced him. They’re spending a lot of money on ageing players.
  13. For confirmation I’ve just had a look through the thread and I don’t appear on it. Goodness knows what I’d have been up to, but I missed it. The photos in my photo real suggests I was between choosing towel colours for our new en-suite/on a lads cycling trip to the Wirral or watching my then 4 year old play cricket! Big up to @WolfOfWestStreet @petehinton @CodeRed @And Its Smith and @Super for adequately representing the views I would have had if I’d seen the thread at the time. Nice work chaps (?) A special shout out too to @alexukhc who stated, in relation to Simpson’s signing “I’d rather have Joey Barton, at least he’s never beaten up a woman” - didn’t age ideally to be fair mate! ?
  14. Ahhhh. Google search. Good call.
  15. Just goes to show how bad at managing money footballers must be to need a career after football. I bet Lansbury averaged 25k/week over the course of his career. That’s £15.6m for a 12 year career. (This is semi tongue in cheek based upon a Simpson’s episode where it’s suggested Principal Skinner is a millionaire based upon his 25 year career at 40k)
  16. I suppose also have to ask ourselves, how many times do you have to be raped to have the presence of mind to record it. It’s not one I assure you.
  17. I read about the women’s charity thing this morning actually for the first time and I wasn’t even aware of the circs of his arrest/conviction until I read them this morning about an hour ago. I’ve just spent the last 20 minutes searching for this thread, but I can’t find it. I can’t even find one on Simpson signing let alone the host of other search terms I’ve tried. If you can find it then I’ll gladly go through it. But I’m pretty sure I don’t recall it. I’ve commented on the DA (it’s not called DV any longer) a few posts ago. Because sexual assaults are so much around consent, victimless is nigh on impossible without a complainant - assault is less about consent because it’s almost a given that no one consents to assault. Sex is all about consent.
  18. To quote arguably OTIB’s most infamous post: I’d boo.
  19. I’m in the Arteta camp here. But interesting that you compare to our keeping situation because I don’t think our only number one is a strong as it could be, so I’m not so sure sure our number one needs competition so much as he needs improvement. For the record I’m well aware some will disagree.
  20. I think there’s enough out there already to prove gross misconduct.
  21. You’re very accurate here. It’s a given that generally no one gives consent in a domestic setting to be assaulted and that’s why victimless prosecutions Can and do go ahead. Sexual assaults are wholly based around consent. So you’d very rarely, if at all, see a rape (or attempted rape) case go ahead without a willing victim because consent is so central to the case.
  22. I don’t recall being aware of Simpson’s crimes at the time he signed. But, yeh, I’d rather we hadn’t signed him yes. Same as I’d rather we didn’t sign any woman beater. Aren’t many things that put you lower in society in my book. Hope that helps.
  23. They could legitimately just sack him. It’d cost nothing.
  24. Club statement from United. Sounds like decision imminent. I can only say that if Greenwood were offered to Bristol City tomorrow, on a free transfer, I’d tell them to get ******.
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