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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. But there is also the very important factor of qualifying first in order to ensure they have the hammer in the last end; in both the semifinal and, should they win that, in the final.
  2. WBA are certainly slipping of late, and I am not convinced Steve Bruce is going to get them to/through the playoffs, let alone automatic promotion, so you may be lucky. Best get there (The Vine) early, though, as it gets packed.
  3. Sorry about the source, but perhaps this answers your query. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-10514539/Wordle-glitch-TWO-different-solutions-depending-site-used.html
  4. Of course, but I was thinking specifically of The Vine, within walking distance of The Hawthorns.
  5. But can you have a BBQ or nice Indian meal on the way to St. Andrews or Molineux?
  6. It will certainly be interesting to compare him to his opposite number, Maguire.
  7. Perhaps. I sometimes reminisce about matches I attended and incidents, some violent, I experienced, although I wouldn’t say I look back upon them (the violent incidents) fondly. They are but memories. I can laugh about them now because, for the most part, I escaped them without injury, but I can say quite clearly that any nostalgia is not rose tinted.
  8. I think you are correct about throw ins, but I seem to recall reading some time ago that this is what they are instructed to do in order to avoid controversy. Perhaps somebody acquainted with professional refereeing might be able to advise.
  9. And, unless prices have increased dramatically since I was there a few years ago, less than €10 for the fare. Bratislava is a very small town, but worth going to for a brief look around the buildings and general architecture in the town centre and a nice, but relatively cheap, lunch. Vienna is beautiful, though, and three days (only two, if one is spent in Bratislava) is hardly enough to do it justice - whilst it is a little bit touristy, Grinzing is worth a trip in the evening to visit the bars and reasonably priced restaurants.
  10. But would we have conceded the third, had we scored from the penalty we should have been awarded when the score was 2-1?
  11. Interesting stats, but why doesn’t Herr Weimann appear in them?
  12. Currently showing at The Old Vic. Has anyone been to see it? I see it stars a certain David Lloyd, one of our own, and Joe Sims - a supporter, who may or not be on here.
  13. So is @BTRFTG, in the third row, although he had a lot more hair back then.
  14. Still on the subject of Evening Post journalists, how could I have forgotten Richard Latham!
  15. You must be a lot younger than I thought you were. James Piercy is very good, as you say quite rightly, but so were Peter Godsiff and Robin Perry back in the day. He wrote more for the Western Daily Press (and The Guardian) but David Foot was excellent as well.
  16. Oh Yes, I remember now. It wasn’t meant to be a dig at you - as I said I couldn’t remember who posted it - but I saw Nige looking quite fit and well in the Press Conference, recalled the photo from his hospital bed and then remembered the posts from a few days ago mentioning that he had been in a skirmish with NW. As ever, there was also a post with beer/wine glasses etc., and I was just laughing to myself about the nonsense some people (not you) post.
  17. I'm pleased to see that Nige's nose appears to have recovered after the beating he received from Nahki. Or was that just yet another scurrilous rumour ?? I can't recall who posted that ridiculous story, but why do they do it?
  18. I was thinking along the same lines. There has been a lot of concern that tomorrow's match might turn violent, and it is extremely convenient for all involved that a last minute 'solution' has been found. It remains only for Quantuma to draw up the necessary agreement, and then all is Hunky Dory: in the meantime, the fans, both Home and Away, can attend in good spirits. Problem solved. It is now Friday evening, however, and, to my knowledge, no formal announcement has yet been made. The cynic in me wonders whether an unforeseen 'problem' with the proposed agreement might be discovered on Monday morning.
  19. I don't know what it is like now, but following the floodlights is not necessarily the best option when driving to Wigan Football Club - the rugby stadium is bigger and easier to find....
  20. Most likely, in my opinion, is that MM, who whilst no longer having any formal 'legal' authority to handle Derby's affairs, is in regular contact with both Derby and Quantuma and, most likely, has/had the means to make informal, direct contact with SG. and simply suggested, 'Look, Steve, How much do you (Middlesbrough) want to drop your claim?'. Steve and MM have agreed on X, and Middlesbrough have/will withdraw their claim. It just remains for Quantuma to draw up the appropriate legally binding agreement between Middlesbrough and Quantuma, MM being a simple intermediary and, of course, not party to said agreement.
  21. My reading of it is that MM has reached an agreement with SG, or rather, in reality, with Middlesbrough, who will receive payment of X and simply withdraw their claim. It remains to be seen whether a similar agreement will be agreed with Wycombe, whose claim, to my mind, has more merit.
  22. I bet they are mortified, as this will undoubtedly increase their fee.
  23. Of Course, and hence the reason I added a ? to my comment 'it would seem such actions are not possible (MM has, of course, never been advised that this might be the case ?)' It would be like Company A threatening to sue Company B and Mr X stepping in asking to be sued instead, only for it to be discovered that Mr X is, in fact, insolvent/bankrupt. It is and always was a complete non-starter.
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