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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. Oh Well. Fingers crossed you're wrong.
  2. Because Somerset will now fail to qualify or empty words from both parties? Your opinion or 'in the know'?
  3. But he will be back for the knock-out games and finals day!
  4. How awful. In an interview, he seems to state that his retirement is as much due to mental reasons as the physical injury itself. One can only begin to imagine how difficult it must be to face a cricket ball coming at you at 100mph when, in the back of your mind, you remember what happened last time. I hope he finds something worthwhile in his new career.
  5. Just who do you think YOU are to be telling TMOR what he should do and think? You are the freak and, as ever you just exaggerate, or even lie. Next thing, you'll be telling us how to catch a taxi to the bahnhof! Eagles!!!!
  6. And 'two double-dics souvenir DVDs'!
  7. Genuine question. Many years ago (I played at a reasonable {County League} level) it would be nothing when, following a 'hard' tackle, a player would say something akin to 'Get up you big girl's blouse' or 'Get up you f...ing poof'. I repeat, genuine question, but would such language be allowed today?
  8. If results stay the same, then we are guaranteed a play-off place! Boring, I know, but.... Sorry, I have just seen that Cornish Branch has said the same thing. And, if results stay the same, 'only' 4 more wins guarantees promotion. Still boring, but....
  9. Of Course. An obvious and well-deserved 'Well Done' to all those who have started and, of course, have scored. I just feel sorry for Karleigh, however, who, I believe, would have started in this team had he not suffered his awful injury and deserves some praise (recognition) for his attitude throughout the season.
  10. Unfortunately,the unfortunate Karleigh has not scored this season. Unfortunate, because he was wonderful last season, apparently was wonderful on tour (Botswana) but suffered a horrendous injury and has not (hardly) been heard of since. I understand that SC is not sentimental (witness MS's last game), but is there any chance of KO getting a game once we have been confirmed as Champions - home against Swindon?
  11. Why not, if your name was Morgan? If your name was Taylor or Hales, however....
  12. How far back do you want to go? Gibson, Ford, Briggs, Parr....? Cashley....?
  13. Ha! I have just seen your response, and my post was extremely clumsy! What I meant, and I am conscious of digging an ever increasing hole, is that when there are few distractions, e.g. in KSA, one can find time to spend on trivia. Is that better? Seriously, I shall really miss your column if you do decide to quit. Anyway, all the best and many thanks for the years of humorous pleasure.
  14. Which is what you have done recently! Seriously, I have spent time where you are now, and there comes a time when you just collapse. Well done for keeping it up for so long - easy in the ME when there are no girls!
  15. Hey Samo. You are correct that it was an excellent move, although, as BRJ says, preceded by a Freeman foul (undetected by the referee). And, so what. Numerous fouls are committed every game; some by us, some against us; some deliberate, some accidental; we win some, we lose some. It is football. It is the nature of the game. No need to get angry about it!
  16. I have been away for a long time and, apart from the Sandringham (nice fish and chips on a Friday lunchtime) and the Lamb (quiet pint with my father), I have not been back to any of those pubs for several years; and certainly not to the Beaufort - awful pub! Whatever. Shame about your wasted ticket, although obviously tragic about the poor motorcyclist.
  17. OK. I just had visions of you in the Beaufort (Downend) or the Lamb (Mangotsfield) - or even the Sandringham!
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