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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Babestation Stale crisps & fake fanta
  2. That would be Bob Warnock who runs the fruit and vegetable stall down the market or Trevor Pulis the retired school caretaker who's favourite players growing up were Alfie Biggs and Harry Bamford. That's about all they could afford. In reality Tony Pulis has successfully managed big clubs in the Premier League on big contracts. To get his type of results many "Tilsons" needs to be spent to get the required results. Neil Warnock has had more promotions (I believe) than any other manager. To get an inpact, he also looks to spend wherever possible and get in tried and trusted players that fit his football philosophy. Why on earth would either of these highly experienced managers want to manage the sags? I'm surprised this sag didn't suggest Chris Hughton, he's out of a job. Typical sags, delusional.
  3. Yes; the Fruit Market will still be full of fruit and the memorial ground will still be full of vegetables, that is until it's turned into a town village green with a protection order on the ground and gates preventing any further development, and we'll all live happily ever after.
  4. I liked the non scoring striker. I thought he was doing a really good job (for everyone else). Very clever of the sags to have one. A sort of fake striker to go with the fake fanta and fake fekir.
  5. Well if you didn't know any sag players before (& why should you) then you certainly don't know any now with all of these nobodies. At least with the tramp you could easily identify that he was a sag.
  6. What? As in go in officially? As in paying face value for a ticket? Or does slipping someone with a high vis on the disabled gate a fiver to be let in count as well.
  7. It just goes to show with the right facilities and infrastructure what the Bears have achieved and will continue to achieve. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to work that out but certainly more than a few tents, fake Fanta and a job lot of plastic garden chairs will ever achieve. Mind the gap
  8. Wait until the Flyers get there spanking brand new home next to Ashton Gate. The sags will be the fourth most supported team in Bristol and not a tent in sight. That's of course if they are still in Bristol by then as there's a very good stadium in Nailsworth that might need pitching up to overnight.
  9. Blimey, THAT bad. You know things are bad when even swindle outnumber you. As for changing their name I would suggest Berwick Rovers as they have a lot in common, same sort of attendances, similar successful football history, similar facilities (minus tents of course) experience of going non league and really local.
  10. Even "hot shot" Nicholls has a better record than him [just]
  11. Turnip up! I take exception to the association but if I was in charge of that particular vegetable emporium I would dangle this particular carrot and leak out that I would change their colours to red and change Irene into Granny Smith's.
  12. After a long day of reading how some of our fans want boil LJ in vinegar it's rather heartwarming and a welcome interlude to catch up on the goings on at delusion central. Only they can say they're building a stadium on land they don't own. Or have a fan base moaning about being 4th in the league. Or employ a manager who's never actually won a game.
  13. No I don't. You are correct. They don't give a jot about the historic significance or heritage meaning of the site. I am extremely surprised that there isn't some sort of protection order on the land and gates to keep it as a permanent memorial. The current owners should not be able to profit on the fallen by turning their memorial into a housing estate. Now that would be ironic following our much publicised town village green problems.
  14. But what about the Memorial Ground and gates? It was meant to be a permanent reminder for all of the brave service men and women of Bristol who gave their lives for their country in the Great War.
  15. Hey sags, we've all seen the various "artist's impressions" of the new avonmouth uwe fruit bowl and we have all heard that apparently it takes time to build a stadium even at one stand at a time. Why I here even the new training facility is taking a little longer than expected, I expect its all those hush hush confidential agreements. Here's what our owners have come with. It's amazing what can be done if you have owners who truly believe in your club and put their money where their mouth is.
  16. "He's an Arab, he must be rolling in it!" Sadly, for the sags, he is; but it's sand and hot air and he's got plenty of that.
  17. "Everything good" this is the same tarmacker who the blue few were moaning bitterly about how terrible the football was. The trouble is Alf Garnet seems to want to play football but that's like getting the herd of donkeys at his disposal to run the Grand National and the few Neanderthal lemmings that are watching can't understand that the ball actually doesn't have wings or ice on it.
  18. I thought (hoped) Blythe Spartans or Berwick Rangers would be a better economic and demographic fit.
  19. . . . but be careful, the colours run, just like the fans.
  20. Notice how they're both loathed to hold that cheap tat. You'd expect to see that worn by a pub team. Careful with that lads, we have to put it back the bag in the club portakabin shop.
  21. New Year's day, large ground, easy to get to and plenty of tickets available. What's stopping you having a large away following? The Morecambe & Wise Christmas special is being repeated again on TV. No contest.
  22. All I can say on this is; COLE NOT GAS!
  23. Looks a bit sinister to me. What parent in their right mind would take their child in there?!?
  24. This time it will be a player manager like Chris Lines or anyone else who has a spare jumper for a goalpost and who doesn't mind clearing up the dog 5hit from the training park. The main credentials will be how cheap they are, oh and somebody who won't ask difficult questions like; "You've sold my star striker for how much?!?" Or "What's my transfer budget" Or "I've got to drive the transit and pay for 16 lots of fish and chips as well?" Or "When is the new stadium/training ground/New tent being pitched?"
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