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Everything posted by Swede

  1. It looks like he's come across some dog 5hit in the park and is using this rag to pick it up with.
  2. It would be kind of ironic if someone registered the colony field as a town village green, now THAT would be karma!
  3. Asset strip? I thought the definition of an asset is something worth having so let me see; 1) Santa's grotto. Only if Freddie Krueger was making another horror movie. 2) Colony Field. That's so overgrown. That could be registered as a town and village green. 3) Chernobyl. They have more use for the tents so the half a stand and cricket pavilion could be flattened and turned into a permanent circus.
  4. I find that quite sad. Not the yet another example of gaslogic, as long as we lose, that hides their own abject failings, but the fact he lied about using a phone. We all know the cretinous moron would need his carer to peel him off the window and make the call for him/her/it.
  5. Yep; for once in my life I have to agree with a sag. Suck it up tent boy.
  6. Wally has a matching jester jersey with "CAN'T" Most think its because he hasn't got any money but it's actually a cockney term of endearment according to his Chelsea supporting mates.
  7. What's the point in having goalkeepers? You need nets and training facilities and they haven't got that either. Watch out when walking your dog in a local park if you here someone behind you say "ah, da foinal turd" he could be clearing the space to train on.
  8. Is their accounts published yet? I could do with a laugh.
  9. Frankie Fielding's in the "Big Top" would be factually correct judging by the 1025 pages of sheer merriment!
  10. Billy Smart's is run better than these bunch of clowns
  11. The new Colony Training facility must be ready to open by now as I believe their agreement, where they currently train, finishes on the conclusion of the season. They are also rebuilding one stand at a time, how's that going? Gosh, they must be really busy over there, but of course everything is hush hush. These statements (confidentiality agreement aside) take time.
  12. The gift! They just can't help themselves can they. Perhaps this moron was either the author of "prowed" or the simpleton who headbutts buses. And they wonder why we have this thread for them.
  13. Getting a bit "grainy" and shabby at the edges now isn't it, much like that dump you call home. While you're at it why don't you post your old 8mm reel to reel cine tape of the Watney Cup Final success!
  14. On slag chat tonight Derby just need to win one of Swansea tomorrow or West Brom on Sunday. Or Boro to beat Rotherham who are already down. And of course City have to go to Hull and win. Looks unlikely. I find it quite strange that these morons talk about Boro, West Brom & Swansea as if they know anything about these teams & waiting for us to fail. Our failure is their success, how moronic is that, typical sags
  15. I see from the evil post that Kyle Bennett a winger the sags have loaned out to swindle actually wants to stay at swindle! Now we all know that swindle's a 5hit hole so it doesn't paint the horfield casbah in too good a light, does it. More khaazi than casbah.
  16. I read with interest the comment made by the then chief executive about opposition managers being too lazy to walk around the pitch. I see they were very much the family club back then as well. Obviously it hadn't occurred to him that not all visiting managers remember to include wellies when visiting the Wembley that was Eastvile
  17. Yes, yes their accounts are overdue. That won't go well with anybody they owe money to as their credit score will go down.
  18. Talking of club badges I would have thought that a pantomime pirate with his weapon in one hand and other hand on hip was very 1970's carry on typecast and as out of touch with today's up to date looks. A bit like the rest of their club, stuck in the 70's
  19. Looks like they got torn a new one tonight by some 38 year old, and them with their Welsh "international" defender back as well. With a few more results like this and cockman will be back tarmacking droives ??
  20. It will be interesting to see how the fake sheikh can actually sell something that is worthless. He would have to find some mug who's prepared to pay double its worth and that will never happen so administration must soon be looming whilst they fade away and recoupe their expenditure and make a substantial profit by building houses on that land earmarked for a training facility. And where did that original expenditure come from? By borrowing money against the only asset which is the swamp. Paddle and creek springs to mind
  21. They're just speculators taking advantage and your lot lapped it up. They thought they could finance the stadum using UWE's money. They had no intention of spending any of their own money and now even the "asset" that is the swamp has so much debt attached to it. You are now in a worse position than ever before. You weren't even their first choice FFS!
  22. Looks like no new ground soon then. So much for the sixth richest club blah blah The gift that keeps on giving.
  23. you're right; a football free Saturday, I'm looking forward to visiting a 1970's style Chernobyl tented refugee camp. It'll only cost a fiver as I know Bert who's on the disabled gate entrance.
  24. The sags are a laughing stock. There, I've got us all back on track so let's carry on as before . . . .
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