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Everything posted by Swede

  1. ??? oh no, I've run out of "ha ha" reactions. I always seem to run out when viewing the dustbin thread, there's so much to like. Damn sags, why can't they be one of those well run lower league clubs that's well supported, with a good manager and supportive owner & a tidy ground & facilities to match. Oh but these things take time I suppose.
  2. Oops, this sag dustbin thread changes by the minute, like rate=s leaving a sinking ship. Charlie Caroli might be a better option, he wears a jester's kit and likes working in tents
  3. The muppets in charge are looking to make further savings and as a cost cutting exercise its an easy choice to bin him and put agent Stewart in charge. Always assuming they have enough to pay up his contract of course!
  4. A derogatory nickname we gave them, an old argyle dirge about some prostitute and an outfit jesters & clowns wear at a circus. Some great selling points there.
  5. Actually after reading Raj Gas' last paragraph I have to disagree, they are ALL delusional morons
  6. Dopey's had enough so it looks like he's trying to get himself sacked which isn't going to happen as they haven't a pot to pi55 in let alone pay him off.
  7. Looks like Dopey's tupping the window licker bottom right
  8. yes but who's wearing the fishnet tights, Wally or Hammy?
  9. That bloke must have no scruples at all or he's being handsomely rewarded. I know the majority of the fewers are half wits but it would take even the thickest of witless irene tupping half breed to believe he's talking anything but a load of henbury.
  10. Once again I find myself concurring with you POHH, "the voice of reason" I couldn't care less if we never played them again such is the gulf between the teams both on and off the pitch. I don't buy this "if we do well, you do well" at all. The gulf is so wide; an example of that is last season's League Cup Semi Final, did that spur them on, I don't think so, all you had was some small minded sag bleating on national radio about the other team in Bristol, which made him and his club look very stupid indeed. Similarly, if they do well in the Checkatrade Cup will that have any bearing on our season? I doubt very much.
  11. I love reading this thread, every day it brightens up my day. I can't wait for the next guffaw, its hilarious. On a side note; I watched the F A Cup highlights and I thought how gloomy the picture was, that can't have been the T.V. link surely. It must have been their dismal lighting casting shadows everywhere. It looked like every light bulb was only 40watts! What a dump.
  12. Na, he's got ointment for that now.
  13. Isn't it about time they announced the plans for redeveloping the scrap yard. I can't wait to see the next "artist's impression" in the evil post
  14. I'm surprised they're not accusing him of being a Ted by now, after all it is all our fault. It's all a misunderstanding anyway, it was a circus he wanted not a sporting venture. I've heard that his favourite club could be up for sale in West London. I'd expect he'll want to get in there quick.
  15. Blimey, is there someone else worse than him?
  16. Hounded out? There's the reason dopey plays him every week, he runs around a lot wagging his tail, he must be salivating at the thought
  17. A timely reminder to the few City fans who have a small misguided admiration for skeletor. Like most sags he's green with envy with the great strides we're making on and off the pitch showcasing Bristol and Bristol Sport and every positive thing we do just highlights even further all of the negativity surrounding his poxy old club. He is an odious small minded individual.
  18. Hahaha what do we expect. He must be using gaslogic. They are an insignificant laughing stock. If he's so proud (sorry, prowed) of Bristol (& I don't think he is for one minute) then he should be equally ashamed to have any association with that shower of 5hit with their fake fekir, tents, chasers 1980's canopy & riddle me chairman who could give you a straight answer even if you asked him for a ruler. If he was that proud of his Bristolian routes he should be extolling the virtues of Bristol Sport and what its done to put Bristol on the sporting map across many sports. That's who he should be publicly backing. But I suspect once a bitter sag always a bitter sag. Did anyone notice that someone must have pulled his sleeves off his jacket on Quest the other night. What a weirdo.
  19. . . . As in special needs. Yes, seeing half a dozen unwashed with seventies hairdo's and a combined IQ and teeth of 40 in that quirky jester's outfit looking like they're going to a clowns convention, singing that old zombie like Argyle dirge about a prostitute. Yes, it truly is special.
  20. Let's look at detail what this methane snorter is actually saying; 1] "more like a professional club" By his own admission its an amateur club. Well we can see that on a daily basis. 2] "Mind the gap" Well its coming up to 18 years since they were last above us and looking at the proposed plans for the training facility and the arena at Ashton Gate against two tents without planning permission I would estimate the gap is widening rapidly. 3] "The blue few" The actual home fans attending the last match was more like half the capacity so he's right about not being able to do anything about the size or capacity of their ground. I would suggest running back and forth several times to fill up those empty spaces. 4] They can't afford to get rid of dopey. 5] "Building a house with foundations" You don't need foundations to pitch a tent, only a few tent pegs. 6] "Surroundings that their support deserves" I think they already have that, in a word, pathetic. Deluded muppet
  21. He's probably the one with "Windyass" on the back of his rag
  22. Oh yes, I can see the similarity. Real Madrid & the sags. ??? Dear oh dear
  23. Does it say patch rather than pitch? As in "Please keep off (the) patch (turnip patch)
  24. I thought it was Wally with his new manager
  25. The stereotypical sag. Dim witted, intellectually challenged.I can't quite make out whether his strong point is Maths or English. The trouble is that its not just the few moronic fans that are deluded, its the whole club, referring to Burton as a small club as a prime example. Without knowing all of the facts I would venture that Burton has had considerable success in recent years. They have a modern stadium, they have a bright manager and overall are a well run football club on and off the pitch which is completely the opposite of the tented scrap yard in North Bristol. Burton, a small club? I would say they could learn a lot from them and should afford them a lot more respect.
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