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Betty Swallocks

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Posts posted by Betty Swallocks

  1. 17 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    Well, it was definitely used in our game at Bramall Lane as their penalty/Mawson red card was given using it. Obviously it wouldn`t have been able to be used if we`d drawn as we don`t have it.

    The game up at Bramall Lane was a one off tie, the game would have gone to extra time and penalty’s had we drawn.

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  2. 10 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    IIRC Leroy Lita got a hat trick

    So the record books say ?

    Weird thing was we got back down by the harbour after the game and it was like being in another world, bright sunshine and decent spring warmth. 

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    Interesting hearing Ryan Lowe, PNE manager, saying last night that pretty strong rumours doing the rounds in footballing circles that a lot of teams are postponing games not just due to covid, but because they have wider injury problems in their squads.

    Effectively using covid as an excuse to buy themselves time to get players back from injury. 

    It wouldn’t be surprising if that was true. The same managers will be moaning about fixture congestion at the end of the season as well. 

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  4. 9 hours ago, MrBibs said:

    I reckon that was 1-1 and both goals were at the Oxford end so didn’t see either

    Reminds me of that game down at Torquay back around 2005. Think we won something like 4-0 but all the goals were down the other end before half time, no one had a clue we had scored until a group of red shirted players come back to the half way line still celebrating each time. 

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  5. 13 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

    It would have been much better if the EFL had got a grip and decided to implement a winter break over Christmas and New Year. 

    We now have supporters not attending and clubs being directed to play if they have 14 fit players including a keeper - that ensures a level playing field doesn't it. Not.

    I understand that it would produce a fixture pile up (postponing games has the same effect), but extending the season by a month is a small price to pay.

    Its not too late to implement.

    How would you extend the season by a month though? 
    There’s an international window in June, you’d potentially have the most important games of the season being played without key players. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    Even if it means spreading the virus? , surely it should be about the greater good?   I am all for personal choice and freedom....but not when the actions of an individual jeopardise's'   the well being and health of the general population.  I personally find that selfish and irresponsible.

    You can have all 3 jabs and still spread the virus. 
    I’m sure I have people who sit in my office who have decided not to get the jab, would I want them banished from the office? No of course not.

    I’m not sure how you can do that from a legal point of view either. 

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  7. Just now, maxjak said:

    You are seriously missing my Point......with your glib comment, that does not address the issue of responsibility and selfishness?  If they are not vaccinated, IMHO they should not be allowed to play.

    Is the same to be said for doctors and nurses? 
    I’m pro vaccine, I’ve had all mine but I feel there shouldn’t be mandatory vaccinations and no one should be barred, especially when fit and able to, from working. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, maxjak said:

    I really DO NOT get this?   Spectators will have to show a Vaccination passport to attend an EFL game..........however a player who is one of the 25 % un -vaccinated is allowed into the stadium and dressing rooms?  Endangering his team mates and potentially spreading the virus.?   Am i missing something?

    For a footballer, it’s their place of work. They can’t work from home. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

    Just read a report that 25% of EFL players are not jabbed.

    Why the hell does a footballer thinks he knows better than the scientists

    Hope our lot, given the torrid time NP had had with the virus, are all jabbed

    Anyway we shall know soon enough if we call off matches.

    If anyone from club management reads this, and we do have no jabbed players, perhaps they could arrange for medical experts to talk to players.

    NP spoke about this just yesterday, we have a very high percentage of players who are jabbed.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Furlough isnt off the table https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/furlough-business-covid-omicron-lockdown-22452617

    As for the rest, don't honestly know what to suggest, this would be the equivalent of a potential great football reset. 

    Clubs have been fiscally irresponsible for years, it wasn't sustainable and the likes of the On Digital stuff proved that nigh on twenty years ago, despite FFP and SCMP clubs have still traded in losses since in the main. 

    Something has to give and if things did go again, which I suspect they will, post pandemic I can possibly see a massive change to the league structure back to regional leagues below the Champs, with those sustainable promoted to cover the one's folded or had to phoenix etc. 

    Sadly football isnt the same as it was pre pandemic and if the game is to survive there needs to be big changes. 

    There will be no great reset. This season may be played in front of empty stands for the next couple of months but the season will be completed.

    Clubs will be training much like they were when numbers went mad last January. The protocols they put in place last season worked well. There won’t be much indoor training being allowed to take place though I can’t imagine. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    Mail and Express have gone with suspension worries. The 42 cases is much higher than March 2020 suspension by all accounts. 

    I can't see what else they can do, the Rotherham situation was ridiculous and unfair, sadly. 

    I've no idea tbh with you. 

    I can’t see how they can suspend the league. There will be no furlough this time so players will still be expect to turn up for training etc. Paying lower league players just to train will cripple clubs.

    For the top divisions, when would they play the rearranged games, there’s an international round of fixtures at the start of June. Next season starts at the end of July so there’s no scope play through to August as they had done for the 19/20 season. The Champions League starts at the start of July as well.

  12. 1 hour ago, GrahamC said:


    Odd that in 10 away games we haven’t drawn any of them, that’s one of the reasons we are down the table, as a point away every now & then keeps your tally ticking over.

    Expect James to start in place of Bakinson or HNM, no other changes though.


    Now we’ve found a way to win at home, picking a point on the road looks more valuable than it did when we pretty much had to win away just to make up for the lack of home wins. 

  13. 15 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Churchman is the guy who called me / us window lickers….he has me on ignore.

    Im surprised that with his tongue so far up Ashton’s arse that he doesn’t know the plan for the next manager or why one hasn’t been appointed yet.  A few of their posters think I’m trolling.  A few have realised I’m answering questions, providing facts.

    I wonder who “mylittletown” is because he has sussed out Churchman!

    Going by their comments in that thread, I could take a good guess as to who mylittletown is.

    If my hunch is correct, they have a City supporting gf. 

    • Flames 1
  14. 10 minutes ago, RedM said:

    Well that's alright then isn't it! What about trying to protect those who cannot protect themselves, don't we all have a duty of care to eachother

    We can’t keep imposing restrictions every time a new variant pops up, if we do that we’ll be going back and forth for god knows how many years. 

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