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Betty Swallocks

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Posts posted by Betty Swallocks

  1. 8 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    See my post above....it’s paid up front....plus Sky have advanced some of next year’s money too ???

    I worked out a few weeks ago that City might have to refund about £700k in season ticket revenue for the remaining 5 home games, about £50 per season ticket holder on average.

    I’m hoping they’ll give supporters the option of a refund or not. 

    Or if they feel it must be refunded, an option to divert it to the City Foundation. 

    • Like 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, phantom said:

    The only thing I would mention about this recording is funny how Gary Neville is the name referenced - like we don't hear enough of his "personal" opinions on Sky enough thinking his word is gospel

    Gary Neville is working as a mediator between club owners and the EFL.

    I’d guess he is privy to a lot more information than most at the moment. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    I think there will be various options personally;

    Get your money back

    Accept a subscription to Robins TV in lieu (assuming 3pm Saturday games could be shown) - if they include home and away it looks a pretty good deal. For my SS ST it would work out at just under £8 a game. Even if it was just home I`d probably still go for it - once I`ve factored in not having to travel 120 miles each way it`s not bad at all.

    Transfer your 20/21 ST to 21/22 and buy games from 20/21 as you want via Robins TV at the normal rate. 


    This is all assuming, however,  there will be no football with crowds until the 21/22 season. If say, crowds are allowed for the second half of 20/21 it needs rethinking.

    I hope they do something like this.

    I’ve already paid for my season ticket so that money has been forgotten, therefore, for me, I’m happy for them to keep it and offer me something in lieu of admittance. 

    The above is my situation, there will though be people who will be struggling for money. I hope the club recognises this.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

    The more I think about this, the more it makes sense not at AG though but at the Millennium. That would cover `home` games for Swansea, Cardiff, Us, the s*gs, Newport, Cheltenham, FGR, Swindon - even Plymouth and Exeter at a push. The stadium would only need one lot of staffing - security, medical, catering and the like and , unlike AG, the Millennium (I think) has a hotel on site. Sky would only need to set up once as well and could cover something like fifty games. Also, from what I remember about the layout, keeping fans away from the stadium would be a lot easier - certainly more so than AG.

    The Millennium Stadium is being used as a field hospital currently. I don’t think it will be used for anything else any time soon.!

  5. 1 hour ago, BS3City said:

    In addition to all of this can you honestly imagine a new Sag stadium slap bang in the middle of the south Bristol heartland of City support? How long would it have taken until some of our "less reputable" "followers" felt the irresistible temptation to "tamper" with the new home of the Blue Few?

    Another absolutely ridiculous Blue Few "pie in the sky" notion that fell flat on its ass...

    The same would happen if they moved down to the Fruit Market. 


  6. 3 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

    Roma to Sevilla off makes sense. 

    However, last night Atalanta from Bergamo- which I'm quite sure is North of Rome- went to Valencia. 

    Seems to be no real uniform UEFA policy here. That one last night was behind closed doors of course, but Leipzig v Tottenham of course wasn't.

    Granted it's less acute here and in Germany than in Italy but I'd have though it's quite a bit worse in Bergamo than Rome. :dunno:

    Sevilla/Roma is off as Roma’s flight into Spain is unable to get permission to land.

    Presumably Atlanta would have flown into Spain on Sunday/Monday when official guidance was different. 

  7. 1 minute ago, weepywall said:

    Well well, I think they can't get any more embarrassing and then they do, he is being serious I presume, comparing their new tent being delayed to Tottenhams ground delay, I don't know where the club find them from, they all talk s--t from top to bottom and the fewers lap.it up ????

    He convinently forgets to mention Exeter who seem to be having no issues at all building permanent stands.  

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  8. 2 minutes ago, st andrews gas said:

    The fact anyone in our 'metropolis' would want to support anyone other than Rovers...

    To save you a great amount of time, you’re better off checking other websites and other social media to find out why anyone in our ‘metropolis’ would want to support Rovers. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

    It is isn`t it? It`s like when you go into a shop and the shelves are half empty and two weeks later it`s boarded up.

    I honestly believe things are far, far worse over there than even we can begin to imagine.

    Here’s to a fantastic 2018........

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    • Haha 3
  10. 4 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    Most likely they do, but I see no reason to expose further on this forum the Tammy comment, nor the EH comment.

    Hearing it is not the point, nor is denying that some people actually say and believe these things: I just feel there is no need to give them extra exposure.

    I see no issues with exposing racists. 

    • Like 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, PHILINFRANCE said:

    And that would make the statement OK?

    What about 'you black ****'? Is that better?

    I think we have all grasped the point now, and perhaps the entire post itself could now be deleted or prehaps replaced with a paraphrased description.

    Seriously, I believe the Christmas school holidays have now started, and I would hate to think of some younger forum members reading this particular post.


    They probably hear worse in school 

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