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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Watching the news this morning you could be forgiven for thinking that Wales had thrashed USA and that England never played at all.
  2. Wow! They have a section in Private Eye called OBN Award (Order of the Brown Nose) for people who suck up to others in print. I should submit this whole thread and win myself £20. https://gaschat.co.uk/thread/20414/wael-appreciation
  3. Tom Lockyer was sat next Morrel on the Wales bench, are they claiming him?
  4. I like the look of Tyler Adams, looks like a young Korey Smith to me.
  5. Seriously, these commentators.... it's like listening to Radio Bristol talk about "those Gasheads", are Wales fans really any more special than the barmy army or some of the ultra groups across the world?
  6. It's been the same in every game so far, they must be stopping the clock every time the ball is out of play.
  7. In the first half I said to my missus, I doubt we will see a fitter team in the tournament than the USA. But they have run out of steam in the second half. But of course their home season has only just finished, are we seeing one of the advantages of a mid season WC for the European teams?
  8. Last thing to add, Marley Rose came on in the 2nd half and it's the first time I have seen him since his injury. He has really filled out but he is so silky smooth, I really hope he gets a chance to get around the first team.
  9. Have they been more favourable than the ones that previous England Managers have had though?
  10. We were excellent, progressive, front foot football from the off. There was a scrappy period after the 10 minutes it took to deal with Iran's concussed goalkeeper, but other than that we did a great job. Bellingham could be the rising star of the tournament.
  11. Proper football fans have some idea what they are talking about as well.
  12. Thank you. I was about to post something similar, as a 60 year old England fan, I can remember tournaments where we were expected to progress and failed. We have had the odd group of death, and occasional bright moments, but generally we have underperformed until recent big tournaments.
  13. Where are all the Jordanian players they were supposed to be bringing through under his stewardship?
  14. Just read some stuff on the Local League thread, sounds much better than before.
  15. Who has gone in there now Dave? Someone they trust more?
  16. Dutch showing the usual tendency of arguing amongst themselves at tournaments.
  17. That's odd, I thought we were steering clear of Yate at the moment?
  18. ITV commentator and Ally McCoist trying to pretend that this bore fest is a good game is quite funny. Also, anyone else think that McCoist sounds more like Billy Connolly as he gets older?
  19. I think it's great that Sheffield Utd show these games. It's even more important to see the performance rather just reading the final scoreline at this level. I thought we had the better of the game and some of the lads look really good. With some better finishing and maybe a more precise final ball we would have got a result.
  20. The stream has stopped for me on 89.21, so not sure how it's finished.
  21. Being the younger side means they are losing out in some of physical battles, but still playing some good stuff. Things haven't quite gone right for Sam Bell today, should have scored a couple really.
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