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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. This is something that always strikes me, the way they must prepare for the extremes. Miami Dolphins for example could be at home one week in 80/90° heat and away to Buffalo or Green Bay in ice and snow, the following week. It must be a very scientific approach to getting the players right for that.
  2. I watched Alex Scott playing knowing that I wouldn't see a penny of the £25m that he was likely to be sold for, I am just a fan after all. Is there some sort of share scheme I have been missing out on all these years?
  3. What about the joy in seeing him play? That's like saying you couldn't enjoy Alex Scott playing knowing he was likely to be gone in the summer. If (and I am not giving it up personally) we are not going to make the play offs, then some exciting football will be a way of keeping bums on seats.
  4. Yeah, I never did feel the cold in those days, a bit different now....
  5. Ian Gay discovering that Brad Greene of the Flyers is 6ft 11in and 18st 10lb.
  6. Weimann's loan move to Baggies now on the main site, I think we will here something on this soon.
  7. https://www.bcfc.co.uk/city-men-news/weimann-heads-to-hawthorns-on-loan/
  8. The thing you have to remember is that players like Zak who show some loyalty miss out on the big lump sum paydays that the player that move get, especially when they run their contract down. Take s figure like £250/300k possibly more and spread that across his contract and it look less out of kilter with the others we have signed.
  9. I thought the concourse etc knocked spots off the London Stadium, presumably they are not really that interested in competing with the other options available over in the Westfield etc. It might be different in the home end of course, I am guessing that the area under the Atyeo isn't much better than it was when we're in it back in the day, so maybe they give the worst bit to the away fans too?
  10. My feeling is (no inside information here anymore ) that they would have been making inquiries for both and possibly one other (Lewis Bates?). I think Azaz may have been preferable if they were under the impression that Twine was going to be a lot more expensive or that Hull might want to keep him, but they have had to put more effort in to the Twine deal once it became clear that Azaz wasn't coming.
  11. It's his go to status as soon as someone posts something that contradicts his clearly deeply held beliefs. "Look, look, they're picking on me"
  12. Is he reasonably two footed @Harry? To me that always makes a big difference to how easily opposition players can close you down.
  13. Hopefully with McCrorie getting minutes, Roberts returning to fitness and hopefully Rob A not too far away, it will feel a bit more competitive. Twine would also allow us to blood Murphy at a less pressured rate. I know I am ever the optimist, but it's often the case that one player can lift the whole team, strikers make more runs if they think they are more likely to receive the ball, the other midfield players have more options and so on.
  14. I appreciate all the reasons that you say that Twine isn't worth £5m, we had these discussions earlier in the thread. I think that it's all relative though, I think we all agree we are lacking that something special in midfield, and if Manning has persuaded the club that he can make Twine that key player then he could be worth £5m to us come the end of the season. I think the most common criticism on here of the Lansdown's is their lack of ambition, I don't actually agree with it but, it seems a like a no win situation when this comes up and suddenly the cry seems to be "Not that much ambition".
  15. What about the previous 25 years of poor decisions by people who didn't even put their own money on the line to make them? Don't act like every decision they have made has been poor either, or how many of them only seem poor in hindsight.
  16. I would be amazed if any of the older posters voted yes, and if they do, then they are looking at the past with rose tinted glasses. We are in the best position we have been since the Harry Dolman era, and even Harry didn't get everything right. People pointing at Manchester City etc, but how many of those clubs are there across football as a whole? Even they took 8 years before they hit the right appointment in Pep, but I still don't think there is some tried and trusted method to getting everything right, sometimes it's luck of the draw. As for the poll itself, do it again after we have won a couple of games, we really are that fickle.
  17. One's a fresher version of himself would have done better with I think.
  18. The first tired performance I have seen from him, he might need protecting from himself.
  19. I always thought that was because LJ seemed to be obsessed with stopping his namesake DJ, to the detriment of the rest of the tactics.
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