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Posts posted by MichaelRobartes

  1. Good lord, they're going to take over america next  :facepalm:


    Say an American invester/consortium took us over, surely one other sport would be American Football, it's a growing sport over here, albeit very slow, but if we got some sort of partnership with an American team, we could do pre-season over there, rather than playing some of the dross here, getting our name about, especially the Pirate aspect, with Football (real football) taking over in the US, we could get quite a fan base with our unique kit etc

    Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/3537/hope-higgs-talks-american-investors#ixzz3eY5kowvD


    Ahh yes, the famous blue and white quarters. Why are they so obsessed with their jerseys? They're hardly unique anyway...

  2. I should probably point out that I made this up. I just didn't have anything cricket related to turn to. I've become a monster...


    Don't believe you, as soon as it is written on OTIB it is TRUE! !!


    I'm going to tell everyone in the pub at cricket on Sunday :blink:


    That's right. As soon as it's on the Internet it immediately becomes true.

  3. Stadium funding issue solved


    Jun 16, 2015 at 9:01am via mobile mehewmagic2nd May 1990 and 1 more like this.


    If you have any old foreign currency that are just collecting dust in a cupboard, why not put them in the coppers for the club collection tins at the stadium, at the matchday SC hut, or 199? On their own they will not be worth anything, but the SC can get large quantities converted into cash for the share scheme.


    This is a joke, right?


    Also, did he say coppers?

  4. Well technically he did retire from T20 but next game CK got injured. His average last few years is something like 8-9.

    Maybe he'd be better coming in at 3-4 when the spinners are on, he can destroy them at times.


    Did he? I missed that. I think that if we want him in the T20 team then we have to do something different because it's clearly not working at the moment.

  5. I guess we could theoretically drop Tres for the games now.. not sure if we will.


    It would be a radical move. I'm sure everyone loves Tres but he's been poor for a while now and having a rest in the silly stuff might help his CC form. He got runs the other day though, so hopefully that'll help.

  6. Another certain defeat for Somerset. Predicted relegation a while back and looks nailed on at the moment. Batting is woeful.

    Imagine if Somerset could bat or bowl...

    Depressing. Letting Dockrell out is crazy, especially since Rehman is bowling like someone who has never seen a cricket ball before.

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