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Posts posted by Fpcity

  1. 31 minutes ago, RoystonFoote'snephew said:

    Wasn't there a keeper in Italy some years back who was signed by nearly all their big clubs (Juve, Milan etc) but only played about 6 games in around 20 seasons? 

    I remember an article about him recently. Can't remember his name 

  2. 4 minutes ago, ralphindevon said:

    George Graham thought he had a bad attitude and was Lazy. 

    He said it was when he came to us his career finally took off, seemed to have good memories and had no intention of leaving when Newcastle came in for him, thought it was too far north and had to be persuaded into the move.

    Of course his time with Newcastle, Man Utd and England will always be talked about ahead of his brief spell with us.

    Yeah everything I've heard recently from him has been positive 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    It wasn't me who made that comment hence the immature bit in brackets. I said all along he was better "for us" than Bentley but got shouted down on numerous occasions.

    Wasn't aimed at you, I've seen your comments before. Just didn't word it right 🤣

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Numero Uno said:

    Not only that but the only Goalkeeper in the list. For someone who makes routine saves every week that are over egged by all and sundry on here (I'm being extremely immature I know........) that's some achievement.

    Maybe they look routine because his positioning is good in the first place and doesn't make camera saves like previous keepers 

  5. 8 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Luton took a punt on Ross Barkley and that’s worked out pretty well. Just hope Dele doesn’t price himself out of going to a team like that so that he can play. 

    I had a Luton in mind but I think he's going to set his sight higher. 

    Palace maybe or certainly when Roy was there. Leeds possibly if they come up could suit him. Abroad won't suit him unless it's Celtic or Rangers 

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

    Very good interview with Dele Alli on MNF. He seems in a much better place now, mentally. Talking about wanting it again and being hungry. Only 28.  Will be interesting to see where he goes next.  Wants to go to the World Cup in 2026.  His priority needs to be going to somewhere where he will play. 

    Was just about to say the same. 

    He seemed a bit quiet at first during the game but whist talking about his career he's got a smile on his face the whole time and very determined to get back to his high levels. Hopefully he can! 

    I wonder what team would take a gamble on him? 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Betty Swallocks said:

    Still annoyed we didn’t send Birmingham down in 2017. 

    Was going to say the same! 

    I think even a draw would've sent them down and Flint had a good chance to equalise but put it over the bar. 

  8. 3 minutes ago, One Team said:

    Ice cool that lad! What a game at Stamford Bridge! 

    Anyone else watch that tonight? Superb stuff! 

    Yeah I watched it. Just like an old premier league game from 10-15 years ago 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    A little taster from journalist Nick Harris. Man City have threatened him with injunctions and legal action for reporting their misdemeanours. 

    Nick Harris@sportingintel

    Lots of commentary in  past 36hrs about why PL charges under PSR rules against EFC and NFFC appear to be being expedited, while Man City's 115 charges (from an investigation dating back to 2018) linger, TBD on a now-agreed but not public timetable 1/n

    Everton (for a second time) and Forest have been charged for "simple" failures to balance their books around the "acceptable" losses of £105m over a 3-year ruling period. 2/n
    Whereas Man City's 115 charges effectively amount to accusations they were conducting financial fraud on a grand scale over a long period, and hoodwinking not just the PL but UEFA, and not co-operating. 3/n
    We know from Football Leaks and other sources that the City hierarchy's view has long been they'd “rather spend £30m on the 50 best lawyers” and sue Uefa “for the next ten years” than accept a punishment. THIS is plutocracy. 4/n
    They HAVE spent millions on lawyers. The've used every legal avenue possible to stall the process. When I was an MoS reporter in 2021 we used an external QC to gain access to "open justice" and attend court as City tried to stymie the PL's investigation. 5/n
    If Man City's supposed mountain of irrefutable evidence of their innocence is ready to go, then bring it on and get it sorted. For the benefit of everyone. 6/n
    They could have cooperated almost SIX years ago when the PL first started investigating them, and they didn't. That's their prerogative. It's not great on the optics but they don't care about optics. 7/n
    There is also a massive (MASSIVE) political element to this case. Sheikh Mansour is the deputy PM of a significant political ally of the United Kingdom. Imagine if he and his club were shamed by multiple guilty verdicts. Unprecedented and unpalatable. 8/n
    I'll be submitting further FOIs to try to establish the extent of British government involvement in the PL vs City case, but others so far have been fruitless. The stakes are SO much higher than whether a football club broke some football rules. 9/n
    Some (some) City fans go to extremes to convince themselves there's no case against City. Despite having been fined 90m euros (later reduced to "only" 30m) for major breaches of financial rules, and dishonesty, and non-cooperation. Before 115 PL charges. 10/n
    I've reported on City my whole working life. I knew, and know, people inside the club at all levels. I've been Khaldoon's guest in their directors' suite (albeit before I called them out). I have multiple sources who told me what really happened. 11/n
    Man City's hierarchy realised around 2010 that they needed "accelerated investment' before UEFA's FFP came into force. Their solution was cooking the books. That was evident from their 2014 punishment onwards. It's all been in plain sight. 12/12

    Goodnight. X

    Wow! Really hope they get thrown out of the league. I've heard about the lawyers thing before and with the political side of things as well this could drag on? 

    They seem very arrogant about it all. 

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