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Everything posted by CyderInACan

  1. CyderInACan


    Great work, I've clocked up 2x 200km months - 2000km for the year is a fantastic total!
  2. CyderInACan


    Fine with the cold too, I find it deters lots of people so there's less human traffic around the Docks etc etc On the hottest days back in the summer I was up & out around 5.30am some days to avoid the heat. Currently on 1447km for the year, hoping that I hit the 1500km mark before Christmas!
  3. What a weekend, City v. WRDC and Bris v. Wasps. So good to have the rugby back, takes away some of the depression of lockdown!
  4. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/how-brits-could-soon-attend-22996959
  5. One way to get the Underground project to totally succeed is to put Cheney in charge. Look at what he did with Bristol Energy!
  6. Pretty sure it has happened before.
  7. The redevelopment must be good news for the Flyers eh @Davefevs - hopefully they'll do a "bundled" season ticket (as they did with Bristol for a couple of years) and give City or Bris ST Holders a nice discount on a Flyers ST. Can imagine weekends where we have Bristol play on a Friday night, City 3pm ko on a Saturday followed by a Flyers tip-off (is that the right phrase?) later in the evening.
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bedminster-high-rise-housing-approved-4564979.amp
  9. High rise is no different to anything. It can go wrong. Some of the new “apartments” in the Bedminster Green plans are shockingly small. Like REALLY small.
  10. They’ve just approved a 16 storey tower block as part of the Bedminster Green project behind St. Katherine’s Precinct mind so I wouldn’t be so sure. Maybe going for 17 is a ploy. Ask for more than you need and negotiate down to what you wanted in the first place anyway!
  11. https://www.ashtongatestadium.co.uk/development-plans/ Had the leaflet pop thru the door earlier about the latest consultation over the AG Sporting Quarter development. Obviously they're planning to push ahead and the housing site seems to have been changed from Cumberland Village to Longmoor Village and (unsurprisingly) there is no longer any reference to the pie in the sky train stop opposite the site. Still looks good mind - and I'm sure developers who can manage such a big project protecting lots of local jobs would be keen to give competetive quotes in the current climate to keep the money coming in!
  12. Yeah I agree - BUT they won the league knowing they'd have to win 2 more games to be crowned as champions. So nothing has changed. AND this was in the rules when the league restarted. PLUS I have never forgiven them for that win down here 2 years ago. Maybe I don't agree after all . . .
  13. I don't really agree with it, but it would give us a shot at the double!
  14. Would be a great pub quiz question though: "In 2020, who won the Premiership playoffs after being knocked out in the semi-final?"
  15. No. That's it for the League. Now for Friday night!!!!! Bring it on!!!!
  16. Priority was always to finish high enough to guarantee champions cup rugby next season and do well in Europe. Expect to see our strongest possible XV on Friday excluding the injuries.
  17. It’s probably more Jon than Steve I’d imagine. It may not have worked on the other side of the Severn but it sure seems to be doing ok here.
  18. CyderInACan


    Showing as 1:39:09 on mine mate
  19. CyderInACan


    Saw that on Strava last night - fantastic effort
  20. Sale v. Wuss is OFF. Exe v. Barf. Wasps v. Bris
  21. I think we've learned enough about this current government to understand that lurching from one shambles to the next one is pretty much par for the course. Sadly.
  22. What an afternoon. The comeback from Sarries must’ve been channeled by Earl and Mallins
  23. Swa that - bit pricey TBF but should be a great atmosphere there
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