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Everything posted by CyderInACan

  1. CyderInACan


    More like “I’m glad I’ve actually GOT hair” ?
  2. CyderInACan


    I have no shame mate, you know that!
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/52875739 I wonder how strong these “sanctions” will be then! At least SL got his wish of the salary cap/marquee players remaining as is.
  4. CyderInACan


    Got up early for the last run of the month today. 11k to take me to 150k for the month. Had loads of rest days though. Bristol was looking beautiful in the early morning sunshine. Bad times mate, take it steady
  5. Welcome aboard @BCFC OF HUSKVARNA another of our Swedish contingent ??
  6. CyderInACan


    Sorry mate! If it helps I’m having a much quieter month and am only on 131k with 4 days left including today. Even the best athletes need a rest. I tend to suffer from what I call runner’s guilt* when I don’t go out though, but at the same time I know when I need a rest for a few days. Should still end up on 150k min though. Last month's 220k will probably very much be the high watermark though as I ran every day except Easter Sunday. *I'm feeling it now even as I type!
  7. It’s surely only a matter of time until some clubs cease to exist. I don’t think it’ll be confined to the lower leagues either.
  8. CyderInACan


    Working properly - albeit I turned the phone off and on again before going out. Man it's hot out there now, but just clocked a PB for 0-5km at 24:16, bit of breeze down on the docks but other than that pretty unrelenting heat
  9. CyderInACan


    It updated a few days ago funnily enough, still, I'll see how it goes & report back
  10. CyderInACan


    Strava has been shite the last few days for me, gonna go out in a minute & see what it's like today. Getting a bit naused off
  11. CyderInACan


    Ooooh you bugger, tonight’s 11k took me to 101k for the month! Strava was shite tonight, useless so had to check on mapometer the actual distance
  12. Bloody hell. We want to host the BCD games when/if it returns. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/rugby-union/52726934
  13. Another signing . . . https://www.bristolbearsrugby.com/news/siva-naulago-adds-firepower-to-bears-backline/
  14. CyderInACan


    More than 20 years for 11-a-side! Think my early retirement up the Downs was 1996. I still blame it on Smurf. Still kept playing 5aside though. And now playing for Sands Utd I’ve actually played my first international! The running has been a salvation though through our (watered down) lockdown. Outdoor time, headspace and exercise all rolled into one. I’m loving it.
  15. CyderInACan


    Welcome aboard mate! 200km for April (or was it 220, I forget) was needed as I’d been doing less than usual due to a rib injury picked up playing football. I used to use Endomondo but Strava is way better - and more popular. The OTIB club is great, some of the guys in there put me to shame!
  16. CyderInACan


    @SuperDziek good thread to keep an eye on ?
  17. Someone I know once told me they'd been to Wales for the weekend - when I asked her whereabouts she replied "Hereford".
  18. I remember a team, can't think of their name, in the basement of the entire football league, getting relegated to non-league on the last day of the season despite having not been in the relegation places all season.
  19. CyderInACan


    600 km per pair of shoes is about right I reckon, given some of the advice I’ve seen in running mags mind
  20. CyderInACan


    That’s a shame they were not interested, I tend to replace every 500km or so (or until my knee tells me to) so I think you probably had you wear out of them!?
  21. CyderInACan


    When you say 9 months though, how many miles have you covered?
  22. CyderInACan


    I’ve just bought a pair of these and they’re bloomin ace! My old New Balance ones really had bitten the dust after about 500km https://www.startfitness.co.uk/saucony-ride-iso-mens-running-shoes-grey-s20444-41.html?gshop=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwncT1BRDhARIsAOQF9LllmBwvTm4kwsGCdJv8ZIc1R2PqE79d70kUWJ0gKBw3cgASAQoLmBoaAtD5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  23. CyderInACan


    I have itchy feet already. Probs start a new month tmrw!
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