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Everything posted by BUTOR

  1. That’s because the younger generation, in my experience, know how to respect others and treat people with decency. Also in my experience it is these cretinous middle aged drunkards that cause most of the problems this country has. Our away end recently sums it up. After Swansea I actually reduced my intake massively out of fear of looking like or becoming one of these buffoons. I do feel sorry for the more mild mannered fans who travel 4 hours just to get these titcakes stood in front of them. We have an elderly travelling contingent and it baffles me that they keep coming after some of the things I’ve seen them put up with during games this season. I’m no snowflake but it really is quite bad at times. There’s a line.
  2. I have knocked away days on the head after seeing men in a similar ilk smash the roof of a bus on the way to Swansea. Don’t buy the lockdown excuse it’s just weird behaviour. If I ever became such a sorry excuse of a man I would take a long time to recover from the shame. And I’m not exactly tight. Some of our fans need to look at themselves.
  3. That’s how you see out a game. Take that into next season.
  4. BUTOR

    West Ham

    They’ve got the conference league to do that to now.
  5. BUTOR

    West Ham

    This is amazing to me
  6. I was thinking whilst watching the game on Saturday is there anywhere we can put flags now? Used to be at the front of section 82 but now prevented by sponsors. It was the dolman during the redevelopment and the east end/atyeo before that. Are we really so swallowed by commercialisation that there’s nowhere we can hang a couple of flags? Little improvements to aesthetic like that can make a big difference to a stadium.
  7. "The aim of the club are still very clear and that is that we want to be a Prem club. We’re a long way from it. We spoke about being a 3-year plan. Maybe I won’t see the realisation of that dream at the end of my tenure but that won't stop me working towards it." From today.
  8. Half a football club and half a rugby club?
  9. I agree that primarily it is mismanagement but I think Bristol is a significantly different place to the ones you listed. And that there are socio-economic/cultural factors here which are a little more difficult to navigate in terms of establishing a successful football team than many places.
  10. Not my point. Attitudes of fanbases reflect on their football clubs. Therefore attitudes of cities and towns. Historically, Bristol does not have the same reasons to hold football to the upmost importance as the northern teams do. Therefore the passive nature of the fan base reflects onto the club. It’s an “oh well” and an “onto the next one” for a lot of us. Let’s roll up North street for a posh beer. In the north Saturday 3PM can be all they have. Certainly historically this has been the case. And the north south divide increases by the second even today. My point about the stadium, new training ground etc is that such a comfortable environment has increased the passiveness for fans and players alike. Win or lose Bristol City is still a pleasant place to be. We do not demand accountability and success. Ultimately the investment could have been split between the playing side and the facilities a little better, but as it is it feels like the actual football has been neglected. Now we’re stuck in a difficult place.
  11. It’s related to poor football decisions but also economical, geographical and political in my opinion. The passiveness has only increased with the new stadium and the modernisation. Football in Bristol is a nice day out. In the north rarely do they care for award winning concourses and posh pasties but that their football team performs well. That attitude has just never been as prevalent in the affluent south and it reflects in its football teams. Bristol is the finest example.
  12. Don’t we just employ Bristol Sport apprentices to run the website now?
  13. The ‘passiveness of everybody’ I felt included supporters. The majority of the time we are exactly that.
  14. The break for the World Cup provides an excellent ‘stick or twist’ moment for struggling clubs. I expect Pearson to be given until then if he hasn’t bruised boardroom egos to the point of no repair. When he came in I saw it as a sign of a new strategy and approach and an acceptance that the old one had failed. Maybe that is what Pearson thought too, given his ‘surprise’ at being considered for the job. Now I’m not so sure. At first he talked of an ambition from top to bottom, now he talks of a passiveness. It’s all extremely odd, we are indeed a ‘strange club’ and the reason for that has been much debated over the years but never agreed upon. I get the feeling SL/JL are becoming increasingly detached from Bristol City mens FC and the passiveness is likely a result of that. Not enough people are considering that the club is on the market for a sale or an investment. Why would they go through the difficulty of planning for an ambitious long term overhaul when they have no plans to reap its potential rewards?
  15. Don’t think it’s uploaded mate, unless that’s just my phone
  16. The yanks, the yanks, we gotta get rid of the yanks!
  17. Playing Scotland or Wales with nothing to play for when they need the points most likely. Sounds fun.
  18. If these are advanced prices how much do they jump by on June 1st and how the **** are we going to encourage new supporters at even further increased prices?
  19. If there is an increase of any sort it will rule a huge number out, I hope the club aren’t so stupid. A freeze is surely most likely, and even then it’s an expensive luxury in this kind of climate. With the buzz gone of returning back to stadiums I think it could be a genuine struggle to shift ST’s this year, and any kind of piss taking would be suicide.
  20. BUTOR

    Andi Weimann

    Andi has had a bit of a shocker to be honest
  21. Yes great shot. As Costello said last night just like a Froch night in Nottingham! A classic
  22. I’m not sure anything of note actually landed there, weird
  23. My god DAZN shows are a painful watch. The constant montages between fights are so long and dull. Costello’s commentary the saving grace.
  24. No, they have been relegated twice. I’m not sure where that myth comes from. Maybe they have spent the longest time of all in the first division. They’ve certainly been relegated, not since the 50s however.
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