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Posts posted by BUTOR

  1. 7 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    I think what annoys me the most about these referee's is you get the sense they are fairly untouchable. Countless occasions we'll have the same poor ref and they barely ever lose their jobs, yet Managers lose their jobs and have to answer questions when they have not been performing. 

    They go home, take a good pay, never see or hear from them and are never seriously questioned. It's a hard job, I get it, but when you put yourself in that position surely there has to be some consequences to poor displays of refereeing, but there never feels like there actually is any.

    It’s the same in most sports. Refs, Umpires, 3rd men etc, they are protected beyond reason. 

    Non-League refs of a certain level have to write up full transcripts detailing their decisions. Does that actually stop the higher up the pyramid you go?


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  2. Individual choice is the way to go with this, I think. Those in attendance or at home have made an informed decision. We know omicron goes up and down quickly. Those vulnerable and nervous, if they wish to do so, can let the wave ride and return when they feel it’s safe to do so.

    Regular testing is the important thing here 

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  3. 29 minutes ago, Tafkarmlf said:

    With several games in doubt, i can see the league being suspended soon enough. 

    I'm guessing that shortages of LFTs and people reluctant to 'admit' they've got Covid will see reported and actual numbers flux and cause further issues, sadly. 

    Maybe teams will have to go through a postponement or two but beyond that there will be natural immunity for said teams no? A tricky month or two ahead but I highly doubt an entire league suspension. 

  4. I echo your comments and despite what I sometimes read on here I believe they are echoed in AG as well. There is a willingness for Pearson and his team  to succeed on match days and that is only going to grow as time goes on.

    He is a good fit for this football club - a straight shooter. 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, B-Rizzle said:

    You enjoy watching city at the moment then?

    I enjoy the wins and hate the losses as much as I always have. The second half today I really enjoyed. Have I enjoyed watching city more in the past? Yes, because we’ve had better players.

    I’m also happy to give this manager time to develop the team and not throw my toys out the pram because it’s currently not my preference in terms of playing style. 


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  6. I just don’t understand the obsession with playing styles. We aren’t at the top end of the premier league. The championship is not the type of league in which to play fluent passing ball if you haven’t got the players to do it. You’ll end up getting pulverised. 

    As long as we are playing to the individual strengths of the players we possess I couldn’t give a toss if we’re playing football in the sky or on the ground. As Nige says (nicked from Clough) ‘I like to focus on what players can do, rather than what they can’t do’. 

    Not every club has to have a passing philosophy with some ridiculous backstory. Not every successful club does either. Honestly it’s not that important. Just focus on winning football matches with the strengths of the players you’ve got and improve on those players if the opportunity arises. 

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  7. 23 minutes ago, Harry said:


    It really amazes me that most people are absolutely apoplectic at this governments actions in pretty much everything they do

    Mate. Is the penny just dropping? 

    You literally started the thread bemoaning protests at the far more intrusive and consequential policing bill. Where was the care for freedoms then? Did you not take that as a sign? 

    Covid was all big and scary then, wasn't it? 'Protests in a pandemic ?' et all. 

    You can't be a bootlicker one day and a braveheart the next. If you are willing to admit you were misplaced with the benefit of hindsight, fair enough.  Otherwise I do not understand how you can possibly not apply most of what you have said in this thread to that bill. 

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  8. Would be interested to see how many outraged at the government removing their freedoms were the same people dismissing kill the bill protestors in Bristol last summer as cry baby vandals. 

    Your freedoms are far more under threat with the passing of that permanent bill than they are with probable temporary measures. 

    For those talking about a protest, you can’t do that anymore. You’ll have to be very careful. Unless you fancy time.  

    Consistency is ? 


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  9. 21 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Probably didn’t make myself clear. 
    I don’t want to engage in the facilitation of this bollox in any way. 
    I’m amazed people think it’s ok. 

    I would rather none of this happened, and I don’t think it’s okay. The inclusion of lateral flows, well I think that’s quite an important distinction, personally. No one has been outcasted. If you are vehemently anti-vax, test, trace, mandate, whatever, you can fake a negative on an LF with ease. I don’t think presenting a faked negative lateral flow to get into a football match would be a facilitation of vaccine mandates. But I respect your choice. 



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  10. 3 hours ago, Harry said:

    I read it as being the numbers in attendance rather than the capacity. But if it’s capacity then I’ll watch some local non league instead. 

    Not punishing City at all. It’s not their fault. I’ve paid for my season ticket and won’t be asking for any refund. 
    But I always said from the very start of all this that I’m against this kind of thing and I won’t attend anywhere that requires people to show evidence of vaccine status. 
    Just to be absolutely clear - I would be able to gain access if I wanted to. But it’s against everything in my moral fibre and I will choose not to attend. I’m not taking part in this governments bullcrap dictats. 

    You wouldn’t be attending somewhere that requires you to gain entry with evidence of vaccine status. You can show a negative lateral flow. 

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