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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. The levels of fantasy there are astonishing. It's easy to talk big and hypothesise about how 'massive' they're about to become any second now, and how the huge crowds will start pouring in,despite all the evidence to the contrary. The reality is a shit tent and what we see today at UWE.
  2. Bloody hell @phantom, now you've given away my dog chicanery!
  3. "Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT eastongas likes this Quote Post by Weeezord on Sept 16, 2016 6:14:57 GMT For. F***. Sake. I actually cant even be bothered to write down my moan. The one chance we get to recruit new fans. And we colour in a whiteboard. I cant see one, but surely a huge eye-catching banner with BRISTOL ROVERS FC (and student offers you cant turn down) is pre-requisite for this kind of day? Also, surely the manager shouldn't do that to dogs?" (I may have added the last line)
  4. I see one of our resident knobends Weezord having a moan and a gripe on that thread too. Tick Tock eh @Weezord?! Tick *******Tock!
  5. Come on don't be mean, they've mustered 5 biros with only a couple of weeks notice as well as all the other stuff!
  6. Just don't look at the 2 balls, ffs! I did and the ever so slightly misaligned badges are grinding my gears so badly grrrr
  7. Brilliant, piss off your own support and ensure that none of the unwary students ever go near their desolate hovel again. Well played gas, well played.
  8. That is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I really like the way they've used sellotape rolls to balance the balls, great problem solving by the gas there. I wonder if that's the bestest picture Wael has ever painted. And to think some claim they are a disorganised, embarrassing rabble. I think this beacon of excellence puts that theory to bed once and for all.
  9. Definitely, an absolute slug fest! Cuadras was as game as they come but just couldn't cope with the quality of Chocolatito's work. That's the 4th weight Gonzalez has been world champion at, he is surely the best p4p boxer on the planet.
  10. Wow, what a fight that was. Chocolatito is flat out incredible.
  11. Fighting for the British title again next when that could have been him tonight earning £2/3 million quid, the plum. They even wanted to approve the security, hotels and undercard haha. Looking forward to Chocolatito later
  12. He should really, really stfu. And get a new manager.
  13. Del la Hoya, Golden Boy and Canelo want no part of GGG until they're ready to cash out. Come on Liam Smith!
  14. Fair play to Brook's corner. Great effort Ezekiel Broken orbital surely. Balls of steel.
  15. That's how he rolls isn't it, hence hardly anyone wants to watch him! He has the antithesis of a crowd pleasing style. But he wins, and is world champion!
  16. Haskins is going to Haskins! I thought that although Hall trundled in gamely enough Lee caught him virtually every time with a check hook as he came inside. Far higher quality shots and movement despite Hall's huufing and puffing. He didn't maximise his physical advantages.
  17. My friend is watching here... http://www.streamendous.com/channel23.php no responsibility accepted!
  18. Did you see GGG then? Nothing wrong with him, Kell is in serious shit unless he's seen something no-one else has before!
  19. Really? i really enjoy his analysis, think he's a breath of fresh air on sky
  20. Mundo is a monster at smw. Needs to learn some ring craft still though.
  21. Enjoy the card everyone. Best of luck Kell. Let's do this!
  22. There are lot of rumours that GGG is unwell with a stomach bug. He certainly looked a bit gaunt at the weigh in today, but it's probably just Matchroom trying to generate more PPVs!
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