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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. Madness from Quigg last night. He was made to look like an amateur for most of the evening and finally buzzes Valdez in the 11thand he looks like he may go so Scott promptly punches him in the nuts to give him a break! If Quigg had an IQ greater than 87 he could be so much better. There's no doubting his heart- shattered nose and he fought on- but he is seriously thick. Thought Valdez looked decent but I'm not buying into the hype about him just yet. He is very, very quick but sometimes the combinations are more flashy then hurtful. He showed incredible heart too, he broke his jaw and lost 2 teeth in the ring and gave not a bugger. Great fight though, entirely the war we were expecting. I thought Quigg and Roach may have had a better plan than 'walk at him in straight lines barely moving your head' tbh.
  2. He's still been a complete gym rat even since the Frampton loss. You literally couldn't find a more dedicated fighter, he leads the life to the nth degree. Something has obviously gone majorly wrong in camp but I cannot believe it was anything to do with Quigg's attitude. Freddie Roach rates him one as the most dedicated fighters he has ever seen!
  3. Unbelievable, he's normally such a model pro. I am seriously shocked. He can't win the title now whatever happens.
  4. He's certainly appeared more reckless, especially in the last fight- although he obviously had zero respect for Yefimovych's power. Valdez is a very dangerous opponent for him and Quigg needs to step on him from the first bell, he can't afford to give up the first 5/6 rounds like he did against Frampton. It could be an absolute war because Valdez won't take a backwards step. It's a similar situation to Brook/ Spence imo, Quigg is hoping he's got Valdez before he gets too good and Valdez's team see Quigg's scalp as underlining how good their boy is becoming. Really looking forward to this one, I wouldn't put any money on it but I've got a feeling Quigg may confound the bookies and pull it off.
  5. Canelo (semi) popped for roids! Blames cows, better than boars I suppose. Fantastic response from Beefy Smith edit, Dave Coldwell is bang on here
  6. I couldn't believe how shite Wilder was, he looked like a rank amatuer. He can't really box at all, he can just hit. On that showing Parker is more of a test for AJ, all Wilder has is the right hand but he telegraphs it so clearly it's ridiculous. I thought Ortiz was going to finish it in the 7th but then he was blowing out of his oap arse for the rest of the fight. Kell put in a decent enough performance. I wonder if there was something up with Rabchenko though, he was just charging in. Maybe he was carrying an injury and knew it wouldn't hold up for long. Kovalev made a right mess of Mikhalkin's face too
  7. Absolutely, and the diuretics are used to hide shit too. I don't understand why someone Ortiz's body shape would want to build mass then mask it though, and no out of competition steroids could boost someone his size's stamina come fight night. He must have been up to something, but what isn't clear. I reckon he's not for off 50.
  8. Apparently in respect of the last fight it was just a failure to register blood pressure pills he was taking (he is very old you know haha), hence the rapid rescheduling. I know he was also popped for a diuretic a few years before that too though- although how much aid that is to a hw is unclear. Wilder is one of the few boxers who actually went up in my estimation when he got popped for (non!) performance enhancing drugs haha. He comes across as an OK guy away from the 'bomb zquad' bollocks but I just dislike the vastly exaggerated opinion he evidently holds himself in given his resume. He can't even box properly, he is just crazily athletic. Ortiz is certainly the first live opponent he has ever fought, he even ducked Breazeale ffs.
  9. Yes, you have to beat the holder or be next in line when he permenantly retires. Ring stripped Fury for inactivity last month didn't they (I believe it's the first time the Ring and Lineal titles have diverged at HW) but Tyson is still 'the man who beat the man'. Speaking of the Heavyweights, Deontay Wilder in making a knob of himself sensation: Ortiz looks like he means BUSINESS. Wilder thinks he is so much better than he is it's unreal imo, I would bloody well love it if he got ktfo. If only Luis was 20 years younger haha.
  10. He doesn't have to wait that long, he could pick it up out of the bin where it belongs now! If they don't delay until July/ August then the whole thing is pointless tbh. I agree with @joe jordans teeth too, I reckon a fit Groves may beat Mundo after his recent performances.
  11. Evening all, just sat down in a bar in Amsterdam to watch the fight, can just about see the TV haha!
  12. It is a good interview. I can't help but think that it's a not so much a step down as a plummet from fighting Parker for a world title to fighting Sam Sexton in Bolton though. Shame about Braehmer, he is resillient if not a bit dull these days and would have given Mundo a good fight. I don't reckon many will be paying ITV a tenner for this one now tbh!
  13. And here for fellow non Facebook users:
  14. The Dark Destroyer coming with the real talk haha
  15. Anyone got any idea wtf Kevin Mitchell is on about here? 'From this vantage point at ringside, the first semi-final was closer than two of the three judges reckoned. Howard Foster scored it 117-112 and Steve Gray had 116-112, both for the winner, while Marcus McDonnell’s card of 115-113 for Groves was closer to many estimates. The Observer gave Eubank six rounds, Groves five, with one even, or 115-114 in favour of the Brighton fighter.' From here: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/feb/17/george-groves-chris-eubank-jr-fight-report Seriously, what sort of lunatic thinks Jnr won that fight ffs? This man gets paid to write this. Put the crack pipe down, Kevin.
  16. CEJ is a busted flush, there are levels and he is clearly not near the elite after the performance tonight, cross referenced with the BJS one. His career seems a triumph of style and hype over substance so far. Good luck getting any promoters to deal with them in the future too. I agree that Naz should have given Groves far more credit than he did, but Mundo will go straight through him imo.
  17. I'm sure they said it was Chris Sanigar?
  18. Good pro beats what turned out to be a rudderless hype job, happy days! Jnr could be naturally good, but he needs to get rid of his old man and get in some honest pros around him rather than yes men. Hope Groves' injury doesn't ruin the tournament.
  19. Big up Groves. Any other result than a clear win is a disgrace. 116-110.
  20. What a display from Groves so far.
  21. Massively disappointed in Jnr so far, wtf is he doing? It's like the BJS fight all over again.
  22. It'll go to the cards if stopped on that. Groves not phased by Jr's power so far.
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