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Out of his pie crust

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Posts posted by Out of his pie crust

  1. 10 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

    But she's never played men's professional football so she can't be any good at her job. It's impossible. 

    This is just the woke Marxist commie Trotsky Gary Lineker led anti-Brexit BBC infiltrating mid-table Championship football. 

    And I for one am FUMING. 

    Not a fan?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Wanderingred said:

    Realistically with Preston and Middlesbrough in good form and Hull and Coventry 4/5 points ahead with a game in hand, the top 10 is probably beyond us. If we can finish above Cardiff in 11th, with a positive goal difference and more wins than losses, that would be a very positive end to the season.

    Said earlier in the season, possibly under Pearson, that a season with more wins than losses would constitute progress. Close at the moment, without the cigar just yet 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Numero Uno said:

    They might just get the message if a few thousand or more wait until the end of renewals that any repeat of their shit show and the obvious piss taking of supporters for their own fun will have more serious repercussions next time round. If Jon Lansdown continues with his deliberately antagonistic attitude towards fans, backed up by the bloke lacking integrity and running the football alongside him, they could be in a very awkward position in 12 months time and the joke will end up on them.

    We will have less ST holders next season, that’s pretty much a guarantee, it’s just how bad it looks to them that matters.

    Yeah fair enough, I think they’ll measure it by the end result though (sales) and it’ll be a shame if fans lose out on seeing City because they’re making a statement by not renewing. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, 38MC said:

    I’d rather do both: I have nothing to gain by paying before the final day (if I even then chose to), I’ve got nothing to lose either. They might have some very sleepless nights and be forced to consider though. 

    Fair enough. I suspect they are well aware of the discontent….whether they can actually do anything to change it, out of choice or ability…well not sure about that

  5. 1 hour ago, BrizzleRed said:

    Yeah, I’m at least going to make them wait for their money, not throw it at them as soon as they snap their fingers!

    I’ll be doing nothing until the last minute for sure, but when deadline day comes, I might just say shove it and walk away.

    That’ll be largely down to how the club is being run, not what’s happening on the pitch.

    Completely your choice to do so, if that’s what you feel like doing 

  6. 1 hour ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I think what you’re not understanding (possibly willingly here) is what fans can do and are emotionally able to do.

    Yes, not renewing sends a message. And the biggest possible one. But for people City are a social lifeline, a sense of identity and the place where they belong. For people like me, and others, if we can renew financially, not doing so isn’t an option - it’s what I do with my kids and I’ll be ****ed if the Lansdowns, Tinnion and Manning will take that away from me.

    So, yeah, I’ll wait until the last minute to renew. Because it’s what I have without harming myself. 

    And from the looks of it, a lot of people are in that boat.

    Why do you think I renewed? Exactly the same reasons. Just because I renewed early doesn’t mean I’m in bed with them or think they can run a club well, they patently don’t. I go there to see friends and support the team. When people renew is up to them, and for what it’s worth in my opinion waiting to the end then renewing which some may choose to do and is fine won’t send much of a message. Protesting visibly in the ground at the clubs hierarchy might be better ?

    • Like 1
  7. On 25/03/2024 at 14:17, BrizzleRed said:

    It’s not really about the money though is it, it’s more to do with making a statement.  

    You and the other quick payers clearly aren’t bothered about how the club is being tun and keep sucking it up.

    Your choice of course, but I can’t see this club improving until fans start showing some backbone and stop rewarding mediocrity.

    Ok- so what are you planning to do to make a statement and show backbone? Wait till the last minute then renew?

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Sir Geoff said:

    Well done that's a few more quid interest for SL, that you could have had between now and the end of April.

    🤣Can’t get that cynical about what’s probably less than a pound tbh, lifes too short. 

    • Like 3
  9. 5 hours ago, Monkeh said:

    Alot of puff pieces coming out all of a sudden, its as if the club knows they f'd and are now running damage limitation

    You want to quell the unrest instead of running puff pieces in the media do better by the fans please


    you had me at Puffs

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