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Everything posted by BRISTOL86

  1. Sounds harsh I know but it really would be some achievement for your main playmaker to go a season without creating a goal (from open play), and that for me shows why he lost his place. Doubly disappointing as I think most had him down as the most likely to easily settle into life at this level.
  2. Hopefully having lost his place he's got it up him to prove that he deserves his place in the team. Maybe he can even manage an assist before the season is out!
  3. Don't let facts get in the way though when there's Johnson bashing to be done.
  4. I don't know what they're putting in them pies but they're doing the job. He's been magical. He's like Messi after about 5 years of sleeping on a park bench.
  5. Absolutely incredibly massive three points, more so with what went on in Rotherham! COYR, real belief now going into another big game on Saturday
  6. Agreed I'm just trying to set some perspective for the LJ haters should we not get anything....!
  7. At least other results are going our way for now. Let's face it if we were Fulham we'd be expecting a win too. We need to worry more about picking results up at home, especially Bolton/Rotherham
  8. To be fair if Smith's injured what choices do we have? We have no other defensive mids.
  9. I'm not sure we do. Had Cotterill stayed and continued the way we were going we could already be down. Our proximity to the drop right now is down to the improved form of Rotherham over a few games. They ain't going to win every game for the rest of the season. 1.6ppg - what we've averaged since Cotts left - is a huge improvement on what we took under Cotterill all season.
  10. That's actually complete twaddle. In the ten games since Cotterill left we've taken SIXTEEN points In the ten games prior to Cotts' departure we took SIX points. Im as gutted as the next man tonight but for the love of all that's holy let's have some perspective.
  11. Powderpuff is putting it mildly. Looks like a little boy playing against men.
  12. Desperately missing Smith here. Just not doing any of the basic things well enough
  13. How did it come to this bitter end?
  14. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't in any way justify what MM did, but surely there has been multiple failings of common sense for people to get suckered in like this. People losing in excess of a MILLION pounds to this?!
  15. As much as I'd love to have sympathy with people who gave large sums of untraceable cash to a football player who promised them a 20% p/m ROI...somehow I just can't find the required compassion. Anyone who's spent at least, oh, five minutes or so living in the real world would surely have smelled a scam from a mile away?!
  16. Indeed, but this guy is negativity personified... Scorline certainly doesn't match the performance for me, but at the end of the day they've been up at the right end of the table all season and you can see why.
  17. Strange game. Not a great deal wrong with our game but ruthlessly punished by a side that really haven't looked like creating an awful lot. Having said that, Brighton's fitness levels look ten times above ours. We've had the lions share of the ball but they've pressed us constantly into making silly errors.
  18. Not even 9:00 and I've had a gas colleague who never talks to me giving it the 'this time next year Rodders' bollocks...
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